Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety
2012-1 BY YEAR:
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This page last updated Thursday, August 15, 2024
Key Documents & Information
- Board Recommendation: from Chairman Peter S. Winokur to Secretary Chu, dated May 9, 2012.
- Department Response: from Secretary Chu to Chairman Peter S. Winokur, dated July 10, 2012.
- Department Implementation Plan: dated December 5, 2012.
Updated schedules for some deliverables in the Implementation Plan, November 28, 2014.
Revision 1, June 3, 2020. - Contact Information
Chronicle of Related Correspondence
- No document links for 2025
- December 2, 2021, Board letter establishing August 12, 2022, as the due date for the first of the annual reporting requirement deliverables pertaining to Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- November 2, 2021, Board letter providing the results of its review of the Savannah River Site Building 235-F safety basis and establishing an annual reporting requirement for DOE to provide a report and briefing regarding Building 235-F safety.
- February 25, 2021, Department letter responding to the Board letter dated December 23, 2020, regarding Savannah River Site Building 235-F ventilation systems.
- December 23, 2020, Board letter regarding DOE’s revised Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety, and establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a notification of DOE’s intent to address the ventilation system items at Building 235-F. The Board also requests annual updates regarding deactivation progress in Building 235-F, the results of radiological surveys and inspections to verify that contamination in the facility is not spreading, status updates on establishing a final end state determination with regulatory authorities, and the updated schedules for activities required to achieve such a final end state.
- June 22, 2020, Department letter notifying the Board that DOE has completed all actions in the revised Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- June 3, 2020, Department letter transmitting Revision 1 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 21, 2018, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018, to also include deliverables 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 1-11, 1-13, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- August 14, 2018, Board letter providing its evaluation of DOE’s progress on Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety, and providing its advice to DOE for the remaining Implementation Plan deliverables for DOE’s information and use.
- December 21, 2016, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2016, to also include deliverables 1-12, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- January 28, 2016, Department letter transmitting deliverable for Action 1-3 (Restore cell infrastructure in Plutonium fuel Form cells 6 through 9) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- January 15, 2016, Department letter responding to the Board letter of November 10, 2015, and documenting the anticipated scope and schedule for Building 235-F risk reduction activities in fiscal years 2016 and 2017, to support the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 22, 2015, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015, to also include deliverables 1-10, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- November 10, 2015, Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a report documenting the scope and schedule for Building 235-F decontamination activities in fiscal years 2016 and 2017, to support the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- July 29, 2015, Department letter providing an update on the progress of activities to meet deliverables 1-3 and 1-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- March 9, 2015, Board letter in response to the DOE letter of November 28, 2014, regarding the revised schedule and deliverable dates for commitments in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- February 2, 2015, Department letter notifying the Board of the completion of Action 2c-3 (Fire Detection and Alarm System installation and acceptance test completion) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 31, 2014, Department letter transmitting the Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2014, to also include deliverables 1-6, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- November 28, 2014, Department letter providing a summary of schedule changes for the remaining actions and deliverables in the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 23, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 1-5, 3-3, and 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- August 29, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 3-4 of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety. This letter also transmits revised dates for some deliverables under the Implementation Plan.
- May 30, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable consistent with commitment 1.1 (Complete project deactivation planning for Plutonium Fuel Form Cells 1-9) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- April 16, 2013, Board letter stating that the Board reserves acceptance of DOE's Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety, until receipt and review of the Building 235-F project Deactivation Plan.
- April 3, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 3-3 (Updated Building 235-F Drill Plan) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- April 1, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2c-2 (Building 235-F fire detection and alarm systems (FDAS) enhancement study) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- March 22, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2B-1 (Documented review of the Building 235-F electrical components, plan for de-energization, and process for control of the resultant configuration) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- March 3, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2A-2 (Evaluate fixed combustibles and define the fixed combustible removal, encapsulation, or isolation scope) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- February 28, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 3-2 (Documented review of the existing protective action plans and procedures to ensure that all F-Area tenants are protected from the hazards associated with a radiological release from Building 235-F) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- February 13, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 2a-1 (Transient Combustible Control Program Description for Building 235-F) of the Department of Energy's Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- January 31, 2013, Department letter transmitting deliverable 3-1 (Emergency Preparedness drill schedule for Calendar Year 2013) of the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- December 5, 2012, Deparment letter transmitting the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- October 19, 2012, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension to submit the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- July 25, 2012, Federal Register publication of the Department's response to Board recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- July 10, 2012, Department letter accepting Board Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- May 21, 2012, Federal Register publication of DNFSB Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.
- May 9, 2012, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety.