Recommendation 2000-2, Vital Safety Systems - Status and Institutionalization
Mr. Ed Blackwood, EH-24
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
Recommendation 2002-2, Weapons Laboratory Support of the Defense Nuclear Complex
Mr. Emil Morrow, NA-3.6
10:30 a.m.
Panel: Quality Assurance Improvement Plan / Implementation Progress
Mr. Ray Hardwick, EH-2
11:00 a.m.
Contractors' Perspective
Mr. Dennis Ruddy, President and General Manager, BWXT Pantex
Mr. Bill Johnson, Vice President and General Manager, Nuclear Materials Management Division, WSRC
Mr. Dave Amerine, Executive Vice President and Deputy General Manager, CH2MHill
DOE Interface with the DNFSB
Mr. John T. Conway, Chairman, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Dr. A.J. Eggenberger, Vice Chairman, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Dr. John Mansfield, Member, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Panel: Federal Technical Capabilities Panel (FTCP) - Initiatives for FY2003, Performance Measures, Subject Matter Experts
Mr. Roy Schepens, Manager, Office of River Protection and FTCP Chair Mr. Bob Poe, OR, Vice Chair
Mr. Craig West, Secretariat, FTCP
Mr. John Evans, DOE S-3.1, Moderator
Senior Management Panel - Big Picture - Direction of the Program Office, Top 3 Issues, Expectations of People who Deal with the Board
Dr. Everet Beckner, NA-10
Ms. Bev Cook, EH-1
Mr. Paul Golan, EM-3
10:00 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Panel: Sites with Site Reps - Tips and Lessons Learned for Effective Interface with the DNFSB
Mr. Ken Rhyne, Y-12
Mr. Steve Erhart, Pantex
Mr. Brian Fiscus, RL-OIO
11:30 a.m.
Site Issues
12:00 p.m.
1:15 p.m.
Optional Tour at DNFSB Office/Site Issues Breakout (if needed)