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Epidemiologic Studies

Rala, Iodine-131 & Cesium-137

Section A:

Technical Division

[Report on] Liquid Waste Disposal at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1949


Inactive: ORNL, Building 4500N, Rm. H205 vault

Access Restrictions: Unclassified; vault is a security classified area

Volume: 0.25 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: ORNL-328

Condition: Good

Container Number: Open shelves

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Not entirely suitable;contains drawings, maps, charts, graphs, and tables

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: Numerical by ORNL number

Originating Office: Technical Division, Process Design Section

Finding Aids: ORNL Register 1-4397, 1948-1969

Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled

Series Description: This 1949 report describes four types of liquid waste produced at ORNL, the average amounts generated per week, handling procedures, the status of storage facilities, and recommendations for correcting system faults. The four liquid waste classes, which are classified according to their composition and radioactivity, are radiochemical waste, metal waste, warm waste, and process waste. This report provides estimates of the volume and activity of each of these waste processes weekly. Wastes were stored in the North Tank Farm, South Tank Farm, and the Settling Basin area prior to disposal in White Oak Creek, a tributary of the Clinch River. RaLa runs with Clinton slugs produced an average of 4550 gallons of uranium metal waste, while runs with Hanford slugs produced 1200 gallons. Also included in the report are measurements of beta activity resulting from cesium isotopes and radioiodine-131 in radiochemical wastes. Monitoring results are expressed in counts/minute/milliliter (c/m/ml), and in disintegrations/minute/milliliter (d/m/ml). The report also provides a brief history of liquid waste disposal at ORNL.

Data Elements: 88, 103, 124

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