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Finding Aids

Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Workplace and Environmental Monitoring

Building and Operational Readiness Reviews, 1986-Current


Active: RF-Building 116, Hall Area
Inactive: RF-DOE Safety and Health Division Library, Building 116; T124 A, Cubicle 27
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; buildings are in an access-controlled area.

Volume: 26.05 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: None

Condition: Good to Fair

Container Number: RF-Building 116: 1) Records are in four drawers of a 4-drawer lateral filing cabinet, in the second through fifth drawers of a 5-drawer lateral filing cabinet, and in the second through fourth drawers of another 5-drawer filing cabinet; RF-DOE Safety and Health Division Library: 2) None; RF-T124 A: 3) Records are in one of twenty-one boxes.

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Series contains handwritten forms, tables, graphs, and floor plans. Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: 1) Chronological or by building; 2-3) None

Originating Office: Nuclear Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Occupational Health divisions of DOE; Rockwell International and EG&G

Finding Aids: 1) An index to the reports is maintained on a database in Building 116; 2) DOE Records Management maintains a shelf inventory list; 3) None.

Disposition Authority: 1-3) DOE (1988) 1.1c

Series Description: This series documents the Department of Energy's inspection of onsite buildings and operations. Data in the readiness reviews include inspection dates, locations, methods, results, and conclusions. The series also contains forms titled Pre/Post Finding Validation of Closure Form, which provide contractor responses to the inspections. Records include Technical Safety Appraisals, which assess building structural elements, including fire suppression systems and seismic supports. Records in T124 A assess whether plutonium operations could be resumed in Building 559.

Data Elements: 77, 85, 88-90, 102, 107, 114, 117, 122, 124

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