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Epidemiologic Studies

Y-12 Mercury Task Force Files

Finding Aids & Reference Reports

Mercury At Y-12: A Study of Mercury Use at the Y-12 Plant, Accountability, and Impacts on Y-12 Workers and the Environment-1950 to 1983


Active: Records Center, Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, TN

Access Restrictions: Unclassified version

Volume: 1 volume, 415 pages

Accession or Other ID Number: None

Condition: Good

Container Number None

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: DOE Public Reading Room, 55 Jefferson Circle, 615-576-1216

Arrangement: None

Originating Office: 1983 Mercury Task Force

Finding Aids: Not Applicable

Disposition AuthorityPermanent Collection

Series Description: Mercury At Y-12: A Study of Mercury Use at the Y-12 Plant, Accountability, and Impacts on Y-12 Workers and the Environment-1950 to 1983 is the final report of the 1983 Mercury Task Force. It provides a history of lithium isotope separation and a detailed discussion of the mercury material accountability at Y-12. The report also furnishes summaries of the health studies performed on Y-12 workers exposed to elevated concentrations of mercury toxicity and efforts by Y-12 to monitor the workplace for mercury contamination and safeguard workers against mercury toxicity. The report also summarizes studies of the environmental impact of mercury toxicity. The bibliography provides a document-level inventory and description of the Y-12 Mercury Task Force Files.

Data Elements: Not Applicable

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