Oral Histories
Radiologist Hymer L. Friedell, M.D., Ph.D.
Short Biography
Early Training and Research
Pre-War Radiation Therapy
Pre-War Experience at the University of California
Amount of Information Provided to Patients
Prominent Researchers Working at Berkeley
The Army Medical Corps and the Manhattan Project
Work at the Chicago Metallurgical Laboratory
Inspection of Manhattan Project Facilities and Proposed Sites
Search for Data on Human Exposure to Radiation
Purchase of a Cyclotron; the Manhattan Engineer District's Early Biomedical Program
Plutonium Injection Studies
Patient Consent in the Plutonium Injections
Advisory Role in the Early AEC Biomedical Program
AEC Isotope Distribution Committee
Pre-War Experience at the University of
California |
It was after that that you went to the University of California [at
San Francisco] and worked with Dr. Stone?30 |
Because about that time, we were beginning to hear about other artificial
radioelements: radioiodine, radiophosphorus. So I thought: "I'd better,"
since I had this opportunity to find out about it, and I wrote to Dr. Stone and
asked him if he would accept me. And he did. So I came and became a member of
the staff. |
At the University of California. |
At the University of California. I think the hospital's name was then the
Moffett Hospital, as I remember correctly. I used to go everyday across to
Berkeley31 to work on the cyclotron.32 Then, there were
a lot of people working on various things, and I sort of thought that maybe I
could do something with radiophosphorus and patients. |
What did you do at the cyclotron? What was your work? |
My work on the cyclotron was really, first of all, learning what the stuff
did and how you produced it. And, secondly, I began to learn about how we could
make appropriate measurements of the intensity of the element that we were
working with. My interests at that time were primarily phosphorus and
strontium-89, in radiophosphorus. I don't quite know how I got started in this.
I should add one more thing. One of the other things I observed is the treatment
of neutron treatment in patients. We, [meaning] Dr. Stone and Dr. Larkin,
actually treated, it's publishedwe were then pursuing studies on cancers.
I think they were probably cancers that were difficult to cure, if I remember
correctly. I think I recall abdominal tumors of various kinds, some chest
tumors. And I don't believe they wanted to treat highly sensitive tumors, like
lymphomas or things of that kind, with this; I can't be sure. I don't remember
it that well. I was really not a part of the team. I was really an observer and
occasionally I participated because Dr. Stone was away, or for some reason
Larkin wasn't available, or something. I actually treated some of the patients. |
Did they bring patients to the cyclotron? |
They brought patients to the cyclotron. Patients were treated at the
cyclotron. I sort of was looking at radiostrontium. And what I did there was,
first of all, study some distribution studies by injection of animals. I think
we used a colony of mice and rats. Then we would simply assay33 the
studies. We didn't do much radioautographs at that time; which later we got to
be well-developed. I don't recall myself doing any. |
Autoradiography?34 |
But we did do studies on bone, and primarily other tissues, to see what the
distribution was at various periodsand some of the stuff may have been
published with others. But I never really got to publish the actual material
that I did, because my interests were towards the clinical surface, [and]
because I was really on the staff at the hospital. One of the things we found of
interest was: to perhaps consider treating some of the diseases that hadn't been
attacked previously with radioelements.
First of all, radioelements theoretically had one important advantage. If
you somehow had an element which had preferential deposition in tumors, or in
the vicinity of tumors, it might be useful. And so it occurred to me, and
others, that perhaps radiophosphorus might be very good. Because, first of all,
phosphates are part of the DNA complex, and so they might be picked up in the
As a matter of fact, Dr. John Lawrence35 was then busy
treating various hematological36 problems: leukemia and excessive
red cell formation; the name escapes me. Anyway, he was treating patients with
radiophosphorus. It occurred to me that maybe we could try this on widespread
carcinomatosis,37 particularly in carcinomas of the breast, because
you would find |
Polycythemia vera. Now did you participate in some of the first studies of
phosphorus-32 in the treatment of polycythemia vera?38 |
I participated with Dr. Lawrence, but I was nothe had already been
doing this for some time. Oh, yes, you see, I treated that and leukemias as
well. |
How successful was this? |
It was very successful. Obviously, you could knock the hematopoietic system39
down, and you at the same time suppressed the white cell count. And you had to
be careful about how much suppression you did. We knew that you could suppress
the hematopoietic system with relative ease. And one of the things we were
thinking about is using radiostrontium, because radiostrontium [deposited]
primarily in bone, and therefore, the energy was enough to get a fair amount in
the hematopoietic40 system. |
Why was radiostrontium preferred in the treatment of, say, bone tumors,
over radioactive calcium? |
I thinkI don't know that there was any preference. I don't recall
right now, but radiocalciumI think there were problems in the preparation
of radiocalcium. There were mechanical reasons. Theoretically, if you're going
to get it into the bone, why not use calcium? I don't know. I've forgotten know
what the energy was. It's been such a long time, I haven't looked at it. There
was a reason why radiostrontium had some advantages. First of all, it was a much
longer half-life, if I remember. Do you know? |
[About] 50 days. |
Radiostrontium was about 90 days. Strontium-89what was it? |
I think it's about 50 days. Strontium-89chloride has just been
reapproved. |
What was radiocalcium? |
I don't remember. I don't have that chart.41 |
It's not important. But anyway, for some reason, calcium could notthere
were mechanical problemsotherwise they would have used that. We didn't
really pursue radiostrontium with any weight. |
It could be produced in a cyclotron? |
It could be produced in the cyclotron. So is radiocalcium, because there
was a fellow by the name of Pashce who had sort of outlined that this area
worked for him. If I remember correctly, he was a Frenchman and had been working
in the Donner Lab42 before I was there, before I came. For reasons
that are not clear to me . . . Anyway, radiostrontium really wasn't used very
much. Actually, radiostrontium was done in a desultory sort of fashion, because
it didn't look as if it was very promising, if all you got was radiostrontium
all over the skeleton, which was troublesome. |
Because it didn't localize specifically in tumors? |
No. And of course, the idea was tumors proliferating rapidly, It might
indeed have some preferential uptake.43 But the differences were
very modest. And you had a long-lasting radioelement, reasonably long-lasting.
You'd be irradiating bone marrow pretty vigorously. |
Do you recall, at that timeI've read your paper on the six cases that
were injected with strontium-89, some prior to amputationdo you remember
if strontium had been used previously to that, or prior to that, anywhere else
in the country in studies of bone tumors? |
First of all, there weren't too many places where they could have
radiostrontium. They would have to have a cyclotron. I think there was one in
Boston, and possibly onethis was in the very early '40s, maybe 1940,
something like that, '40 or '41, just before [our entry into] the war. The [U.S.
entry into the] war started in December of 1941 [with the bombing of Pearl
Harbor on the 7th], so this must have been 1940, late '40 or early '41.
were pretty vigorous. We were doing a lot of work that seemed impossible to me
now, that I ever got involved in so many things. But we did it. The things that
we pushed most were radiophosphorus and carcinomas of the breast. As I pointed
out, one of the things that was intriguing about it was one: you could follow
it, because you could take x rays of the skeleton and see what had happened. |
Were these with phosphorus plaques, or applicators, or was it injected? |
No. It was intravenous radiophosphorus. |
It was administered intravenously [(into a vein)]? |
Yes. I think it was sodium phosphate. We would prepare this. Of course,
there was a system for preparing it already, because, as I pointed out, John
Lawrence had used it a couple of years before. As soon as that cyclotron was
operating, they were beginning to make radiophosphorus, and John Lawrence was
already treating leukemia and polycythemia. The material was available. Of
course, you could have done it through the alimentary tract,44 but
it was quicker and easier to do it intravenously. That's what we did. And so we
actually showed many many patientswe would say, it probably didn't cure
anybody. But I did have one patient that lived for 10 years with no metastases
to the bone, identifiable by x ray. |
From breast cancer? |
From breast cancer. The lesions calcified. That meantthe reason why
there is desolation is because the tumor has interfered with bone deposition. As
soon as the tumor disappears, bone deposition would occur. Sure enough, we had
this in many patients, I would say in maybe 20 percent of the patients, maybe as
many as 30.
The limiting thing was: how much phosphorus could we use, without
suppressing the blood count severely? We had one patient in which we pushed the
surrounding site count down to about 10,000 [white cells per microliter] from
300,000, and there was very little bleeding. We were surprised. Either ourcounting systems were no good, or for some reason the patient had no severe
bleeding consequences.
In any event, we treated a lot of patients. It looked
a rather promising, good-tallied approach and, as a matter of fact, when I came
here after the war, we pursued this study and had the same kinds of responses
then. |
At Case Western? |
At Case Western Reserve University, then Western Reserve University. |
One of the things we've seen in some of the documents is a kind of
discussion of the line between treatment and experiment. All of this work you
did was really to treat patients. Or was some of it, once you determined a
patient, to do some investigation as to effects? |
Our investigation then, probably we did some investigation. That is, we
could get postmortems on some of the patients, and then we would try to assay
the tumors and the bone, and kind of correlate it with the dosage that the
patient had received. We tried to do some distribution studies. But I would say
that most of our studies were done on animalsbecause to control patients,
it's extremely difficult.45
Approaches then was that we were really responding to their clinical needs.
After all, these patients were very ill. What we were doing was to see whether
indeed we could renew, that we [could] produce serious changes in the tumors. We
wanted to see whether indeed we could really prolong their lives a little and
make them more comfortable. One of the things, one of the problems of course, is
control of pain. All of these appeared. As a matter of fact, I think there is
still a place for the use of radioelements, [although it] has now become rather
In a way, radiologists aren't the first line for the management of patients.
The physicians, usually internists, who see them first are the ones who work
with them. There is, of course, ample evidence that you can suppress tumor
growth by various chemotherapeutic46 elements. As a radiologist, my
general observation is that I haven't got much faith in them. As a matter of
fact, I don't have a terrible lot of faith in radioelements as well, unless you
can make them specific. Because, they don't have specificity [(the ability to
selectively kill cancerous cells while sparing normal cells)].
Chemotherapeutic [treatment of] patients, however, does it by interfering
with it [or] by doing cross-linking neucleotides,47 or by
interfering with some proteinhasn't any way of selecting the tumors from
other rapidly dividing cells. The chemotherapeutic agent usually goes around: in
my facetious way I say, "Who's dividing today?" You see? Now if you
don't have synchrony, you now have another problem and you're aware of that.
frankly puzzled by how much credence is put in chemotherapeutic agents. I think
they can suppress this all right, but why [they are] so effective is pretty hard
for me to understand rationally. Because, unless you [have], say, normal cells,
seriously depleted and great propensity for recovery . . . I also am uneasy
about what you're doing to them, perhaps modifying them in such a way that they
may show unusual growth in those tumors. It may be that I'm not cognizant enough
of this. But, what it really meant was that the x ray or radiation approaches
would gradually reduce in interest as the chemotherapeutic agents took over. |
Did you ever use either phosphorus or strontium-89 for reduction of pain? |
We never used radiostrontium. Because, in a way, that was abandoned pretty
early. |
Why was that? |
It didn't look very promising. We were uneasy about it. First of all,
radiophosphoruswhat is the half-life, 14 days or something like that?48
That gave you a little bit better control. Secondly, radiostrontium wasn't the
real thing. It was a substitute for calcium, if you will. It was an analog of
calcium. I think that the results weren't terribly promising. So we said, "Why
do this?" It seems to me, I recall correctly, "I do this and we stick
with radiophosphorus." |
Amount of Information Provided to Patients |
One of the questions that comes up in the 1990s about work done in the
1940s, has to do with: how much did the patient know about the procedures that
were done on them? Can you kind of help us with this? |
I would say that our approach at the present time is much more rigorous. We
never really did any purely metabolic studies49 on normal patients,
for example. There may have been. But if we did, we would calculate the dose. At
that time, there was kind of a, how shall I say, a level which was called the
tolerance level; a sort of acceptable level, really based on radium standards.
Therefore, if we used tracer50 studies, we usually ignored the
possible potential hazards, which obviously have to be very small.
you look at it, the kinds of dosages that were used, even though they
theoretically, by whatever means you use (if you're linear or the other one)51
have to be small, compared to all the other hazards that arise. If you assign,
say, one rad to a potential cancer in one time in a thousand, something on that
order, you could go another decade. Patients, primarily without any other
impact, would have about [a] 20 percent chance of dying of cancer. |
Naturally. |
That's the survival. The incidence is probably 30 percent. When you cure
someone, if you look at the hard statistics, 20 percent. That means that, out of
10,000 patients, twenty [percent] will die, 2,000 will die. If you have 100,000
or something in that order, you see, you change the odds very little. |
Did patients in the 1930s and 1940s have a difficult time understanding the
concept of radiation? |
I think they were much more receptive to the physicians' assurances. We
would say, "This isn't going to be any problem to you, not at all."
They would generally accept it. I think the whole approach to radiation has been
inordinately . . . Nobody ever talks about radiation anymore, except they add a
certain adjective. It's lethal radiation or dangerous radiation
or fatal radiation. They never say it's a lethal Buick, or a
fatal Chevrolet. The risks are somewhat simpler. |
You hear the word "deadly" radiation quite often in the news. "Deadly,"
that kind of thing. |
Well, true. Radiation could be deadly. So now, the approach is very
diffident. Once you mention radiation, never mind that radiation is streaming in
here from cosmic rays.52 And never mind that you go up in the
airplane and you receive a few millirads if you fly enough, there is a different
approach. In those days, I think the patients relied more on the doctor's
assurances. After all, there were no immediate responses. They could observe
that themselves. If you gave radioiodine to patients,53 and you gave
it for diagnostic purposes usually, you would measure it over the thyroid;54
and they had no problems.
Generally, people assign hazard to more-or-less immediate responses. Once it
was established that radiation could produce oncological55 impact at
high enough doses, then you see there was a whole new examination of this;
particularly the patients that didn't realize that their exposure was very high
to cancer anyway. As I pointed out, 30 percent of the population is going to
have some cancerous changes; and 20 percent of them, actually 18 percent, are
going to die of cancer. That's the milieu in which you look at radiation now.
those days that didn't occur. We probably were pretty sloppy, put on a little
extra radiation here and there. It didn't impress us at all, because we did
studies. And I am doing some of my studies, particularly in radiostrontium. [I]
was looking for very sensitive counters, and Emilio Segrè,56
who was then working at the labone of the bestI cajoled him into
letting me use his [radiation detection equipment] because his was the best. Of
course, he was very careful about this, because he didn't want any
contamination. |
He was at Berkeley? |
He's a Nobel winner. I'm the guy that contaminated his counter. He will
never forgive me. So I have this distinction. |
At Berkeley, you would have been about 29 or 30 years old? A young
physician. |
I was then about 29 or 30. |
Prominent Researchers Working at Berkeley |
Who were the physicians of prominence that seemed to lead out and make the
decisions on human studies at the University? |
Joe Hamilton57 was there. John Lawrence was there. Larkin was
there, because he was working with the neutrons. There were other physicians who
were actually working there. I think I was one of the few. I can't recall any;
I'm trying to think of any. But the ones that come to mind[Bert] Low-Beer
was there.58 But Low-Beer didn't do anything in radioelements until
later. |
What did he do? |
He was working in diagnostics. I'm not sure I got it straight. I may be
wrong about this. Low-Beer came from either Czechoslovakia, or somewhere.
Low-Beer may not have had a license to practice. He may have been working in
research. He used to work with [and married] a girl by the name of Anne
Treadwell, whose name appears in some of the studies. He may have been doing
some research, but not on humans. |
At the cyclotron? |
With the cyclotron. But I never saw him at the cyclotron. I only saw him
over in the hospital in San Francisco. |
Did you recruit your patients mostly from the hospital in San Francisco,
to come over? |
Noexcept those that we were going to be treating with neutrons. We
treated all our patients in the hospital. We had radiophosphorus and brought it
over. All the patients were treated there. The other interesting thing about the
hospital was that they were the first ones to have a million-volt x-ray machine.
One of the scientists, I've forgotten his name for the moment, built the
machine. |
For therapy? Orthovoltage? |
Supervoltage. |
Were the patients you treatedwas there any way to characterize them?
Did they come from a very different kind of [stratum] and economic levels, or
did you get more charity patients? Is there any theme there? |
I think they came from all levels. Because the one patient that I recall so
well, that had such a good response, sort of followed me over the United States.
You may know that I came from Minnesota. She got in touch with me, and she
discovered that I was visiting my family in Minnesota; and my uncle was a
doctor. She arranged to come, and I examined her and saw her in Minneapolis. She
was a fairly well-to-do patient.
There were all kinds of patients. We
didn't make much distinction in those days;that's not true: we did make
distinctions. But we treated all of the patients. I would say that many of the
patients that came to see Dr. Lawrence were well-to-do patients. They wouldn't
come to see me in preference to Dr. Lawrence if they had leukemia or
polycythemia. |
And in the work Dr. Hamilton was doing, as well? |
Dr. Hamilton's interest in patients was rather modest, clinically. He was
doing research more than anything. But exactly what research he was doing, I
wasn't particularly aware of. At that time, it was very interesting. There was
real freedom, as we extol the virtues of freedom. Everybody did anything they
wanted to do. There wasn't any real surveillance. The only surveillance that I
had was from Dr. Stone. If I told him I wanted to do something and I outlined it
in general, he would say, "Go ahead, do it." I don't think John
Lawrence really had a kind of committee to take a look and see whether this was
an appropriate approach as far as over here, for example.
if you want to do something that hasn't been done before, there will be a
committee that will approvethat will decide whether this is worthwhile.
And there will be all kinds of elements in it. There were tremendous
differences. I would say the further west you went, the less controls there
were. I can't really characterize Joe [Hamilton]'s actual research, but I do
know that he and Mayo Soley[, M.D.] were the first to use radioiodine. Mayo
Soley was an endocrinologist. He was also dean of the medical school [at UC
Berkeley, and later at the State University of Iowa].59 I think they
did some work together. Later on, I got to know Joe very well. I got to know him
particularly well when I got into the Manhattan Project. |
What year would that have been when they first used radioiodine, as you
recall? |
I think it must have been late '30s. |
Were you ever involved with the teaching program at the university or over
at Berkeley? |
Theoretically, I maybe started out as a teaching fellow. But I would say
that my teaching would be limited to house officers. I participated in
conferences. There were regular conferences; and they were teaching exercises,
if you will. The students attended, but it was not a rigorous or arranged
curriculum. These were regular conferences that had to do with oncological
approaches or certain diagnostic studies, and the students would be there. You
could say that was my teaching experience. |
Dr. [Glenn T.] Seaborg60 mentioned to us that he recalls
incidences where either Dr. Lawrence or others, in demonstrating the principles
of radioactivity, self-administer[ed] radiosodium to show its rapid uptake in
the mucosa of the stomach [by holding a Geiger counter next to the palm of his
hands to demonstrate activity in blood circulation]. Do you remember any of
this? |
I don't really recall this, but I think if anybody did it, it would be Joe
Hamilton. I would guess it would be Joe to do it.61 I don't think it
would be any of the otherwell, it might be John Lawrence as well. But I
never did it. |
Did you ever administer yourself with any radioactive solutions? |
I think I probably took some radioiodine in my mouth for demonstration
purposes. |
Uptake in the thyroid? |
Right. I've taken the thyroid. I may even have done it after taking up
doses of iodine to show that it didn'tI could block the radioiodine from
appearing. |
Block it with some cold [(stable)] iodine? |
Yes, potassium iodine or something. |
The Army Medical Corps and the Manhattan Project |
Pick up what you were saying about getting to know Joe Hamilton and how
you were working in the MED, in the Manhattan Engineer District.62
Were you working together at that time? |
Afterwards, I got to know him very well. I suppose it's useful for me to
tell you how I got into this. This is a littlesome problems, here that
should be look[ed] at if you want history completely. I was a reserve officer.
And I had been a reserve officer for maybe four or five years, maybe six years,
since I graduated from the University of Minnesota. I retained that reserve
status for a long time. Then, when I got to California, the war was impending
and they were beginning to call up reserve officers. And I thought, surely,
they'd call me any day. When at Pearl Harbor, which was December 6 [(December 7,
1941)]I thoughtI hadn't received
. . . As a matter of fact, I thought surely they were going to call me. I
was saying that I lived in a house that I rented from an individual, who had
been called up. So they were calling up everybody at that time. I expected that
I would receive a call any minute. And I wondered about it. I kept saying to Dr.
Stone, "You know, I'll be called anytime now." He didn't respond very
well. I don't think he was evasive, but he didn't talk to me much about it.
I discovered that they had identified what they called an "essential list,"
which was being respected by the military forces for teaching purposes; so I
wouldn't be called, as long as I remained on that essential list. I discovered
that I was on this essential list. I thought about it after a bit, and I felt
that I just couldn't continue on the list, even thought it had been extremely
desirable to stay out of the war. Because I'd been this reserve officer, all my
friends were being called up, and I didn't think it was quite right. So I asked
them to remove me from the essential list. And they treated this as a, somewhat,
I would saywithout serious attention. |
Was it Dr. Stone who had seen that you got on this essential list, do you
think? |
After all, it was the dean's responsibility. I never had direct access to
the dean; I usually went through Dr. Stone. I finally said, "I must be
released. Otherwise, I'm going to have to resign and take my chances." As a
matter of fact, I was already beginning to make contacts with some friends of
mine who were in the Air Force. Because I thought if I'd go in, maybe I could
get into the Air Force. |
Were you interested in joining? |