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Epidemiologic Studies

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education

Electronic Records

Radium Dial Painters Study Data


Tape No.: SLI005

Location:  Active: ORISE, CER, Room 106

Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified
and may be a Privacy Act System of Records;
ORISE is an access-restricted facility.

Hardware/Software:IBM 9221/SAS

Office/Program Supported by the System: Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Originating Office: Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Disposition Authority: Unscheduled

File Description: This file contains 972 records with 14 variables, including individual identification number, years of birth and death, year of first radium exposure, type of exposure, and year when tumor was diagnosed.

Data Elements:16-17, 20, 54, 62

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