- December 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on trenching at RFETS.
- December 29, 1994, Department letter transmitting the characterization program monthly report for October, 1994, per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- December 29, 1994, Department letter transmitting the characterization program monthly report for November, 1994, per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- December 29, 1994, Department letter transmitting deliverables under the 93-6 implementation plan.
- December 29, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-5.
- December 28, 1994, Department letter discussing the combining of the 93-1 implementation plan and the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Corrective Action Plan.
- December 27, 1994, Board staff trip report on restart activities at Rocky Flats.
- December 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on Order Compliance Self-Assessment at Sandia National Laboratories.
- December 21, 1994, Board letter transmitting report on "Adherence to Safety Requirements and Conduct of Operations at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant [Rec. 94-4]."
- December 21, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on protection, formality of operations, and training at LLNL.
- December 20, 1994, Department letter forwarding the 90-2 implementation plan quarterly status report for July - September 1994.
- December 15, 1994, Board staff letter forwarding two staff trip reports on Emergency Preparedness and laboratory support at Pantex.
- December 14, 1994, Department letter describing changes to commitment 4.4.4. in the 93-3 implementation plan.
- December 14, 1994, Board staff trip report on SRS in-tank precipitation facility review (trip conducted November 16-18, 1994).
- December 13, 1994, Board letter accepting the 92-4 implementation plan, revision 1.
- December 13, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on the program to characterize Hanford's high level radioactive waste storage tanks (trip conducted October 24-27, 1994) and requesting a briefing.
- December 12, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of emergency facility at ITP (SRS).
- December 12, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip report on the ITP safety envelope (SRS) and requesting a briefing.
- December 8, 1993, Board staff trip report on nuclear and criticality safety at Rocky Flats.
- December 7, 1994, Board staff trip report on F-Canyon/FB-Line safety envelopes at SRS.
- December 6, 1994, Department letter forwarding the first quarterly report for implementation plan 93-6.
- December 5, 1994, Department letter forwarding the 94-1 implementation plan.
- December 1, 1994, Board staff report on Nuclear Explosive Safety Studies (NESS) and Nuclear Explosive Risk Assessments (NERA).
- December 1, 1994, Department letter transmitting the characterization program monthly report for September, 1994, per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- November 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on waste management review at SRS.
- November 28, 1994, Board staff trip report: Hanford systems engineering review, October 24-27, 1994.
- November 25, 1994, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement on LANL design and construction of facilities.
- November 25, 1994, Board letter establishing a reporting requirement on the Rocky Flats criticality infraction (re: 94-4).
- November 23, 1994, Board staff trip report review of preparations to install K-Basin chute barriers at Hanford.
- November 22, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on review of plutonium metal repackaging at RFS (trip conducted October 3-5, 1994).
- November 22, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on review of plutonium metal repackaging and plutonium solution stabilization at Rocky Flats.
- November 18, 1994, Department letter accepting Board Recommendation 94-4.
- November 18, 1994, Department letter accepting Board Recommendation 94-3.
- November 16, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on Pu repackaging and consolidation efforts at LANL (trip conducted August 31-September 1, 1994).
- November 15, 1994, Board letter commenting on activities at the Plutonium Finishing Plant at Hanford.
- November 8, 1994, Department letter concerning criticality safety per the 94-4 implementation plan.
- November 7, 1994, Department letter forwarding revised 92-4 implementation plan derived from comments by the Board.
- November 4, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip reports on seven visits to Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Pantex, Nevada Test Site, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- November 4, 1994, Board staff trip report on the chemistry and metallurgy research facility hot cell upgrades and the fire resistant pit test program at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- November 2, 1994, Department letter transmitting the characterization program quarterly report per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- November 1, 1994, Board staff trip report on radiological protection at Pantex.
- November 1, 1994, Board staff trip report on their review of the facility representatives program at Oak Ridge.
- October 31, 1994, Department letter forwarding the third quarterly progress report for period ending September 30, 1994 per the 93-3 implementation plan.
- October 28, 1994, Department letter accepting Recommendation 94-2.
- October 26, 1994, Department letter forwarding a status report on Implementation Plan 91-6.
- October 26, 1994, Department Functional Area Qualification Standard for Facility Representatives per the 92-2 implementation plan.
- October 24, 1994, Martin Marietta letter to the Secretary regarding resolution of safety problems at Oak Ridge.
- October 21, 1994, Board staff letter forwarding 24 staff trip reports.
- October 21, 1994, Department letter responding to Board's request for a report on the Department's nuclear health and safety management program and a report on the nuclear safety responsibilities and organizational arrangements.
- October 20, 1994, Board staff trip report on the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant Interim Actions.
- October 17, 1994, Board staff trip report on the Department's implementation guide for sealed radioactive source accountability and control.
- October 13, 1994, Board letter forwarding Board technical report DNFSB/TECH-2, Low-Level Waste Disposal Policy for Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities.
- October 12, 1994, Board staff trip report on electrical and fire protection systems at INEL.
- October 6, 1994, Board staff trip report on the W55 case cutting incident at Pantex.
- October 5, 1994, Board staff trip report on the Defense Waste Processing Facility Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.
- October 5, 1994, Board letter enclosing paper prepared for the Department's workshop on Standards Initiatives in Environmental Management.
- October 5, 1994, Board staff trip report on condition of facilities for PU Residue Processing at Rocky Flats.
- October 5, 1994, Board letter accepting actions 3 and 4 under the 93-1 implementation plan.
- October 4, 1994, Board staff trip report on radioactive air monitoring programs at SRS.
- October 4, 1994, Board staff trip report review of systems engineering activities at Hanford, August 30 - September 2, 1994.
- September 30, 1994, Board staff trip report on M-Area Unirradiated fuel facility at SRS.
- September 27, 1994, Board staff trip report on status of start-up at the ITP Facility at SRS.
- September 27, 1994, Board letter forwarding two trip reports concerning Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
- September 27, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-4.
- September 26, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-3.
- September 26, 1994, Board staff trip report providing Board staff comments on the draft Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel and INEL Environmental Impact Statement.
- September 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on Pantex Emergency Preparedness Exercise, PXCOM-94.
- September 21, 1994, Board letter transmitting the staff trip report on Savannah River Site F-Canyon Safety Envelope Review.
- September 21, 1994, Board letter providing staff observation on the BASEBALL exercise at NTS (trip conducted on June 7-11, 1994) and requesting briefing on follow-on actions.
- September 21, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip report on the safety analyses for ITP at SRS.
- September 21, 1994, Board staff letter forwarding fifteen trip reports.
- September 16, 1994, Board staff report on tritium testing and safety analyses, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, and advanced test reactor.
- September 15, 1994, Board staff trip report on sitewide training and qualification review at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.
- September 15, 1994, Board staff trip report on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory facility representatives program.
- September 14, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford supplementary emergency response exercise report.
- September 14, 1994, Board letter explaining unacceptable deliverables for 93-6.
- September 12, 1994, Department letter describing the technical internship program per the 93-3 implementation plan.
- September 8, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-2.
- September 7, 1994, Secretary of Energy memorandum regarding distribution of evaluations and assessments to the Board.
- September 2, 1994, Department letter responding to the Board's concerns regarding natural phenomena hazards at Department of Energy facilities.
- August 31, 1994, Department letter forwarding August deliverables for the 93-6 implementation plan.
- August 31, 1994, Department letter accepting Recommendation 94-1.
- August 24, 1994, Board staff trip report on radiation protection at Rocky Flats.
- August 24, 1994, Board staff trip report on plutonium storage at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- August 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on status of Order Compliance at Pantex.
- August 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on Pantex Buildings 12-84 and 12-44.
- August 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on suspect parts at Pantex Site.
- August 22, 1994, Department letter transmitting the Quarterly Report per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- August 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on structural and seismic review of CPP-666 spent fuel storage basins at INEL.
- August 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on structural and seismic review of CPP-603 spent fuel storage basins at INEL.
- August 19, 1994, Board staff trip report on potential fault issue at Rocky Flats.
- August 19, 1994, Board staff trip report on ground motion issues at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- August 17, 1994, Board staff trip report on methods for emplacing nuclear devices for underground testing.
- August 16, 1994, Board staff trip report on the PU standard at Rocky Flats.
- August 16, 1994, Board staff trip report on the radiation protection program at the Nevada Test Site.
- August 15, 1994, Department letter acknowledging the Board's acceptance of the 92-4 implementation plan.
- August 12, 1994, Board letter discussing the status of overdue commitments for the 91-6 implementation plan.
- August 10, 1994, Board staff trip report on Laboratory support for the 93-5 implementation plan.
- August 9, 1994, Board letter acknowledging the first annual report in accordance with the 93-2 implementation plan.
- August 9, 1994, Board staff trip report on a visit to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
- August 5, 1994, Board staff trip report on Order Compliance Self-Assessment at LANL (trip conducted July 12-15, 1994).
- August 3, 1994, Board staff trip report on National Laboratory Support for Pantex.
- August 2, 1994, Board letter accepting the 93-6 implementation plan.
- August 2, 1994, Board staff trip report on Fire Protection Program and Features, INEL, Radioactive Waste Management Complex report.
- August 1, 1994, Department general technical standard, developed as a part of the 93-3 implementation plan's Technical Qualification Program.
- July 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on the radiation protection program at INEEL.
- July 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on the review of implementation of recommendation 93-5 at the Hanford Site (trip conducted July 19-21, 1994).
- July 28, 1994, Department letter forwarding the third quarterly status report for the 93-4 implementation plan.
- July 27, 1994, Department second quarterly progress report for the 93-3 implementation plan, covering the period ending June 30, 1994.
- July 27, 1994, Board staff trip report on pilot transuranic waste retrieval/characterization at Hanford.
- July 26, 1994, Department letter transmitting annual report on the status of the 93-2 implementation plan.
- July 26, 1994, Westinghouse Hanford Company's final critique of the emergency exercise "Fraser".
- July 20, 1994, Board letter granting an extension for the 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 20, 1994, Board letter regarding staffing deficiencies in Amarillo.
- July 18, 1994, Department letter requesting a 45-day extension for 94-1 implementation plan.
- July 18, 1994, Board staff trip report on SRS DWPF Training and Qualification Review.
- July 15, 1994, Board staff letter forwarding seven (7) staff trip reports of visiting the Savannah River Site (environmental and fire protection programs) and Hanford (facility representative program).
- July 13, 1994, Board letter on specific reports relative to nuclear safety of the Department's defense facilities.
- July 13, 1994, Board staff trip report on conduct of operations at the F-Tank Farm at the Savannah River Site.
- July 12, 1994, Board staff trip report on DWPF at SRS.
- July 6, 1994, Board letter commending on the treatment of radioactive substances stored in deteriorating conditions.
- July 5, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff report on the environmental monitoring program at TA-55.
- July 5, 1994, Department 93-6 implementation plan.
- June 30, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford- PFP Ventilation System (May 24-26, 1994).
- June 30, 1994, Board staff trip report on Ventilation Systems at Pantex.
- June 30, 1994, Board staff letter forwarding seven staff trip reports of visits to Hanford, Savannah River Site and West Valley.
- June 30, 1994, Department letter forwarding the deliverables to satisfy Commitment 3.15 per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 30, 1994, Department deliverable for commitment 5.10 of the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 30, 1994, Department deliverable for Commitment 5.11 of the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 30, 1994, Department letter transmitting a review of the characterization field procedures, as part of commitment 3.2 per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 30, 1994, Department fifth progress report on the 93-1 implementation plan.
- June 29, 1994, Department letter responding to the Board's letter dated May 6, 1994 on the Department's reorganization.
- June 29, 1994, Board letter transmitting staff trip reports for Savannah River.
- June 28, 1994, Board letter regarding the analyses used to determine the probability of an aircraft crash into the Pantex Zone 4 storage magazines.
- June 27, 1994, Department letter transmitting the Milestone Status Report and Schedule for Outstanding Deliverables per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 24, 1994, Board letter regarding the Characterization Program Quarterly Report per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 23, 1994, Department letter transmitting the Customer Needs Analysis to satisfy Commitment 6.1 of 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford emergency response exercise Fraser.
- June 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on nuclear materials storage at Sandia National Laboratory.
- June 14, 1994, Board staff trip report on F-Canyon Safety Envelope Review.
- June 9, 1994, Board staff trip report on low-level waste management and environmental protection at Sandia National Laboratories.
- June 7, 1994, Board letter forwarding reports on plutonium safety at Rocky Flats, Hanford, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Savannah River.
- June 6, 1994, Department forwards its Characterization Program Quarterly Report per the 93-5 implementation plan.
- June 6, 1994, Board staff trip report on F-Canyon/FB-Line at SRS.
- June 6, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of 93-5 implementation at the Hanford Site.
- June 3, 1994, Department announcement for the 94-1 meeting with program managers.
- June 3, 1994, Board letter forwarding trip report on the Containment Evaluation Panel meeting at Lawrence Livermore.
- June 2, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff comments on the revised 92-4 implementation plan.
- June 1, 1994, Department letter forwarding the deliverable to satisfy Commitment 1.9 for the Department's 93-5 implementation plan.
- May 31, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford K-East Basin (trip conducted April 11-15, 1994 and May 3, 1994).
- May 31, 1994, Board letter announcing Hanford site representative.
- May 27, 1994, Board letter accepting the 45-day extention for transmittal of the 93-6 implementation plan.
- May 26, 1994, Board letter forwarding Recommendation 94-1.
- May 26, 1994, Department letter on completion of commitment 1.20 of the 93-5 implementation plan.
- May 25, 1994, Department letter forwarding deliverable to complete Commitment 1.12 of the 93-5 implementation plan.
- May 20, 1994, Board letter forwarding its review of activities at LANL's TA-55 facility.
- May 19, 1994, Board staff supplementary report on LANL Emergency Response Exercise.
- May 19, 1994, Board staff trip report on facilities and unirradiated fuel storage at SRS.
- May 18, 1994, Department requests a 45-day extention for submission of the 93-6 Implementation Plan.
- May 16, 1994, Department letter addressing the recent root problems at Fernald Site and sub-recommendation #4 of the Board's original 93-4 recommendation.
- May 13, 1994, Board staff trip report WVD, chemical processing and vitrification plant review (trip conducted May 3-4, 1994).
- May 12, 1994, Board staff trip report on waste management at the K-East Basins at Hanford.
- May 12, 1994, Board letter on the Department's need for excepted service hires under recommendation 93-3.
- May 11, 1994, Board letter forwarding review of the Hanford Site under recommedation 93-5.
- May 11, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on radiation protection program at Hanford.
- May 10, 1994, Board staff trip report on F-Canyon systems configuration control.
- May 9, 1994, Board letter forwarding its comments on the RTF training program.
- May 6, 1994, Board letter establishing a 90-day reporting requirement on the Department's nuclear safety management program and implementation responsibilities.
- May 5, 1994, Board staff trip report Y-12 on structural, seismic, and ground motion at Oak Ridge Y-12.
- May 4, 1994, Board staff trip report on RTF at SRS.
- May 4, 1994, Board staff trip report on low-level waste management at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- May 3, 1994, Board staff review on corrective action processes at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant (trip conducted March 1-4, 1994).
- May 3, 1994, Board staff trip report on D&D at SRS.
- April 29, 1994, Board letter regarding plan for addressing issues that led to the maintenance mode and assess efforts to resume operations at Zone 12 at Pantex.
- April 29, 1994, Board letter reviewing the Department's Operational Readiness Review on the increased storage of pits in Zone 4 at Pantex.
- April 29, 1994, Board letter regarding the status of standards for natural phenomena hazards.
- April 29, 1994, Department letter transmitting first quarterly progress report for the 93-3 implementation plan, for period ending March 31, 1994.
- April 28, 1994, Department letter responding to Board's January 27, 1994 trip report.
- April 28, 1994, Board staff trip report on Ventilation/Filtration Systems in Bldg. 559/707 at the Rocky Flats Plant.
- April 28, 1994, Board staff trip report review of Idaho Chemical Processing Plant High Level Waste Tank Farm Activities.
- April 28, 1994, Department letter forwarding the second quarterly status report for the 93-4 implementation plan.
- April 22, 1994, Board staff trip report review of implementation of 93-5 at Hanford (trip conducted March 28-31, 1994).
- April 20, 1994, Board staff trip report on radiation protection training and qualification program at SRS.
- April 19, 1994, Board staff trip report on configuration management, maintenance and inspection at the Y-12 Plant (trip conducted on March 1-4, 1994).
- April 14, 1994, Board technical report DNFSB/TECH-1, Plutonium Storage Safety at Major Department of Energy Facilities.
- April 11, 1994, Department forwards charter of task force set up to revise the Technical Management Plan in accordance with the 93-4 implementation plan.
- April 8, 1994, Board staff trip report on Old HB-Line - Rooms 302, 304 & 306 at Savannah River.
- April 7, 1994, Board staff trip report on Recovery of SNAP Fuel from Corroding Fuel Cans in the CPP-603 South Basin.
- April 6, 1994, Board staff trip report on status of efforts to accelerate PU Solution Stabilization at Rocky Flats.
- April 4, 1994, Department letter forwarding its "Making Contracting Work Better" report per the 93-4 implementation plan.
- March 31, 1994, Department deliverables for commitment 2.1 for the 93-3 implementation plan.
- March 29, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of Hanford facility representative program.
- March 28, 1994, Board staff trip report on stack effluent and ambient air monitoring at Rocky Flats.
- March 25, 1994, Board staff's six month review of the training, qualification, and conduct of operations programs at the Y-12 Plant.
- March 25, 1994, Board letter acknowledging receipt of the 93-5 implementation plan.
- March 25, 1994, Board staff trip report on storage of spent ion exchange columns from the Hanford Site.
- March 23, 1994, Board staff trip report on initial review of fuel encapsulation activities at the Hanford K-East Basin.
- March 18, 1994, Department letter forwarding revised implementation plan for recommendation 92-4.
- March 14, 1994, Board staff trip report on order compliance review at RFS.
- March 11, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford Site spent fuel storage.
- March 9, 1994, Department letter forwarding Department's annual report for calendar year 1993.
- March 8, 1994, Board staff trip report on Hanford K Basins Structural and Seismic Review.
- March 3, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on operational readiness review at Pantex.
- February 28, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report concerning the environmental monitoring of liquid and gaseous effluents at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant (trip conducted December 1-3, 1993).
- February 28, 1994, Department memorandum implementing interim measures for Individual Development Plans (IDPs) under the 93-3 implementation plan.
- February 28, 1994, Department letter forwarding deliverables under the 93-1 implementation plan, regarding orders and directives covering nuclear explosive assembly, disassembly, and test operations at Pantex and NTS.
- February 28, 1994, Department memorandum forwarding the interim policy and guidance document on roles and responsibilities for technical training evaluation under the 93-3 implementation plan.
- February 28, 1994, Department letter forwarding The Order Compliance Special Assessment at TA-55.
- February 25, 1994, Board staff trip report on development and implementation of S/RIDs at Hanford high level waste storage tanks.
- February 23, 1994, Department letter forwarding the 93-5 implementation plan, which incorporates final comments and corrections.
- February 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on order compliance review of Rocky Flats Bldg. 707.
- February 22, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of plutonium uranium extraction (PUREX) facility material unaccounted for (MUF).
- February 16, 1994, Board staff trip report fire protection at Rocky Flats.
- February 15, 1994, Board staff trip report to the Savannah River Site, F-Canyon Facility (trip conducted February 9-11, 1994).
- February 10, 1994, Board's Fourth Annual Report to Congress on its activities relating to the Department of Energy.
- February 9, 1994, Department letter raising concerns on the adequacy of the order compliance assessment program at LANL.
- February 8, 1994, Board staff trip report on feed characterization at Rocky Flats.
- February 7, 1994, Board staff report on Savannah River Site replacement tritium facility emergency preparedness and radiation protection follow-up review.
- February 4, 1994, Board staff trip report to the Savannah River Site, F-Canyon Facility January 26-28, 1994.
- February 3, 1994, Board staff trip report on the application of the draft PU storage standard at Rocky Flats.
- February 2, 1994, Department letter accepting Recommendation 93-6.
- February 2, 1994, Board staff trip report on Sandia National Lab/Savannah River Site (trip conducted January 5-7, 1994).
- February 1, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip report regarding compliance with safety-related DOE Orders by EG&G at the Mound Plant (trip report conducted November 30-December 2, 1993).
- February 1, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on Idaho chemical processing plant.
- February 1, 1994, Board letter forwarding staff trip report on ventilation and filtration systems at RFS.
- January 31, 1994, Board staff trip report on Y-12 Safety Analyses/Criticality/Chemicals review (trip conducted on November 3-5, 1993).
- January 31, 1994, Department letter forwarding interim report on technical qualification per the 93-3 implementation plan, for period ending December 31, 1993.
- January 31, 1994, Board staff trip report review of SRS canyon process vessel integrity (trip conducted January 18-19, 1994).
- January 27, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip report on radiation protection at LANL (trip conducted November 15-18, 1993).
- January 27, 1994, Board letter on observations from staff trip report K-Basins at Hanford (trip conducted November 16-18, 1993).
- January 25, 1994, Board staff trip report on solid waste operations at Hanford.
- February 23, 1994, Department forwarding completed 93-5 implementation plan.
- January 21, 1994, Department letter forwarding the 93-5 implementation plan.
- January 12, 1994, Board staff trip report reviewing training and qualification and conduct of operations at LANL (trip conducted November 17-18, 1993).
- January 18, 1994, Board staff trip report reviewing the corrective action process at Hanford.
- January 14, 1994, Board staff trip report on review of order compliance at SRS (trip conducted January 10-12, 1994).
- January 10, 1994, Board staff trip report on replacement tritium facility at SRS.
- January 7, 1994, Board staff trip report on the use of radiation generating devices at Pantex.
- January 4, 1994, Board letter providing staff trip report on W48 Dimethyl Sulfoxide Dissolution Process NESS at the Pantex Site (trip conducted on November 30-December 3, 1993).
- January 3, 1994, Department memorandum forwarding interim report on evaluating conduct of operations at Pantex.