DOE Shield DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project
Record Series Descriptions
Roadmap to the Project
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Records Series Descriptions
Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) 
SERIES TITLE Proposal and Authorization for Research or Development (Form 189)  
             (Medical Division Copies) 
INCLUSIVE DATES 1950 ca. 1977 
ARRANGEMENT Chronological 
VOLUME 2 cubic feet 
These forms were used by BNL (as well as other DOE contractors) to propose research 
projects and receive funding from AEC/DOE program offices. Included for 
each project is title, date, contractor/laboratory, location, contract number, budget 
number, classification, progress reporting method, person in charge, status, 
purpose/need/scope (narrative description), related projects, accomplishments (ongoing  
project), expected results, and anticipated problems. Multiple forms for different years 
are present for ongoing projects. 
Brookhaven National Laboratory 
Clinical Research Center 
Building 490 
Upton, NY 11973