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Epidemiologic Studies

Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education

Electronic Records

Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Exposure Data

File Name: 1) X1CH0210.UNCX10
                    2) NAIMA.X10
                    3) X10ANA1.X10
                    4) X10ANA4.X10
                    5) X1UPFLAT.UNCX10
                    6) X1UPJTGB.UNCX10

Tape No.: 1-2) SLI001 3) SLI003 4)SLI005 5) SLI007 6) SLI011

Location:  Active: ORISE, CER, Room 134

Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified
and may be a Privacy Act System of Records;
ORISE is an access-restricted facility.

Hardware/Software:IBM 9221/SAS

Office/Program Supported by the System: Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Originating Office: 1) University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; 2-6) Center for Epidemiologic Research, ORISE

Disposition Authority: Unscheduled

File Description: These files consist of internal and external exposure data; annual and cumulative film badge readings; personal and job history information; and mortality data, including causes of death.

For related records, see series listed under I. Oak Ridge Reservation, ORNL; Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge Operations; and III. Mortality.

Data Elements: 17, 20-21, 24-25, 27, 31, 54-55, 58, 60

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