
Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board



    Most Recent Correspondence    



March 25, 2025, Board letter providing its report on the efficacy of project reviews conducted by NNSA for DOE/NNSA use and information.
March 20, 2025, Department letter transmitting the FY2024 Annual Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Metrics.
March 17, 2025, Board letter providing its review of three nuclear criticality safety programs (at LANL, Y-12, and SRS) within the DOE complex.
March 14, 2025, Department letter responding to the Board's August 13, 2024, letter regarding lithium-ion batteries use in DOE and specifically the use with the uninterruptible power supplies at NNSS Device Assembly Facility.
February 14, 2025, Board letter congratulating Secretary Wright and providing highlights of key nuclear safety challenges at DOE defense nuclear facilities.
January 31, 2025, Board letter providing its review of the draft DOE Order 414.1E, Quality Assurance, and offering insights to assist DOE in enhancing its quality assurance programs.
January 30, 2025, Board letter providing its review of the B61 Hazard Analysis Report and establishing a 120-day reporting requirement for a report on (a) any actions taken or planned for these remaining open safety issues and observations and (b) implementation of these actions across the other appropriate weapon programs. In this letter, the Board also closed Recommendation 2019-1, Uncontrolled Hazard Scenarios and 10 CFR 830 Implementation at the Pantex Plant.
January 2, 2025, Board letter providing a summary of its reviews of DOE safety directives and technical standards in FY 2024 and providing a listing of safety directives and technical standards the Board plans to review in FY 2025.
December 20, 2024, Board letter providing its response to the DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2023-1, Onsite Transportation Safety.
December 18, 2024, Department date extension letter for two deliverables (5.3.2 and 5.5.2) associated with the Implementation Plan for Recommendation 2020-1. Nuclear Safety Requirements.

    Chronological Listing    

A Chronological Listing of all correspondence, reports, and memorandum between the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) and the Department of Energy (DOE) by Year - Month - Day.

Chronological Listing:
| 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 - 2000 | 1999 - 1990

     Board Recommendations     

A listing of all correspondence, reports, memorandum, and DOE implementation plans related to a specific DNFSB Recommendations (see About Board Recommendations) between DOE and the DNFSB by Year - Month - Day.

All Board Recommendations

Open Board Recommendations: 2020-1 | 2019-2 | 2019-1 | 2012-1

     Correspondence by Site     

Board correspondence and other documents sorted by applicable DOE site.

Hanford | INL | LANL | LLNL | NNSS | Pantex | SNL | SRS | WIPP | Y-12/ORNL | Other

     Reports to Congress     

Reports to Congress On Board-Related Activities

     Public Hearings and Meetings     

Board Public Meetings and Hearings

     Board Technical Reports     

Board Technical Reports

     CMRR Certification     

Correspondence - CMRR Certification