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DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiment Related Sites |
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Federal DOE DOE Sites & National Laboratories
The following are organizations which provide related information and links to databases, electronic documents, and servers.
FEDERAL - DOEU.S. Department of Energy (DOE) homepage (http://www.doe.gov/)contains information on DOE's Departmental Resources, Programs, Offices, National Labs and other DOE related topics. DOE's Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Technical Information Services (TIS) homepage (https://nattie.eh.doe.gov/) is a collection of information services designed to provide safety and health professionals with reliable, accurate and current information to assist them in performing their jobs. The Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR) (https://www3.orau.gov/CEDR/#.U8fVV_1OWUk) was created by DOE to provide public access to health and exposure data related to DOE facilities. Most of the data in the system is from epidemiologic studies conducted by DOE-funded researchers as part of DOE Worker Health and Mortality Studies. Other types of studies represented in the data include those of populations residing near DOE facilities, as well as, of classic studies of the atomic bomb survivors and the radium dial painters. This site also provides links to numerous useful and interesting sites related to epidemiology, ES&H issues, and radiation. United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries (http://www.ustur.wsu.edu/GraduateProjects/WSU/NielsenMS.html) Funded through a grant from DOE to Washington State University, the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries are unique human tissue research programs which study the distribution, dosimetry and possible biological effects of the actinide elements (plutonium, americium, uranium, and thorium). OpenNet (http://www.osti.gov/opennet/) is sponsored by the DOE Office of Declassification and was originally designed to provide public access to recently declassified documents. Its scope has been expanded to include many other publicly available documents from throughout the DOE complex. OpenNet searches a bibliographic index of data for each document in the collection. Search results are in the form of a description of the document and information on where a copy of the document can be obtained. The Office of Science and Technical Information (OSTI) (http://www.osti.gov/home/ ) provides access to the Department of Energy Reports Bibliographic Database which contains citations for DOE sponsored scientific and technical reports beginning in January 1994, as well as, to many other information sources. The Office of Biological and Environmental Research (OBER) is part of DOE's Office of Energy Research (http://science.energy.gov/ber/). OBER supports research to advance the biomedical and environmental sciences and to ensure that the potentially adverse health and environmental impacts of energy technologies are fully understood. Among its many additional contributions to the Department's mission, OBER is responsible for formulating human subjects research policies and for ensuring Department-wide compliance with the Federal regulations that protect human subjects from research risks.
DOE SITES & NATIONAL LABORATORIESArgonne National Laboratory (ANL) (http://www.anl.gov/), located near Chicago, IL, is operated by the University of Chicago as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's national laboratory system. Argonne: The History of ANL is found at: http://www.anl.gov/OPA/history/ Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) (http://www.bnl.gov/) is operated by Associated Universities, Inc. under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. The BNL homepage includes access to its digital library and publications, mission and research programs. Hanford Site ( http://www.hanford.gov/) is managed by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Richland Operations Office. The site supports programs in waste management, environmental restoration, science and energy. This Web site contains information on Hanford's News and Events, Programs and Activities as well as, Safety Information and Environmental Assessments and Impact Statements. The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) (https://inlportal.inl.gov/portal/server.pt/community/home/255) is home to the largest concentration of technical professionals in the northern Rocky Mountain region. Located in Idaho, INEL is operated by Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Company for the U.S. Department of Energy. It is the scene of some of the most advanced research programs in the world. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)(http://www.lbl.gov/) The Lawrence Berkeley Lab is operated by the University of California as part of the U.S.Department of Energy's national laboratory system. It is a multiprogram lab where research in advanced materials, biosciences, energy efficiency, detectors and accelerators focuses on national needs in technology and the environment. Viewers can find an in-depth history of the lab as well as information on scientific programs, publications, educational programs, technologies and research conducted by the lab. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)(http://www.llnl.gov/) The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by the University of California under a contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, working in the areas of global security, global ecology, and bioscience. Organizational, historical, and general information about the lab may be found here, along with the laboratory research, publications, projects and educational outreach activities. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a Department of Energy multiprogram laboratory managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Their homepage is at: http://www.ornl.gov/ and leads to information on ORNL's research programs, public information sources and publications.
Department of Defense ( DoD ) (http://www.defenselink.mil) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (http://www.dtra.mil) has been conducting a major program since 1978 to identify the approximately 210,000 DoD military, civilian and contract personnel who participated in U.S. nuclear tests that were conducted during the atmospheric test series, primarily in Nevada and the Pacific Ocean. The program has compiled a register of test participants and their radiation exposure, developed a history of each U.S. atmospheric nuclear event that involved DoD participants, collected and analyzed sources of recorded dosimetry and radiation data, and provided calculated doses where records doses are unavailable or incomplete.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
(http://www.nara.gov) is the government agency responsible for
overseeing the management of the records of the federal
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) homepage (http://www.nih.gov)
connects to the NIH institutions responsible for implementing the Department of Health and Human Services regulations on the protection of human subjects as well as providing access to a variety of health-related resources. Locations of possible interest include:
The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) (http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchive/radiation/), was created by President Clinton on January 15, 1994 to investigate and report on the use of human beings as subjects of federally funded research using ionizing radiation. ACHRE constructed a gopher site to provide public electronic access to information about its activities. Created by Executive Order and subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), the Advisory Committee was obligated to provide public access to its activities, processes and papers. The Advisory Committee believed, however, that the nature of the subject it investigated and the human stories that comprise it placed on it a special responsibility to disseminate as broadly as possible the results of its investigations, the implications of that history for our own time, and its best judgment concerning the rights and responsibilities of those involved. In the National Academy Press (NAP) Reading Room (http://www.nap.edu) you can read from a collection of on-line books and publications, pull one (or more) off the shelf, sit back, make yourself comfortable and . . . read! The publications are available in a variety of formats, including scanned pages of our DocuWeb format, hypertext HTML books, and Adobe Acrobat PDF. We've got a little bit of everything to suit every taste and requirement.
National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC).
Supplementary (http://lowdose.energy.gov/links/organizations_conducting_research.aspx) .