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Finding Aids

Epidemiologic Studies

Rala, Iodine-131 & Cesium-137

Section A:

Health Physics Division

Waste Monitoring Weekly Reports, 1948-1949


Inactive: ORNL, Building 4500N, Rm. H205 vault

Access Restrictions: Unclassified; vault is a security classified area

Volume: 14 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: CF 48-7-15, 48-7-168, 48-7-205, 48-8-46, 48-8-89, 48-8-222, 48-8-352, 48-8-358, 48-9-37, 48-9-80, 48-9-147, 48-9-274, 48-10-90, 48-10-130, 48-11-193, 48-12-79, 48-12-203, 49-5-33, 49-5-39, 49-5-67, 49-5-178, 49-6-1, 49-6-90, 49-6-130, 49-6-154, 49-6-267, 49-7-13, 49-7-30, 49-7-186, 49-7-257, 49-8-55, 49-8-75, 49-8-237, 49-8-283, 49-9-47, 49-9-140, 49-9-159, 49-9-240, 49-10-42, 49-10-102, 49-10-177, 49-10-202, 49-11-66, 49-11-142, 49-11-191, 49-11-264, 49-12-23, 49-12-31, 49-12-73, 49-12-135

Condition: Good

Container Number Open shelves

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Not suitable;contains brittle paper

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: Numerical by Central Files number

Originating Office: Health Physics Division

Finding Aids: Index to Central Files Memorandums, 1948-1949

Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled

Series Description: This record series contains weekly waste monitoring reports for the ORNL. The reports provide data on air-monitoring activities and liquid waste disposal. Data on the release of iodine-131 in millicuries/cubic centimeter, show the extent of air contamination. The reports furnish information on wind direction and velocity and rainfall and how these conditions affect airborne effluents. In the liquid waste management section, the reports describe the sampling and analysis of water from White Oak Creek, White Oak Dam, and White Oak Settling Basin for beta and gamma activity in milliroentgens/hour (mr/hr).

Data Elements: 103, 118, 124

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