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Finding Aids

Epidemiologic Studies

Rala, Iodine-131 & Cesium-137

Section A:

Health Physics Division

Health Physics Reports (706-D Area), 1945-1947, 1949


Inactive: ORNL, Building 4500N, Rm. H205 vault

Access Restrictions: Unclassified; vault is a security classified area

Volume: 3 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: CF 46-1-138,46-1-253, 46-1-463, 46-2-194, 46-2-344, 46-3-286, 46-3-395, 46-4-51, 46-4-309, 46-4-441, 46-4-575, 46-5-164, 46-5-256, 46-5-391, 46-5-503, 46-6-93, 47-1-424, 47-1-425, 47-2-417, 47-2-418, 47-2-419, 47-10-11, 47-11-449, 49-4-145, 49-3-194

Condition: Good

Container Number Open shelves

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: Numerical by central file number

Originating Office: Health Physics Division

Finding Aids: Index to Central Files Memoranda, 1946; 1947;1948-1949

Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled

Series Description: This record series consists of weekly and bi-weekly reports concerning the monitoring of airborne radioactivity in the 706-D area, where RaLa was produced. Information includes radiation surveys and monitoring data associated with RaLa production runs; personnel radiation monitoring associated with maintenance and repair work; and incidents and accidents occurring in the area. Air monitoring activities involved airborne releases of Iodine-131. The reports also discuss efforts to reduce radiation in the workplace and to improve working conditions. Sites monitored include the settling basin and the tank farm. Survey and monitoring results are expressed in counts per minute (c/m), counts per hour (c/h), milliroentgens (mr), milliroentgens/hour (mr/hr), and roentgens/hour (r/hr). The reports include tables.

Data Elements: 8, 31, 62, 81, 89, 103, 119, 122, 124

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