Recommendation 94-1, Improved Schedule for Remediation
94-1 BY YEAR:
2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
This page last updated Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Key Documents & Information
- Board Recommendation: from Chairman Conway to Secretary O'Leary, dated May 26, 1994.
- Department Response: from Secretary O'Leary to Chairman Conway, dated August 31, 1994.
- Department Implementation Plan: dated February 28, 1995. Revision 1, dated December 28, 1998. Revision 2, dated February 1, 2000. Revision 3, dated June 8, 2000.
- Department Closure Proposal: dated June 8, 2000.
- Board Closure: dated April 29, 2008.
Chronicle of Related Correspondence
- No document links for 2007
- No document links for 2006
- No document links for 2005
- May 27, 2003, Department letter regarding transition of the 94-1 Research and Development Program.
- March 20, 2003, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding mission and funding level of the 94-1 Research and Development Program relative to the 94-1 and 2000-1 implementation plan.
- March 7, 2003, Board letter forwarding a staff report reviewing Operational Readiness Reviews for the startup of K-Basin Fuel Transfer System.
- February 6, 2003, Board letter establishing a 15-day reporting requirement regarding the proper sealing of the Multi-Canister Overpacks at the Hanford Site.
- July 22, 2002, Department letter enclosing Revision 2 of the 2000-1 implementation plan.
- May 22, 2002, Board letter commending the Department and the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site for completing stabilization and repackaging of more than 100 metric tons of plutonium-bearing residues relative to Implementation Plan 94-1.
- February 15, 2002, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement regarding Multi-Canister Overpack (MCO) in relation to Recommendation 94-1, Improved Schedule for Remediation in the Defense Nuclear Facilities Complex.
- November 21, 2001, Board letter regarding suggestions on the revised Implementation Plan for 94-1 and 2000-1.
- May 29, 2001, Board letter providing a 45-day reporting requirement to address Board concerns on the Department's plan to transfer the vitrification of the americium and curium (Am/Cm) solution in the F-Canyon Multi-Purpose Processing Facility to the high-level waste tank farms in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF).
- May 3, 2001, Board letter requesting to be briefed on actions to resolve issues associated with lack of requirements in the standard for glovebox ambient conditions and the use of SFE for moisture measurements in relation to Recommendation 94-1.
- December 28, 2000, Department letter regarding the removal of spent nuclear fuel from the KW Basins at Hanford Site relative to recommendations 94-1 and 2000-1.
- December 6, 2000, Department letter regarding the fuel removal operations from the K Basins at the Hanford Site.
- December 6, 2000, Department letter responding to Board letter dated December 5, 2000 in relation to the fuel removal operations from the K Basins in Hanford.
- December 5, 2000, Board letter regarding the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project relative to the vulnerabilities identified in Recommendation 94-1, Improved Schedule for Remediation.
- July 14, 2000, Board letter forwarding its review on the Department's implementation plan for 2000-1 and 94-1 submitted to the Board on May 31, 2000.
- July 10, 2000, Board letter enclosing a staff issue report on the preparations for stabilization of materials at Molten Salt Reactor Experiment relative to Implementation Plan 94-1.
- June 9, 2000, Department letter informing the early completion of Commitment 701 of Implementation Plan 94-1 and enclosing the closure package for said commitment.
- June 8, 2000, Department letter enclosing Revision 3 of Implementation Plan for remediating the nuclear materials identified in 94-1 and 2000-1. It also proposes the closure of Recommendation 94-1.
- March 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding completion of Commitment 121 in Implementation Plan 94-1, Revision 2. It documents the Department's rationale for no change to the completion date of August 2002 for the completion of polycube stabilization.
- February 16, 2000, Department letter forwarding the completion of Commitment 113, Document a Decision for Polycubes Stabilization Path Forward, included in the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-1, Revision 2.
- February 1, 2000, Department letter forwarding Revision 2 of the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 94-1, Remediation of Nuclear Materials in the Defense Nuclear Facilities Complex.
- December 14, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the review of progress on the implementation of Recommendation 94-1 at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- November 15, 1999, Board letter responding to DOE's reply to the Board's letter dated September 22, 1999 regarding issues discussed during the recent public meeting on Recommendation 94-1.
- November 5, 1999, Department letter forwarding report on the early completion of Commitment 302 found in Implementation Plan 94-1.
- October 15, 1999, Department letter forwarding replies to questions relative to issues discussed during the 94-1 Public Meeting held on September 9, 1999.
- September 29, 1999, Department letter regarding RFETS PuSPS's ability to meet the DOE-STD-3013-96 requirement to limit the contamination level of the outer surface of the inner can as defined in 10 CFR 835.
- September 22, 1999, Board letter forwarding comments on the necessary actions to resolve issues hindering implementation of recommendation 94-1.
- September 20, 1999, Department letter responding to a July 8th Board letter concerning completion of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project.
- September 17, 1999, Department letter reporting completion of commitment 104 per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- September 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report on the on-schedule completion and proposed closure of Commitment 310 per the 94-1 Implementation Plan.
- August 27, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on plutonium stabilization and packaging system review.
- August 11, 1999, Board announcement of a Public Hearing scheduled for September 9, 1999, 9:00am regarding the status of the Department's implementation plan for Recommendation 94-1.
- July 30, 1999, Department letter forwarding commitment 301 per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 22, 1999, Department letter forwarding the Integrated Project Management Plan per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 8, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report on the design and safety analysis issues associated with the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project.
- July 2, 1999, Department letter forwarding a report on issues related to material stabilization activities at Savannah River Site.
- June 14, 1999, Department letter forwarding completion of a commitment per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- May 27, 1999, Board letter closing of Recommendation 94-3.
- May 27, 1999, Board letter providing expectations for the Department to further address stabilization plans for neptunium solutions, plutonium metals and oxides.
- May 14, 1999, Board letter regarding the consruction of the Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility at the Savannah River Site.
- April 12, 1999, Department letter forwarding completed commitments per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- March 26, 1999, Department letter forwarding response to Board letter dated January 28, 1999, regarding the conditional acceptance of the 94-1 implementation plan.
- March 25, 1999, Board letter forwarding a staff issue report regarding the schedule progress for the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- February 26, 1999, Department letter regarding commitment to remove uranium deposits from the Auxiliary Charcoal Bed of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- January 28, 1999, Board letter accepting the 94-1 implementation plan with conditions, and establishing a 60-day reporting requirement on the effects of delays in construction of the Actinide Packaging and Storage Facility at Savannah River.
- December 28, 1998, Department letter forwarding the 94-1 implementation plan, revision 1.
- October 20, 1998, Department letter forwarding technical update of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 94-1.
- October 8, 1998, Board letter forwarding comments on the Department's technical update on Recommendation 94-1.
- October 2, 1998, Secretary memorandum regarding expectations in revising the 94-1 implementation plan.
- September 11, 1998, Department letter forwarding its response to a Board letter regarding PFP (Recommendation 94-1).
- September 9, 1998, Department letter forwarding a report on the status of Recommendation 94-1 milestones at the PFP and its efforts in place to improve the readiness review process.
- September 2, 1998, Department letter forwarding the technical update per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 30, 1998, Department letter providing update on current status of milestones and plans to revise the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 13, 1998, Board letter establishing 60-day reporting requirements on recovery of plutonium stabilization activities at Hanford PFP in accordance with the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 10, 1998, Board letter establishing 45-day reporting requirements on americium/curium solution stabilization at the Savannah River Site in accordance with the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 6, 1998, Department letter regarding Board staff observations regarding schedule performance per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- June 26, 1998, Board letter forwarding staff issue report on 233-S Operational Readiness Review at Hanford in response to recommendation 94-1.
- June 23, 1998, Department letter forwarding the quarterly report for the period of January 1 through March 31, 1998, per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- June 5, 1998, Board letter regarding measures taken to ship plutonium-bearing compounds per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- June 3, 1998, Board letter regarding the Department's preparations for start-up of TRU waste disposal operations at WIPP.
- June 2, 1998, Department letter forwarding material committed to at the May 7, 1998, Public Meeting on Recommendation 94-1.
- May 14, 1998, Board announcement scheduling a Public Hearing regarding Recommendation 94-1 on June 2, 1998, 9:00 a.m.
- May 5, 1998, Department letter concerning progress made on the 94-1 implementation plan.
- May 1, 1998, Board letter regarding the Department's effort to develop a new standard for packaging and storage of plutonium-bearing materials per the 94-1 implementation plan.
- April 15, 1998, Board letter forwarding comments concerning the Department's monthly progress report regarding operations in support of the 94-1 implementation plan at PFP (Hanford).
- April 15, 1998, Board letter accepting the Departments proposal to delete three milestones from the 94-1 implementation plan.
- March 18, 1998, Board forwards staff issue report on the review of the spent nuclear fuel project at the Hanford site (trip conducted February 3-5, 1998) (Rec. 94-1).
- February 27, 1998, Department forwards its' Consolidated Annual Report of activities related to the implementation of 94-1 and 97-1 implementation plan.
- January 30, 1998, Board letter forwarding Board staff's review of DOE's preparations for EUO restart at Y-12.
- January 29, 1998, Board letter concerning future disposition of plutonium-bearing residues at RF and other nuclear facilities site.
- January 13, 1998, Department letter forwarding completion of implementation plan 94-1 milestone.
- January 9, 1998, Department letter forwarding detailed discussion of the three remaining SRS 94-1 milestones.
- December 31, 1997, Department letter informing Board of change to 94-1 implementation.
- December 8, 1997, Board letter commenting on rate of progress on complex-wide integration of actions responding to recommendation 94-1.
- November 18, 1997, DNFSB/TECH-17, Review of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project (Recommendation 94-1).
- November 3, 1997, Department letter forwarding 94-1 implementation plan 10th Quarterly Report for the month of July 1 - September 31, 1997.
- October 29, 1997, Department letter forwarding changes to 94-1 implementation plan regarding the safe storage of potentially critical materials at Oak Ridge reservation facilities.
- September 30, 1997, Department letter describing proposed modifications to 94-1 implementation plan at Rocky Flats.
- September 22, 1997, Department forwards Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan covering the period of April 1 - June 30, 1997.
- September 18, 1997, Department letter regarding 94-1 implementation plan for commitments.
- September 17, 1997, Board letter of safe restoration of PFP at Hanford.
- September 2, 1997, Board letter agreeing to Department's changes to the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 21, 1997, Department letter proposing modifications to provisions with in the 94-1 implementation plan.
- May 12, 1997, Department letter reporting its progress towards implementation of 94-1 recommendation.
- April 30, 1997, Department forwards eighth Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan.
- January 31, 1997, Department letter forwarding the Annual Report for the period March 1 - December 31, 1996.
- December 13, 1996, Department letter forwarding a detailed response to Board observations regarding spent nuclear fuel at the Savannah River Site, signed by Assistant Secretary Alm.
- December 16, 1996, Board letter forwarding staff trip report regarding Deactivation and Decommissioning Plans for Buildings 771 and 779 at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site.
- December 5, 1996, Board forwards staff trip report on the status of spent nuclear fuel project at Hanford, prepared by D. J. Wille.
- November 27, 1996, Board forwards staff trip report on Americium/Curium stabilization at Savannah River Site, prepared by T. Davis.
- November 5, 1996, Department letter notifying Board of missed milestones 3.2-012 and 3.2-021.
- October 28, 1996, Department letter forwarding the Sixth Quarterly Report for June 1 - August 31, 1996.
- October 22, 1996, Board forwards staff trip report on residue processing at Rocky Flats, prepared by H. W. Massie, Jr.
- August 12, 1996, Board letter forwarding staff trip report regarding the review of packaging and storage of Pu metal and oxide at SRS. (report dated: June 28, 1996)
- August 8, 1996, Department letter concerning 94-1 implementation plan.
- August 1, 1996, Department letter regarding the assignment of Hank Dalton to Rocky Flats.
- July 24, 1996, Board staff trip report on status of Plutonium Residue Stabilization at Hanford, prepared by H. W. Massie, Jr.
- July 2, 1996, Department letter forwarding the 94-1 implementation plan fifth Quarterly Report.
- July 1, 1996, Department letter transmitting report on the facility utilization strategy for H-Canyon at the Savannah River Site.
- June 11, 1996, Board letter forwarding staff trip report regarding the design and construction activities for the Canister Storage Building at Hanford.
- June 10, 1996, Board staff trip report on Hanford Site - Spent Nuclear Fuel Project - Operational Readiness Review Planning and Vulnerability Assessment, prepared by Donald J. Wille.
- May 31, 1996, Department transmitting the fifth Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan, March 1 - May 31, 1996.
- May 28, 1996, Board staff trip report on the status of the spent nuclear fuel activities at Savannah River Site, prepared by Donald J. Wille.
- May 15, 1996, Board letter acknowledging the Department's response to its DNFSB/TECH-9 report.
- May 7, 1996, Department letter addressing proposed changes to the 94-1 implementation plan in regards to Rocky Flat's Stabilization of Plutonium Solutions Program.
- April 29, 1996, Board staff trip report on reviewing status of the spent fuel nuclear project at Hanford, prepared by Donald J. Wille.
- April 26, 1996, Department letter forwarding changes to the 94-1 implementation plan.
- April 23, 1996, Department letter forwarding Annual Report of Activities Related to Recommendation 94-1 (February 28, 1995 - February 29, 1996).
- April 9, 1996, Board letter relating to DOE's evaluation of new information regarding seismic analyses supporting the existing Authorization Bases for SRS's F- and H-Canyon.
- April 2, 1996, Department letter addressing current schedule for stabilizing Pu solutions at RFETS.
- March 1, 1996, Department letter forwarding Rocky Flats Solid Residue Stabilization Recovery Plan for 94-1 implementation plan.
- February 7, 1996, Board technical report DNFSB/TECH-9, Status of Highly Enriched Uranium Processing Capability at Building 9212 Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, prepared by Daniel Ogg, et al.
- February 1, 1996, Senate letter urging the prompt response to 94-1 implementation plan commitment to stabilize the Mark 16 and Mark 22 spent fuel rods at SRS.
- January 31, 1996, Board letter requesting a detailed recovery plan.
- January 24, 1996, Department letter forwarding the third Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan for the month of September 1 - November 30, 1995.
- January 23, 1996, Board letter requesting report describing the Department's plans to define the future status of H-Canyon at Savannah River.
- November 30, 1995, Department forwards Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan for month of June - August, 1995.
- November 15, 1995, Board letter forwarding further views with respect to the Mark 16 and 22 fuel elements (Recommendation 94-1).
- November 15, 1995, Board letter concerning the future of the F-Canyon and H-Canyon chemical processing facilities at Savannah River Site.
- November 7, 1995, Department letter reporting 4-week delay in completion of Milestone 3.2-020.
- October 2, 1995, Board staff trip report on process hazards review at the Vertical Calciner at Hanford's Plutonium Finishing Plant, prepared by Cliff Moore.
- September 28, 1995, Board staff trip report on spent nuclear fuel activities at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, prepared by Lisa Stiles.
- September 7, 1995, Board staff trip report on solutions stabilization at Rocky Flats, prepared by Randall Robinson.
- August 11, 1995, Board letter forwarding comments on draft standards, Criteria for Safe Storage of Plutonium-Bearing Materials.
- July 19, 1995, Department forwards first Quarterly Report for 94-1 implementation plan.
- May 5, 1995, Board letter accepting 94-1 implementation plan.
- March 31, 1995, Board staff trip report on DOE Trade Study meeting on the 94-1 Pu Storage Commitments (trip conducted March 21-22, 1995).
- March 28, 1995, Department memorandum on the status of integrated activities for the 94-1 implementation plan.
- February 28, 1995, Department forwarding the 94-1 implementation plan.
- December 5, 1994, Department letter forwarding 94-1 implementation plan.
- November 15, 1994, Board letter commenting on activities at the Plutonium Finishing Plant at Hanford.
- August 31, 1994, Department letter accepting Recommendation 94-1.
- July 20, 1994, Board letter granting the Department an extension to respond to comments on the treatment of radioactive substances.
- July 18, 1994, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to respond to the treatment of radioactive substances.
- July 6, 1994, Board letter commenting on the treatment of radioactive substances stored in deteriorating conditions.
- June 3, 1994, Department memorandum informing program managers of a meeting on 94-1 recommendation.
- May 26, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-1.