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Records Series Descriptions
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) 
SERIES TITLE James Robertson Files 
INCLUSIVE DATES ca. 1950 ca. 1974 
ARRANGEMENT Record type 
VOLUME 17 cubic feet 
This material consists of records maintained by Dr. James Robertson during his 
tenure at BNL from 1950 1974. Robertson served as the head of the BNL Medical 
Division and, after leaving BNL, as head of the DOE Office of Health and Environmental 
Research in Washington, DC. Included are 10 boxes of Robertson's office chronological 
and subject files, as well as seven boxes of assorted patient data. The office 
files discuss various aspects of Robertson's administrative duties as well as his 
professional activities. Topics discussed include acquisition and distribution of 
isotopes, operation of the BNL hospital, proposed and ongoing studies, and Robertson's 
involvement with other projects and programs such as the Armed Forces Special 
Weapons Project. The patient data references boron neutron capture therapy, 
Parkinson's disease patients, and growth hormone studies. The data is in the form of charts 
and observation logs and often contains quantitative measurements of dosages, vital 
signs, and other indicators. 
RESTRICTIONS This series contains privacy material.  
Brookhaven National Laboratory 
Clinical Research Center 
Building 490 
Upton, NY 11973