DOE Shield DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project
Record Series Descriptions
Roadmap to the Project
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Records Series Descriptions
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) 
SERIES TITLE Human Medical Research Study Protocols 
ARRANGEMENT Chronological 
VOLUME 10 cubic feet 
This series contains protocols for approved human studies projects. Starting in January 
1950, the protocols consist of brief memorandums from the BNL Committee on 
Use of Radioactive Isotopes in Human Subjects stating that the committee has 
granted approval for the use of a particular isotope in human subjects. There are also 
memorandums, from physicians to the committee, describing their study proposals. 
Other types of correspondence include letters from the Isotope Division at Oak Ridge, 
TN, to BNL requesting further information on an application or stating that certain 
applications for proposed studies will be forwarded to the Subcommittee on Human 
Applications at Oak Ridge; and letters on BNL collaborative projects, written both by 
BNL researchers and by researchers at other institutions. Also included is an index 
of requests for use of isotopes in humans; and supplemental requests for projects. 
Each proposal to study radioactive isotopes in humans records the number of patients, 
purpose, isotope, dosage, and other physicians involved in the study. Each of 
these proposals is a separate experiment and several contain charts, graphs, photographs, 
and reprints of journal articles. From 1964 the forms change to Initiation of 
Review of Clinical Investigative Programs from physicians at BNL to the Committee 
and memorandums of approvals from the Committee on Clinical Investigations and 
Uses of Radioisotopes.  
Brookhaven National Laboratory 
Clinical Research Center 
Building 490 
Upton, NY 11973