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Oral Histories

Medical Physicist Kathering L. Lathrop and Physician Paul V. Harper


Short Biographies

Lathrop's Education and Early Career (Manhattan Project, 1945-46)

Lathrop's Work at Argonne National Laboratory (1947-54)

Lathrop's Work as a Chemist at the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital (Beginning in 1954)

Harper's Education and Early Career (1940s to Early '50s)

Harper's Thoughts on the Mixture of Medicine and Science (Late '40s and '50s)

Lathrop's Early Cancer Therapy Research

Harper's Early Determinations of Radiation Doses

Development of Iodine-125 Production Methods and the AEC Review Process

Discussion of Radiation Research Standards

Lathrop and Harper Collaborative Research (1965-67)

Thallium Research

Antifibrinogen Research

Various Radioactive Isotope Research by Lathrop and Harper

Argonne Cancer Research Hospital History (Early '70s)

Research on Brain Tumor Imaging Agents

Collaborative Metabolic Studies

Selenium Tumor-Imaging Studies (Early '70s)

Other Isotope Research

Alpha Emitter Studies Using Radioactive Isotopes

Difficulties Involved With Using Human Volunteers

Thallium Research

FISHER: One of the interesting things that I came across was your use of thallium-199 as a heart-scanning agent.

HARPER: That's an interesting story.
FISHER: Now, you didn't have positron124 detectors at that time, did you?
FISHER: Thallium-201, I'm thinking of.
HARPER: Yes. The "eye people" called me up one day and said, could I make them some radioactive potassium, because they had been reading. [The ophthalmologists] were interested in thallium localization, because thallium apparently localizes in pigmented tissues in the eye; it localizes differently in the eyes of white rabbits and black rabbits.

They wanted to use radioactive potassium, because the potassium and thallium ions behave somewhat similarly, and they wanted to use potassium to trace thallium.

We said, "My God, if you're going to trace thallium with potassium, you can certainly trace potassium with thallium." So we were off and running with thallium. We made some thallium on our little cyclotron by bombarding mercury. It was a horrible mix, and that's where the thallium-199 came in.
LATHROP: We couldn't make the [thallium]-201 in our cyclotron.
HARPER: We didn't have a big enough cyclotron. So we went ahead and tried it [(thallium-199)] on a couple of people. One of them was Mrs. Lathrop, and one of them was a gentleman that had a melanoma [(skin cancer)]. We said, "Aha, melanoma! This should tie in with the eye people, a pigmented lesion. It should pick up the thallium."
FISHER: Thallium has a half-life of seven hours. That would seem to be quite suitable.
HARPER: Well, it was a mixture—I mean, if you bombard mercury, you can see what you could get.
HARPER: So we tried it and what did we get? A good picture of the heart. So that's what we presented to the Society for Nuclear Medicine, [and] that stimulated the people at Brookhaven to make thallium-201.
LATHROP: (to Harper) What we got [when you tried it on me,] was a great, big hot [radioactive] spot. You decided that my clothes were contaminated. Remember?
LATHROP: Well, you did.

LATHROP: So I had to start peeling them off [(my clothes)].
FISHER: What activity levels were used for these initial studies with thallium-199? For example, Katherine, you say you were a subject of one of these early experiments. How much [radio]activity would you permit going into your blood veins for this early study?
HARPER: A [few] millicuries.
LATHROP: Well, you know, it's not a matter, exactly, of how much activity. It also is what the quality125 of the activity is, average—
HARPER: How much do you need?
LATHROP: Yeah, that's right, too.
FISHER: Thallium-199 has several higher-energy photons.
LATHROP: But we had already—we must have done some animal experiments.
HARPER: I don't remember what we did.
FISHER: It sounds like you were the subject of an experiment on several occasions.
HARPER: We both were.
FISHER: Was this accepted practice, still, in that particular era?
HARPER: Still is.
FISHER: Still is?
HARPER: You don't give anything to a patient that you haven't tried on yourself, [that] sort of idea.
LATHROP: That's right. I would tell the people that I had asked to volunteer that I wouldn't ask them to do anything I wouldn't do to myself. And one day, one of the people I was working with said he really appreciated that. That was the reason that he decided that he would volunteer for the studies that we were doing.
FISHER: Incidentally, this was really quite recently, in 1970, when you worked on thallium-199. I say "recently," because this is not too far back in my own memory.
HARPER: That's right. Well, we didn't advocate thallium-199 as an [imaging] agent. It was a study showing that thallium did localize in the heart as we thought it was going to. I mean, the agents that were used before were cesium and rubidium and potassium, and the thallium fit in there [(that category)] because it behaved in a somewhat similar manner metabolically.
FISHER: Of course, now, thallium-201 is a widely used cardiac imaging agent.
HARPER: Of course. We're still doing dosimetry126 on it.
LATHROP: We discovered [something] with the thallium. I was a subject and Paul was a subject, and my scan had a lesion, and his didn't. That puzzled him for a while, until we found out that I actually did have a lesion, which had subsequently gone away.
FISHER: When you make thallium in the cyclotron, you make a mixture of thallium isotopes? [Did] you get thallium-201 or thallium-202?
HARPER: We did a thallium-202 study. We bombarded mercury and let the short-lived thing [nuclides] decay out until there was only the thallium-202 left, and then we were able to do a long-term biodistribution study using whole-body imaging system, and that's on its way to the MIRD Committee127 at the moment, I think[, but] that was some years ago.
FISHER: About what year was the thallium-202 study?
LATHROP: Well, that was after it had become used widely in clinical practice.
FISHER: Thallium-202 is a positron emitter with some photons—
HARPER: [No, it decays by electron capture as listed in Lederer.] We were looking at photons.
LATHROP: We wanted to be able to follow the thallium for a long period of time.
HARPER: We did it in a whole-body counter128 that was [modified] to image [high-energy photons].
FISHER: Who were the subjects of this study?
HARPER: One subject.
FISHER: Dr. Harper?
HARPER: No, this was one of our technologists; he was captive personnel. He knew what was going on. His family [complained] when he kept his excreta in the icebox [(refrigerator)] at home.

LATHROP: Because we had followed him for six or eight weeks.
YUFFEE: That's fair [to complain under those circumstances].
HARPER: Well, this is just to check on the whole-body counter, because we didn't really trust that. So we collected excreta and added them up to look at the disappearance [of radioactivity].
FISHER: We see in the published literature many references to the whole-body counter.
FISHER: Sometimes it's not clear where the whole-body counter is. Is this Argonne?
HARPER: It's the one here.
FISHER: It's the one here at the hospital?
FISHER: You have your own [counter] here in the Argonne Cancer Hospital?
LATHROP: We did.
HARPER: We did. It broke and it has been [dismantled]. Its use has been discontinued.
FISHER: But the hospital had its own whole-body counter for many years.
FISHER: Do you remember how long that operated?
HARPER: Maybe 20 years.
LATHROP: It died when we were doing the OIH129 study. The first study we did with it, was [with selenomethionine.]
HARPER: Yeah. Mrs. Lathrop followed a [patient] for three years who had an ordinary diagnostic dose of selenomethionine. That's the number-one MIRD dose estimate.
LATHROP: There's the selenomethionine dose estimate report I think that I put into that packet.
LATHROP: Well, that was our first study, but the reason the whole-body counter was constructed was to do potassium studies.
HARPER: Most of our progress was made back before the regulators [(institutional review boards, or IRBs)]130 got into the act.
FISHER: You know, I'm envious because—
HARPER: You should be.
FISHER: —in today's science, it's not only difficult to discover things because you've made so many fantastic discoveries already, but it's also hard—
HARPER: Well, it was an open [research] field. Nobody had done the legwork. We lucked out.
FISHER: It's hard to get [research] funding, and I think you and many others who did the work during this particular era, 1940 through 1980, were able to discover so many new and exciting things.

When you make thallium by cyclotron, do you also end up with some long-lived thallium-204 contaminant?
HARPER: [In the present commercial system, thallium-203 is bombarded with high-energy protons, producing a (p-3n) reaction,131 giving lead-201. Contaminating lead-202 decays rapidly to thallium-202, which is removed on a column. The longer-lived lead-201, then decays to thallium-201 and is removed from the column, leaving the contaminating lead-203.]
FISHER: You worked originally with mercury as a source for thallium, didn't you?
HARPER: Yes, we did. That's because—that was the only way we could do it.
FISHER: Okay. But now, is it made—
HARPER: Yeah. You bombard the thallium-203, and it makes lead-203, lead-202, [and] lead-201. Now, what do you do? This is short-lived [(half-life: 8.4 hours)]. Okay. So you let these decay out and it leaves you with lead-201, and then you milk it off the thallium-201.
FISHER: I see. That's interesting. So you have a tradeoff between yield and purity.
FISHER: Have you been able to register any patents?
HARPER: We haven't attempted to.
FISHER: Haven't attempted?
HARPER: It's just too much hassle.
LATHROP: The University [of Chicago] was not really receptive to it until just recently. Now, they are urging people to [file invention reports].
HARPER: Somebody patented the technetium process, the methyl-ethyl-ketone extraction.
LATHROP: That was [the chemical firm] Union Carbide [Corporation].
HARPER: Union Carbide did. And we were advised that it was just a patent to discourage other people; it wasn't a real patent, [but] a ghost patent of some sort.

Antifibrinogen Research

FISHER: I'm interested in work you did in 1966, or maybe a little earlier than that.
HARPER: I know what that was.
FISHER: On the use of antifibrinogen132
HARPER: Oh, that.
FISHER: —labeled with iodine-131 for cancer therapy.
HARPER: That's—you're familiar with the [William F.] Bale133 and [Irving] Spar134 operation?
FISHER: Bale was at Rochester.135
HARPER: Yeah, the whole operation is there. And so was Spar. He ended up as Dean [of Graduate Studies and Financial Aid].
FISHER: Can you tell us more about this history?
HARPER: The idea was that when clots formed, the fibrinogen was carried down [as fibrin. Labeled antifibrinogen would then be carried down to the fibrin of the clot.]

Then, if you discourage fibrinolysis136 by giving [amino caproic acid]— the localization shows up better. [Bale and Spar] even thought that it might be possible to get up to therapeutic levels.

They had to have special 131I made at Oak Ridge, because there are some inert iodines made by the usual reaction that reduces the specific activity.137 I don't remember exactly how they did it, but they got the special run of high-specific-activity 131I.

They labeled the antifibrinogen, and then [to purify it,] they absorbed this out onto a fibrin column, and then eluted138 it. They had a [stricter] IRB in Rochester, so they couldn't [carry out patient] studies, and we could.

So that's how the collaboration developed. We did a number of studies. We even did a therapeutic one.
FISHER: Can you describe the subjects of these studies?
HARPER: We were trying to look at localization in people with advanced malignancy.
FISHER: Okay. So your subjects were cancer patients?
HARPER: Yes. They were not treatable otherwise; and there was a possibility of treating them.

We did one experiment in a lady that had advanced ovarian carcinoma. We gave [her] antifibrinogen, and then, after it had localized, we wiped out the [remaining] circulating antifibrinogen by giving [anti-rabbit goat] gamma globulin.139 There was no problem.

It gave us [improved image] quality because it wiped out the circulating activity, which all went into the liver and metabolized and the iodine was excreted.
FISHER: What were some of the cancer types that this [therapy] was conceived for?
HARPER: Anything. Anything that's outgrowing its blood supply and producing incipient140 necrosis, [and then] laying down the fibrin.
FISHER: What would be some good examples of that?
HARPER: Any tumor.
FISHER: Any solid tumor.
HARPER: Yes. We presented this at a meeting in Germany, and the Germans leaped onto it; somebody in Berlin, in East Germany, did 50, 60 patients. It [(the therapy)] seems to work best in sarcomas.141
FISHER: Was this work discontinued after some time, for any reason?
HARPER: Well, we got tired of it. [We] got interested in other things.
LATHROP: Well, didn't it [(the fibrinogen therapy)] work sometimes better than it did other times?
HARPER: Yeah. It wasn't 100 percent.
FISHER: Were you able to achieve high enough amounts—administered amounts for therapeutic efficacy—or were you limited in some way?
HARPER: Well, we thought—no, we weren't limited in any way, it was just a matter of how much activity—
FISHER: —you could get?
HARPER: Yes. The people at Rochester made the material and shipped it to us in dry ice [(frozen carbon dioxide)], so it's really an offshoot of their study.
FISHER: So you were only limited by the amount of labeled antifibrinogen that you could obtain.
HARPER: That's right. I mean, you can give hundreds of millicuries of 131I without it doing any very serious damage if you don't worry about regulations.
FISHER: Katherine, were you involved in the dosimetry of any of those patients?
LATHROP: Of the antifibrinogen patients?
HARPER: We weren't particularly worrying about dosimetry. We were just looking at what actually [happened].
FISHER: Localization and—
LATHROP: Now, whether—what was his name—Spar?
HARPER: Who—Irv Spar?
LATHROP: Irv Spar, yes. He may have done something on that. I don't know. Do you?
HARPER: I don't remember.
FISHER: This is interesting because, you know, now, with the advent of—
HARPER: Yes. Well, I think this is the first [clinical monoclonal antibody142 studies] that I'm aware of.
FISHER: Now, with the advent of highly specialized [antibodies]—
HARPER: No, the pathologists, [at our institution], were doing things with antibodies in rats, curing tumors in rats, but I don't think they ever got to the point of using it clinically.
FISHER: Clinically. With highly specific monoclonal antibodies, iodine-131, high-dose iodine-131 therapy is becoming more and more successful.
HARPER: People are getting more and more enthusiastic about it, but that doesn't always follow.
FISHER: The physicians are really doing quite well, now, with high-dose iodine-131 antibodies in conjunction with bone-marrow transplantation and—
HARPER: Oh, I see.
FISHER: . . . [and with] chemotherapeutic143 agents, all in combination to form a very potent attack [on malignancy].
HARPER: Sounds like it's almost worse than the disease.
FISHER: It's a heavy dose for a disease that won't be [effectively] treated any other way, I guess.
HARPER: Right.
FISHER: But the pioneering efforts here, I'm sure, were very, very important in—
HARPER: Have you ever seen them referenced? I have them.
FISHER: I have that in this package.
FISHER: Which was really, [it] really caught my attention.
HARPER: Okay. Well, that's your special interest, [or] one of your special interests.
FISHER: And so I was interested in asking about any follow-up [therapy].
YUFFEE: It's on that [subject that] I did have one quick question. You mentioned that part of the origination of your collaboration at Rochester was that you didn't have a strict IRB and they did [have a strict IRB].
YUFFEE: Was that the basis of other collaborations?
YUFFEE: Just in that one instance?
HARPER: Just that one instance; it must have originated in a conversation at a meeting.
YUFFEE: And that sort of goes to the heart of what you were saying [about] the advent of more and more regulation getting in the way [of research].
HARPER: More and more regulations makes it tougher and tougher [to get work done].
FISHER: During this period, Dr. Harper, did you continue to practice surgery?
HARPER: Oh, yes. I ran a service, you know, from the "reactor to the grave."144

FISHER: That's a quotation that could live on. What were your main interests?
HARPER: General surgery.
FISHER: General surgery? Do you still do that, or are you retired?
HARPER: No, no. I haven't done it [(surgery)] for 10 or 15 years.
YUFFEE: This might be a good time, Darrell, to go through some of the [other] experiments we [need to discuss].

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