DOE Shield DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project
Record Series Descriptions
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Records Series Descriptions
Hanford Site

Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) 
SERIES TITLE Historical Collection of Hanford Documents 
ARRANGEMENT Document Number 
VOLUME 200 cubic feet 
The series documents radiation protection, monitoring, and release activities at 
Hanford. It includes documents pertaining to research projects, radiation protection, 
and radiation monitoring at the Hanford Site from the Manhattan Engineer District 
through 1965, the Green Run, and other intentional releases. The series consists of 
letters, memorandums, formal reports, internal reports, organizational charts, laboratory 
notebooks, and finding aids, such as handwritten document number issue books 
and a card catalogue for documents issued between 1944 and 1964. The majority of 
these documents have been reviewed for relevancy to the Hanford Environmental 
Dose Reconstruction Project and applicable documents were declassified (or declassified 
with deletions) for use by that project.  
RESTRICTIONS This series contains privacy material and a small amount of classified information. 
Pacific Northwest Laboratory 
Richland, WA 99352