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Epidemiologic Studies

Rala, Iodine-131 & Cesium-137

Section A:

Director's Office

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Status and Progress Reports, 1949-1951


Inactive: ORNL, Building 4500N, Rm. H205 vault

Access Restrictions: Unclassified ; vault is a security classified area

Volume: 1 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: ORNL-545,574, 604, 646, 674, 700, 735, 773, 856, 903, 934, 953

Condition: Good

Container Number Open shelves

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: Numerical by ORNL number

Originating Office: ORNL, Director's Office

Finding Aids: ORNL Register 1-4397, 1948-1969

Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled

Series Description: This record series consists of monthly status and progress reports that summarize the activities of programs throughout the Laboratory. The reports contain sections on the production and process development for radioactive lanthanum. RaLa entries, generally found under the heading "Program 3000 - Weapons," contain information concerning the beginnings of runs, shipment dates, and yield percentages.

Data Elements: 120

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