1 A copy of Dr. Kohn's curriculum
vitae can be found at the end of the interview.
2 a small, cramped attic
3 a machine that accelerates
charged particles to very high speed by combined application of a low-frequency
magnetic field and a high-frequency electric field
4 million electron-volts
5 relative biological
effectivenessratio of the damaged caused by that radiation (i.e., the
synchrotron) to the damage of the same absorbed dose of reference radiation,
usually cobalt-60 gamma-rays
6 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
(Oak Ridge, Tennessee)
7 Brookhaven National Laboratory
(Upton, New York)
8 Argonne National Laboratory
(Argonne, Illinois)
9 practitioners of biophysics,
the branch of biology that applies the methods of physics to the study of
biological structures and processes
10 having only one complete set
of chromosomes, as opposed to two (diploid)
11 having double the basic
number of chromosomes (as possessed by haploid organisms)
12 in advance of the interview
13 Dr. Hamilton, an M.D.,
worked at Crocker Laboratory, then the site of a 60-inch cyclotron. Crocker was
a part of Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, later renamed Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory. Hamilton, who died of leukemia, is discussed in several transcripts
of this series, notably in the John Gofman interview (DOE/EH-0457).
14 the condition of being
similar antigenic types such that cells or tissues transplanted from a donor to
a recipient are not rejected
15 sites
16 National Research Council.
The Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems (series).
Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences (1978).
17 Jagger, John. The
Nuclear Lion: What Every Citizen Should Know About Nuclear Power and Nuclear War.
New York: Plenum Press (1991).
18 For the transcript of the
interview with Tobias, see DOE/EH-0480,
Human Radiation Studies: Remembering the Early Years; Oral History of
Biophysicist Cornelius A. Tobias, Ph.D. (July 1995).
19 the branch of medicine
dealing with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations and
with detection of the source and cause of epidemics; also: the factors
contributing to the presence of absence of a disease
20 The rivalry between these
two branches of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory is discussed by Dr. John
Gofman in the transcript of his interview (DOE/EH-0457, May 1995).
21 the process by which plants
convert carbon dioxide, water, and inorganic salts into complex organic
materials, especially carbohydrates, using sunlight as the source of energy and
with the aid of chlorophyll and associated pigments
22 separated or divided into
component parts
23 medical specialists who
study the nature, function, and diseases of the blood and of blood-forming
24 white blood cells