DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project Record Series Descriptions |
Records Series Descriptions
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) SERIES TITLE Thornton Sargent Patient Medical Case Files INCLUSIVE DATES 1959 1994 ARRANGEMENT Study Patient name VOLUME 17 cubic feet DESCRIPTION This series contains patient case files relating to Sargent's studies using radioisotopes in human subjects to study physiologic processes. The files include raw data measurements and medical evaluation of subjects for the following studies: studies of calcium/strontium metabolism in patients with acromegaly and bone cancer (1964 1969); cobalt studies of subjects with B12 deficiency v. normal subjects; chromium-51 studies of subjects with diabetes and hemochromatosis (1970s); iron studies of patients injected with thorotrast to compare iron absorption in normal v. iron deficient subjects; brain metabolism studies using iodine-122, filed by type of patient, e.g., depression, schizophrenia; brain imaging studies using bromine isotope for brain scanning on laboratory personnel, and zinc studies of mostly normal subjects (mid-1960s). Patient records note name, weight, height, date of birth, employee number, work location, phone, date and results of urine bioassay test, dates of whole body counts, calculation of actual exposure, spectra of detected activity in both tabular and graphic forms, list of isotopes with which employee regularly works, patient's uptake level (if known), and suspected location of exposure, and either referral letter from outside physician or from Environmental Health & Safety Division of LBL. There are also records for patients, referred by outside physicians, who may have been exposed to dangerous levels of radiation (e.g., as a result of Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident). Records of experimental exposures note isotope used, amount injected, daily counts, and final analysis. RESTRICTIONS This series contains privacy material. LOCATION OF RECORDS Donner Laboratory LBL Archives and Records Office Berkeley, CA 94720 |