Oral Histories
Biochemist John Randolph Totter, Ph.D.
Short Biography
Early Teaching and Basic Research in Biochemistry (1935-50)
Nucleic Acid and Leukemia Research at Oak Ridge (1952-56)
Participation in AEC Biochemistry Training in South America (1958-60)
The Division of Biology and Medicine's Research Focus on Radiation Effects
Early Leadership of the AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine (1956-60s)
Attempts to Prevent AEC's Biologists From Thwarting Nuclear Power
Radium Oversight Becomes a Political Football Between AEC and the Public Health Service
Controversy Over Low-Level Radiation, Iodine From Fallout
Livermore Biomedical Division; Conflicts With John Gofman (1962-72)
Origins of AEC-Funded Research Programs
Advisory Committee on Isotopes for Human Use
The Division of Biology and Medicine's Research Goals; Bone Marrow Transplants at Oak Ridge
The Military's Animal Research on High-Dose Radiation
AEC Involvement in International Research
The AEC's Environmental and Ecological Research
Suspension of Proposed Plowshare Projects (Circa 1963)
AEC Program Approval Coordination
Fishing (for Foreign Secrets) Where the Ducks Are
Radiation Research on Penitentiary Inmates in Washington and Oregon (1963-73)
Pre-World War II, Nongovernmental Radiation Research
Medical Follow-Up on Occupational Radiation Exposure
Follow-Up of Subjects From Plutonium Injection Experiments
Low-Level Radiation and the "Hot Particle" Controversy
Support for Animal Studies
Early and Recent Research Into Indirect Effects of Radiation and Cell Repair Mechanisms
Ethics of Government Radiation Research
Research Interests of Commissioners Seaborg and Schlesinger Compared
Rise and Fall of AEC Support for Cancer Research Hospitals (1948-74)
Public Misperceptions About Radiation and Cancer; Underuse of Established Biomedical Facilities; and Funding of Environmental Cleanup vs. Biomedical Research
1-During World War II, the Manhattan
Project had built a vast complex of highly classified facilities in and near Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, to process uranium for use in atomic bombs. The Atomic Energy
Commission assumed control of these facilities upon its creation and, today,
they belong to the Department of Energy.
2-any of
a class of organic compounds that are the building blocks from which proteins
are constructed
3-the rate at which chemical
processes take place in the body
4-For a history
of ORNL, see ORAU From the Beginning, written by William G. Pollard with Gould
A. Andrews, Marshall Brucer, et al., which was published by Oak Ridge Associated
Universities, Oak Ridge Tennessee, 1980.
Alexander Hollaender was the director of the Biology Division at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory.
6-a radioactive isotope of
carbon having a half-life of about 5,730 years: widely used in the dating of
organic materials; also called radiocarbon
count of the number of white blood cells in a specific volume of blood
8-occurring while another disease is in progress
9-a physician who studies the study of the origin, nature,
and course of diseases
10-any of several cancers
of the bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of white blood cells in
the tissues, resulting in anemia, increased susceptibility to infection, and
impaired blood clotting
11-the soft, fatty,
vascular tissue in the cavities of bones; it is a major site of blood-cell
12-established in 1946 by the
Manhattan Engineer District and operated under a Manhattan Project (and later
Atomic Energy Commission) contract. ORINS was responsible for training
physicians and researchers in the safe handling of radioisotopes and in the
development of isotope applications in medicine. In addition, ORINS was
responsible for selecting both students and established scientists for
fellowships and other temporary research assignments. Today, the educational and
training functions of ORINS are carried out by its successor, Oak Ridge
Institute for Science and Education (ORISE).
of ORINS; succeeded by Gould Andrews. Brucer died in 1994.
14-Shields Warren, M.D., was Chief Pathologist at New
England Deaconess Hospital and Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School.
He joined the U.S. Navy Medical Department in 1939 and wrote with others on what
was then known about radiation during World War II. Dr. Warren served on the
first U.S. team to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki after they were bombed with
atomic weapons and was involved in creating what became the Atomic Bomb Casualty
Commission. He was the first director of the AEC's Division of Biology and
Medicine and, later, established his own cancer research institute at New
England Deaconess Hospital. See "Recollections of Shields Warren" in
DOE/EH-0471, Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral History
of Radiologist Henry I. Kohn, M.D., Ph.D. (June 1995).
15-predecessor agency to the U.S. Department of Energy and
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC); established January 1, 1947
16-Founded in 1913, the Rockefeller Foundation directs its
grants to three areas. One is International Science-Based Development, focusing
on the developing world with emphasis on the environment, agriculture, health,
and population sciences. The other areas are Arts and Humanities and Equal
17-radioactive tags on
biomolecules, used to study a biological, chemical, or physical system
18-a program initiated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to
identify and demonstrate uses for peaceful nuclear explosives (PNEs), such as
civil engineering projects. For a variety of reasons, no such peaceful nuclear
explosions ever were conducted by the United States as anything other than
tests. Before its breakup, the Soviet Union reportedly used PNEs in several
large-scale civil works projects.
radioactive isotope of hydrogen having an atomic weight of three. The heaviest
isotope of the element hydrogen, tritium gas is used in modern nuclear weapons.
20-equipment used to count the rate of radiation emissions
from radionuclides inside a subject's body, using radiation detection
instruments or a whole-body counter
of the AEC's Division of Biology and Medicine from 1963 to 1967
22-Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago; operated by
the University of Chicago
23-shorthand for
Division of Biology and Medicine; the term is found again when Totter discusses
the like-named division at Los Alamos.
Sunshine was initiated by the AEC in response to the urgent need to better
understand the global distribution of fallout from atomic weapons testing and
its potential adverse effects in people.
long-range, high-altitude, strategic reconnaissance aircraft with a crew of one
pilot that was developed in secret for the Central Intelligence Agency by the
Lockheed Corporation (now Lockheed Martin). U-2s conducted overflights of the
Soviet Union from 1956 until 1960, when one was shot down and its pilot captured
deep inside the Soviet Union. From the beginning, air sampling for fallout to
monitor the Soviet nuclear weapons program was an important mission for the U-2.
Long after its penetrations of Soviet airspace ended, the U-2 continued to be
used on high-altitude flights to sample for fallout from Soviet and Chinese
nuclear weapons tests.
26-the conceptual use of
fission-product radiation to kill enemy troops
National Laboratory near Santa Fe, New Mexico, where nuclear bombs were
assembled before and during the Cold War; operated by the University of
California for the U.S. Department of Energy
1944 to 1962, Los Alamos conducted 254 open-air implosion physics tests in
neighboring Bayo Canyon. The purpose of the program was to test weapons designs
using conventional high explosives and radioactive lanthanum (RaLa), a
short-lived but intense radiation source. Tests were performed specifically to
diagnose material motion and compression through high-speed x-ray photographs of
the earliest moments of the implosion. The sources involved contained quantities
ranging from around one hundred to several thousand curies of lanthanum-140.
29-a nuclear power generating station 10 miles from
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, owned and operated by General Public Utilities,
Incorporated. On March 28, 1979, a combination of system failure and human error
led to a partial meltdown in one of the station's two 1,000-megawatt pressurized
water reactors. As one consequence, radioactivity was vented into the air. The
event at Three Mile Island remains the most significant nuclear power plant
accident to have occurred in the United States.
in the Marshall Islands, a group of 34 atolls in the west central Pacific where
the United States performed atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons in the 1950s.
Since 1986 the Marshall Islands have been a self-governing area associated with
the United States.
31-the location where most
nuclear weapon tests within the Continental United States were conducted
32-the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
33-Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago, Illinois
34-the first individual to be appointed on personal merit
rather than selection based on other factors, such as personal friendship or
individual politics
35-Dr. James Schlesinger was
appointed by President Richard Nixon to be Chairman of the Atomic Energy
Commission and, in the early '70s, led its restructuring into the Energy
Research and Development Administration (ERDA).
Totter is referring to John A. McCone, who later headed the Central Intelligence
Agency under President John F. Kennedy's Administration.
37-radon-222, a naturally occurring, heavy, radioactive,
gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium-226
38-sand residues from the milling of uranium ores
39-isotopes formed by radioactive decay of another isotope
40-John Gofman, a physician and biophysicist, held that
there is no safe level of radiation exposure. His public views and outspoken
style brought him into frequent conflict with Totter and the AEC. For Gofman's
account of these conflicts, see "The Controversy Over Nuclear-Armed
Antiballistic Missiles (1969)" in DOE/EH-0457, Human Radiation Studies:
Remembering the Early Years; Oral History of Dr. John W. Gofman, M.D. (June
41-Tamplin worked with Gofman in the
Biomedical Department of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, where he gathered
international literature on the effects of nuclear fallout on animals and
humans. Tamplin's close work with Gofman and involvement with the human
radiation research community are discussed throughout the Gofman transcript.
42-Beta particles are electrons or positrons emitted from an
atomic nucleus in beta decay.
43-Gamma rays are
highly penetrating photons of high frequency, usually 1019 Hz or more, emitted
by an atomic nucleus.
44-Dr. Harold Knapp worked
in the AEC Division of Biology and Medicine's Fallout Studies Branch. Following
up on assessment of sheep exposure to iodine-131, in September 1962 he submitted
a report that concluded that aboveground nuclear weapons tests had produced
radiation doses around the Nevada Test Site significantly higher than previously
announced by the AEC. This brought him into conflict with Dr. Gordon Dunning,
also of the Division of Biology and Medicine, who had taken the position that
radiation from the Nevada Test Site was at safe levels. Dr. Charles Dunham
convened a meeting of scientists to review Knapp's paper. For a participant's
account of that meeting, see the section "Livermore Biomedical Department's
Work on Fallout and Plowshares (196365)" in the Gofman transcript
(op. cit.) In the early-1960s criminal trial referred to by Dr. Totter, Dr.
Knapp's inquiries legally challenged the conviction and led to the release of
three men. For his actions, Dr. Knapp received the Oliver Wendell Holmes Award
of the American Civil Liberties Union. Source: Philip L. Fradkin; Fallout, an
American Nuclear Tragedy; 1989; University of Arizona Press; Tucson; p. 192.
45-A WASH number paper was an official AEC research report
widely distributed to libraries, usually dealing with nuclear health and safety.
46-For insight into discussions leading to establishing this
laboratory from Dr. Gofman's perspective, see "Establishing Livermore
Laboratory's Division of Biology and Medicine" and "Jack, all we want
is the truth" in the Gofman transcript (DOE/EH-0457).
47-National Council on Radiation Protection. Although the
words "and Measurements" later were appended to the name, the
Council's initials remain NCRP.
48-Dunham left
to take a position at the National Academy of Medicine.
49-Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, established in
1946 by the Manhattan Engineer District and operated under a Manhattan Project
(and later Atomic Energy Commission) contract. ORINS was responsible for
training physicians and researchers in the safe handling of radioisotopes and in
the development of isotope applications in medicine. In addition, ORINS was
responsible for selecting both students and established scientists for
fellowships and other temporary research assignments. Today, the educational and
training functions of ORINS are carried out by its successor, Oak Ridge
Institute for Science and Education (ORISE).
E. Donnall Thomas was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1990 for his
pioneering work in bone marrow transplantation.
a discussion of the ORINS bone-marrow transplant research, see DOE/EH-0453,
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral History of
Pathologist Clarence Lushbaugh, M.D. (April 1995).
Low-Exposure-Rate Total Body Irradiator (LETBI)
is the dose at which 50 percent of humans, within 30 days, will die.
54-For contrasting views on the medical ethics of the LETBI
studies at Oak Ridge, see the oral history transcripts of Lushbaugh
(DOE/EH-0453) and Karl Z. Morgan, Ph.D. (DOE/EH-0475, June 1995).
55-Dr. Helen Vodopick, M.D., was the Senior Clinician in
Oncology Research at the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Medical Division and
participated in the treatment of patients with total-body irradiation and
chemotherapy. See DOE/EH-0482, Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early
Years; Oral History of Oncologist Helen Vodopick, M.D. (August 1995).
56-National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA
sought to determine whether astronauts should be protected from the radiation
flux in the Van Allen belts and from radiation in space in the event of a highly
energetic stellar event (such as a supernova). Such exposures, NASA calculated,
would amount to about 1.5 roentgens (R) per hour. Some LETBI patients would
receive similar rates of exposure for days at a time, as astronauts might.
Accordingly, NASA paid ORINS to report on the effects of such exposure on
patients in order to develop techniques that could be used to diagnose whether
an astronaut was developing radiation sickness. The funding led to charges that
NASA was dictating the exposure rates that the LETBI staff administered to
patients. See "NASA Support for LETBI Research" in the Vodopick
transcript (DOE/EH-0482, August 1995), and "NASA-Sponsored Studies"
and "Questioning the Propriety of NASA-Funded Studies" in the
Lushbaugh transcript (DOE/EH-0453, April 1995).
the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
to metastasis, the spread of disease-producing organisms or of malignant or
cancerous cells to other parts of the body by way of the blood or lymphatic
vessels or membranous surfaces; or, the condition so produced
59-a partly muscular gland that surrounds the urethra in
males at the base of the bladder and secretes an alkaline fluid that makes up
part of the semen
60-a Department of Energy
weapons site in Aiken, South Carolina, that, during the Cold War, was the major
source of tritium and plutonium for atomic bombs
Site is the Department of Energy's 570-square-mile former nuclear weapons
complex near Richland, Washington.
62-For a
firsthand account of Hanford's detection of Soviet atmospheric testing in 1946,
see "Monitoring Successfully Detects the Soviets' Entry Into the Nuclear
Age" in DOE/EH-0455, Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years;
Oral History of John W. Healy (May 1995).
harbor facilities for docking a large ship are inadequate or nonexistent, cargo
must be transshipped to and from shore by means of smaller, often bargelike,
shallow draft vessels (hence, "lighter").
international law, a diplomatic embassy is the sovereign soil of the nation
being represented (in this case, the United States). Similarly, diplomatic
pouches are immune from inspection by the host country.
65-Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
66-From 1963 to 1973, the
University of Washington, Seattle conducted studies on the effects of radiation
on human testicular function, using inmates at the Washington State Prison in
Walla Walla as subjects. Initially, 232 healthy volunteers were accepted into
the study program. Sixty were subsequently irradiated with acute doses of x
rays, ranging from 7.5 to 400 rads to the testes. Each selected inmate had
expressed a desire to undergo a vasectomy at the conclusion of the study; 53 did
so. All subjects eventually recovered to their normal preirradiation condition
prior to vasectomy. The work was supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.
See OT-14, " Testicular Irradiation of Washington State Prison Inmates,"
in Human Radiation Experiments Associated with the U.S. Department of Energy and
Its Predecessors (213 pages), DOE/EH-0491, July 1995.
August 1963 to May 1971, the Pacific Northwest Research Foundation in Seattle,
Washington, used inmates at the Oregon State Prison in Salem to determine the
effects of ionizing radiation on sperm production and to determine minimum dose
levels for initial effect and permanent damage. Sixty-seven healthy volunteers
ranging in age from 24 to 52 years were irradiated by x rays one or more times.
Testicular absorbed doses ranged from 8 to 640 rads. Subjects were compensated
for their participation and for each biopsy. All subjects who had not been
previously vasectomized agreed to undergo a vasectomy at the conclusion of the
study. All did so, receiving additional compensation. For details and a list of
references, see OT-21, "Testicular Irradiation of Oregon State Prison
Inmates," in Human Radiation Experiments Associated with the U.S.
Department of Energy and Its Predecessors (213 pages), DOE/EH-0491, July 1995.
68-In 1966, the National Institutes of Health
made recommendations to the Surgeon General's Office for the creation of what
are now known as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). IRBs review and approve
medical research involving humans.
investigator for the Oregon prisoner studies
investigator for the Washington State Prison, Walla, Walla, Washington,
testicular irradiation of inmates study, 196370
somatic cellsany cells of the body that are not sexually reproductive
72-From 1951 to 1977, Durbin worked as a
chemist and radiobiologist at the Crocker Laboratory of the Lawrence Radiation
Laboratory (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory). For the transcript of the November
11, 1994 interview with Durbin, see DOE/EH-0458, Human Radiation Studies:
Remembering the Early Years; Oral History of Dr. Patricia Wallace Durbin, Ph.D.
(June 1995).
73-Richmond, a Los Alamos
researcher, was on loan to the AEC from 1969 to 1971. For the transcript of the
January 24, 1995 interview with Richmond, see DOE/EH-0477, Human Radiation
Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral History of Radiobiologist Chet
Richmond, Ph.D. (August 1995).
DOE/EH-0454, Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral History
of Dr. George Voelz, M.D. (May 1995)
particulates of radioactive material that emits many alpha or beta particles
76-In 1964, a U.S. Navy Transit navigation satellite failed
to reach orbit and disintegrated in the atmosphere. The satellite received its
electrical power from a 4.5-pound, grapefruit-sized radiothermal generator that
produced energy from the heat of its decaying radioisotopes. The device, known
as a SNAP or System for Nuclear Auxiliary Power, disintegrated, scattering
plutonium particles in the atmosphere over the southern hemisphere. Today,
plutonium-238 is used as a thermal source to keep instruments warm in outer
space where it is very cold, such as on the Galileo space voyager.
77-study of the effects an detection of poisons; in this
case, the study of the hazardous effects of internal radioisotopes
78-Since 1965, Battelle Memorial Institute, headquartered in
Columbus, Ohio, has operated the Pacific Northwest Laboratory in Richland,
Washington, for the U.S. Department of Energy.
Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Albuquerque
excess assimilation of radioiodine in the thyroid, indicating abnormality
81-molecular fragments that have one or more unpaired
electrons and are therefore highly reactive, being capable of causing rapidly
oxidizing reactions that destabilize other molecules
"Ames Test"
83-placement of sealed
radiation sources into cavities of the body for treatment of cancer, such as
uterine cancer; these sealed sources are later removed when treatment is
84-radiation treatment in which the
radiation source is located outside the body
chemist, born 1912. A professor of Chemistry at the University of California,
Berkeley, Seaborg discovered plutonium in 1940 and went on to play a key role in
the discovery of more than half a dozen heavy elements through the 1950s,
winning the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1952. Seaborg later served as Director
of the Atomic Energy Commission.
(131I) is widely used to diagnose thyroid function and also is a highly
effective therapy for hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease, and thyroid cancer.
87-The Medical Division at ORINS had approximately 30 beds
for people with certain types of cancer; this contract was terminated in 1974.
88-the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, one of three
clinical facilities created by the Atomic Energy Commission in 1948. While the
AEC owned the 58-bed Chicago hospital, the University of Chicago medical school
administered and staffed the facility. Patients were admitted on a selective
basis: physicians chose persons whose condition best suited the hospital's
research and treatment applications. The hospital admitted its first patient in
January 1953. The Energy Research and Development Administration terminated
Government support for Argonne and the other AEC-created research hospitals in
1974, three years after the hospital's name was changed to the Franklin McLean
Institute. The facilities are now used by the university's medical school for
studies in radiology and hematology.
professor of Radiology at the University of Rochester (Rochester, New York),
site of research involving plutonium and human subjects. Dr. Warren worked on
the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge as head of the medical section and headed an
Intramedical Advisory Committee. After World War II, Dr. Warren became dean of
the University of California, Los Angeles Medical School.
90-Tobias was a professor of medical physics and radiology
at the Donner Laboratory and the University of California at Berkeley. Dr.
Tobias's main research focused on the biological effects of radiation; cancer
research; and space medicine. For the transcript of the interview with Tobias,
see DOE/EH-0480, Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral
History of Biophysicist Cornelius A. Tobias, Ph.D. (July 1995).
91-Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, New York)
92-accelerators in which particles move in spiral paths in a
constant magnetic field
93-the branch of
medicine dealing with the statistics of incidence and prevalence of disease in
large populations and with detection of the source and cause of epidemics; also:
the factors contributing to the presence of absence of a disease
94-For DOE's perspective on the need for a cleanup, see
Closing the Circle on the Splitting of the Atom: The Environmental Legacy of
Nuclear Weapons Production in the United States and What the Department of
Energy is Doing About It (106 pages), DOE Office of Environmental Management,
January 1995.
95-Tylenol is a popular
nonprescription pain reliever whose active ingredient is acetaminophen.