Finding Aids
Radioactive Fallout
Las Vegas, Nevada
A major unclassified collection of a variety of information on fallout is housed at the Coordination and Information Center (CIC) in Las Vegas. The concept of the CIC originated with a 1978 decision by the Department of Energy to collect all documents relating to offsite fallout from United States nuclear testing. In February 1979 the Department of Energy began a comprehensive project to locate those records throughout the United States. A month later the Nevada Field Office was selected as the main office for data collection. The Department of Energy chose Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company, Incorporated (REECo), a support contractor, to operate the Coordination and Information Center at Las Vegas; in July 1981 the CIC was opened to the public.
As of September 15, 1989, the CIC had the equivalent of 1,818 linear feet of hard-copy documents, 239 reels of documents on microfilm only, and 1 map case (5 linear feet of maps and oversized documents) entered into its database, consisting of 150,000 retrievable bibliographic records from 40 major contributors and 1,325 different originating agencies or individual collections. Also available are 8 linear feet of reports on microcard. In addition, the CIC has yet to screen 60 linear feet of microcard reports, 160 reels of microfilm, 165 linear feet of microfiche documents, 200 motion- picture films, and 1,100 linear feet of hard-copy documents.
The CIC collection focuses on the 1945 to 1962 period of atmospheric testing but also contains relevant information on before and after that period. A variety of materials makes up the CIC holdings: paper, cassette tapes, videotapes, motion-picture films, slides, microfilm, microcards, and maps. Microfiche is being added to the collection. The major part of the collection has come from the following: the Department of Energy Headquar-ters, Albuquerque Field Office, Nevada Field Office, and Environ-mental Measurements Laboratory; the Los Alamos National Laboratory of the University of California; the U.S. Public Health Service headquarters archives; Kermit Larson of the University of California at Los Angeles, director of Project 37 on offsite environment; the University of Washington; U.S. Public Health Service files from Las Vegas; the Environmental Protection Agency office in Las Vegas; the U.S. Weather Service Nuclear Support Office; the Utah State Archives, Salt Lake City; Holmes and Narver; the Defense Nuclear Agency; the University of California at Los Angeles, Stafford Warren collection; the Air Force Weapons Laboratory Technical Library; the Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company; the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory; the University of California Livermore Laboratory; and Sandia National Laboratories.
In addition, researchers may request through the CIC unclassified REECo records on fallout in the custody of Tom Hayes.
The CIC is located at 3084 South Highland, Las Vegas, and is open to the public. A brochure describing the collection and its use is available at the center upon request.
Records of over 50 government and private agencies |
1,818 |
1,818 |
Unclassified |
Essential |
Martha DeMarre, Section Chief
Archive and Research Section
Technical Information Department
Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 98521
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521
(702) 295-0731
Joanne Burrows
U.S. Department of Energy
Nevada Field Office
P.O. Box 98518
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518
(702) 295-0995