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Epidemiologic Studies

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Study Documentation

Zia Company Employee Mortality and Occupational Exposure Analysis Reports, 1991


Inactive: LANL, Technical Area 59, Room 209, Los Alamos, NM 87545
Access Restrictions: Unclassified

Volume: 4 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: None

Condition: Good

Container Number: Cabinet 9, Shelf 5

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Some duplication may occur in computer database.

Arrangement: Numerical by job run number

Originating Office: LANL, Occupational Medicine Group, Epidemiology

Finding Aids: Shelf list

Disposition Authority: Unscheduled

Series Description: This record series contains data analysis reports of mortality and occupational exposure rates for Zia Company employees. This series was part of the Epidemiology Section's Health Study of Workers. The reports include information on the number of employees at different levels of exposure for various years and summary data analyses regarding the number of deaths by various causes (e.g., all causes, all cancers, various types of cancer, suicide, etc.). Each cause also includes observed and expected mean and frequencies, trend test statistics, unadjusted one-tailed "P-value," adjusted one-tailed "P-value," and total variance. The records do not contain personnel-specific information.

Data Elements: None

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