
Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board



    Most Recent Correspondence    



August 22, 2024, Department letter stating that DOE is taking a 45-Day extension to complete the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2023-1, Onsite Transportation Safety.
August 13, 2024, Department letter providing the 2024 annual report regarding safety at Savannah River Site Building 235-F.
August 13, 2024, Board letter providing its safety review of lithium-ion batteries uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) at the NNSS Device Assembly Facility (DAF), and establishing a 90-day reporting requirement for DOE to provide a briefing and report addressing any actions DOE has taken or plans to take to: 1) develop or adopt requirements and provide guidance on hazard analysis and controls for lithium-ion battery energy storage systems at defense nuclear facilities, and 2) address the identified safety issues with the lithium-ion battery UPS now installed at DAF.
July 25, 2024, Board letter providing its review of the safety design basis documents for two projects in the NNSS Enhanced Capabilities for Subcritical Experiments and evaluation of seismic faults within PULSE. The Board also established a 120-day reporting requirement for DOE/NNSA to provide a report and briefing to address the Board's safety questions.
July 17, 2024, Board letter providing its report entitled, Plutonium Storage Container Fire Testing, which outlines technical issues with the development and conduct of the tests. The Board encourages DOE to consider the limitations indicated by these issues when its contractors use the test results in safety analyses or develop future test protocols in this area.
July 3, 2024, Department 60-day extension letter to respond to the Board's letter dated May 15, 2024, regarding concerns with the final design of the continuous air monitor system for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System.
June 21, 2024, Department letter documenting completion of Milestone 5.4.3 of the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2020-1, Nuclear Safety Requirements.
June 14, 2024, Board letter providing its assessment of the SRS Facility Representative program and establishing a 6-month reporting requirement for a report and briefing regarding progress toward resolving the identified shortcomings with DOE-SR's Facility Representative program.
June 4, 2024, Board letter informing DOE of its plans to conduct public hearing sessions in August 2024 and to sponsor a workshop in September 2024 on the topic of aging infrastructure management.
June 4, 2024, Board letter recognizing that DOE has named Mr. Jason Clough of the Office of Nuclear Energy, Idaho Operations Office (NE-ID), as the 2023 Facility Representative of the Year, and Mr. Nino Travljanin of Savannah River Operations Office (DOE-SR) as the 2023 Safety System Oversight Engineer of the Year.

    Chronological Listing    

A Chronological Listing of all correspondence, reports, and memorandum between the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) and the Department of Energy (DOE) by Year - Month - Day.

Chronological Listing:
| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 - 2000 | 1999 - 1990

     Board Recommendations     

A listing of all correspondence, reports, memorandum, and DOE implementation plans related to a specific DNFSB Recommendations (see About Board Recommendations) between DOE and the DNFSB by Year - Month - Day.

All Board Recommendations

Open Board Recommendations: 2020-1 | 2019-2 | 2019-1 | 2012-1

     Correspondence by Site     

Board correspondence and other documents sorted by applicable DOE site.

Hanford | INL | LANL | LLNL | NNSS | Pantex | SNL | SRS | WIPP | Y-12/ORNL | Other

     Reports to Congress     

Reports to Congress On Board-Related Activities

     Public Hearings and Meetings     

Board Public Meetings and Hearings

     DOE Briefings to DNFSB     

DOE Briefings to DNFSB

     Board Technical Reports     

Board Technical Reports

     CMRR Certification     

Correspondence - CMRR Certification