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Finding Aids

Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Administrative and General

Operations Managers' Correspondence Files, 1975-1987


Inactive: DFRC
Access Restrictions: Unclassified

Volume: 94 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number:
1) 430-78-0012
2) 430-79-0008
3) 434-79-0020
4) 434-80-0029
5) 434-80-0030
6) 434-81-0039
7) 434-84-0008
8) 434-84-0027
9) 434-84-0028
10) 434-85-0019
11) 434-85-0020
12) 434-85-0021
13) 434-85-0022
14) 434-85-0023
15) 434-85-0024
16) 434-85-0025
17) 434-86-0001
18) 434-86-0029
19) 434-86-0058
20) 434-87-0004
21) 434-88-0011
22) 434-88-0012

Container Number:
1) SB206732-SB206739
2) 50059
3) 50051-50054
4) 912173-912174
5) 569189-569193
6) SB206423-SB206428
7) 54709-54716
8) 332540-332541
9) 327862-327863
10) 912061-912067
11) 327746-327750
12) 62179-62186
13) 349186-349188
14) 331696-331697
15) 329266-329269
16) 340952-340954
17) 346625-346628
18) 45857-45859
19) 346084-346085
20) 348691
21) 343096-343103
22) 342522-342527

Condition: Good

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: By calendar year, thereafter by either incoming or outgoing, thereafter by sequential document control numbers (e.g., 85-001-RF for incoming letters and 001-85-RF for outgoing letters). Both systems are filed in roughly sequential order.

Originating Office: Various offices of ERDA, DOE, and Rockwell International

Finding Aids: NARA Standard Form 135

Disposition Authority: 1-22) DOE (1980) C16.5b

Series Description: This series consists of a consolidated file of correspondence for a number of managers working at Rocky Flats. Most of the correspondence is with the Albuquerque Operations Office. A wide variety of subjects are discussed in the letters, including land management plans, soil sampling data, glovebox design considerations, water recycling research and development, radioactive waste management policies, storage and handling of explosives, construction budgets, emergency response plans, energy conservation projects, revision of production standards, employee training programs, incidents and accidents, review of nuclear criticality standards, employee benefits, project completion statements, and vendor inspection reports.

Data Elements: 3, 6, 77, 81, 85, 88-89, 102-103, 107, 114-116, 118-119, 122, 124

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