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Finding Aids
Radioactive Fallout

U.S. Department of Energy


Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Oak Ridge Field Office Records Holding Area has a large collection of documentary materials potentially relating to the fallout from nuclear weapons testing. While many of these records were created by the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), some additional searching in records of the Laboratory Director; Medicine, Health, and Safety; and Organization and Management files might prove fruitful.

In 1966, the Federal Records Center accessioned Oak Ridge records. In the process, all classified documents were removed from their original folders--thus destroying the integrity of the records. In 1971-1972, the classified material itself was split up for declassification purposes during the Comprehensive Classification Review Project (CCRP). The classified records were kept at Oak Ridge while the newly declassified records went to the East Point records center. Later, when the 1971-1972 declassification procedures were found wanting, the declassified records at East Point were returned to Oak Ridge. It is therefore difficult to determine if specific records are at Oak Ridge or at East Point. At present, the Oak Ridge Field Office and DOE's Office of Safeguards and Security are working to approve the East Point facilities as a repository for DOE classified infor-mation. If such approval is forthcoming, many classified materials will be sent to East Point for permanent storage.

By 1988, another shipment of 347 boxes was sent to East Point, Georgia. Also in 1988, History Associates reviewed part of the 79 cubic foot shipment sent to the National Archives in Washington, D.C. This review turned up 45 cubic feet of New York Operations Office records from the MED period and 14 cubic feet of daily plant records. Since that date, an additional 47 boxes have been sent to the National Archives in Washington, D.C.






Oak Ridge Records Holding Area 4800 100 Secret/RD Peripheral to Useful


Cathy Marciante
Records Officer
U.S. Department of Energy
P.O. Box 2001
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
   (615) 576-0944

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