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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Fire Site

Facilities and Equipment

Monthly Electronic Status Reports, 1952-1971


Inactive: RF-881 Archives, Room 214
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; 881 Archives is a security-controlled area.

Volume: 1 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: E207

Condition: Fair

Container Number: E207

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Unknown
Arrangement: Chronologicaly

Originating Office: Radiation Instrumentation Group, Dow Chemical Company

Finding Aids: Records Storage Receipt

Disposition Authority:

Series Description: The Monthly Electronic Status Reports series contains documentation relevant to the 1957 fire. Each report provides a brief paragraph which describes new or continuing events in Building 71. A Radiation Instruments Group Monthly Report for September 1957 (dated October 9, 1957) indicates that three electronics technicians were continuously assigned to the restoration and maintenance of portable and AC [alternating current]-powered counting instruments. It also states that special priority was given to Building 71, thereby causing electronic or other work to be delayed in Buildings 76 and 77. Reports dated November 6, 1957, and December 6, 1957, indicate that five alpha survey monitors in Room 180 were lost or destroyed during or after the fire.

Data Elements: 103, 119-120, 122-124

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