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Epidemiologic Studies

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education

Electronic Records

Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study General Study Data

File Name:

Tape No.: 1) SLI005
                 2) SLI009                  3) SLI011

Location:  Active: ORISE, CER, Room 134

Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified
and may be a Privacy Act System of Records;
ORISE is an access-restricted facility.

Hardware/Software:IBM 9221/EBCDIC file format

Office/Program Supported by the System: Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Originating Office: Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Disposition Authority: Unscheduled

File Description: The files on tapes SLI005 and SLI011 contain work history information for employees at the four facilities included in the uranium dust study. Sites include the K-25 and Y-12 facilities at Oak Ridge, Fernald, and the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works. The files include facility name and data on the worker, such as gender, race, and hire and termination dates. The files on tape SLI009 contain lag dates for exposure information located in other files.

For related records, see series listed under II. Four-Site Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study.

Data Elements:20-21, 24-25, 31

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