This is a DOE Office of Environment, Health, Safety and
Security, Office of Health and Safety Archived Website
DOE Openness:
Human Radiation Experiments
The Office of Human Radiation
Experiments, established in March 1994, leads the Department
of Energy's efforts to tell the agency's Cold War story
of radiation research using human subjects. We have undertaken
an intensive effort to identify and catalog relevant historical
documents from DOE's 3.2 million cubic feet of records scattered
across the country. Internet access to these resources is
a key part of making DOE more open and responsive to the
American public.

To Search the DOE Openess: Human Radiation Experiments
website, please use the DOE Office of Environment, Health, Safety and
Security Search engine at http://energy.gov/ehss/environment-health-safety-security.
Some suggested search keywords are:
human radiation experiments |
doe openness |
experiments |
health studies |
radiation research |
multimedia |
sound bytes |
film clips |
historical photographs |
radiation experiments |
roadmap |
archives |
histories |
Total Body |
Intentional Releases |
Uranium Miners |
Human Research |
Environmental Releases |
declassified documents |
cold war |
metabolism of |
lethal dose studies with rates |
dose experiments |
medical research program |
Iodine-131 |
Iron-59 |
| |
For further information regarding information contained within this Archived Website, please contact Gregory S. Lewis, DOE Office of Environment, Health, Safety and
Security, Office of Health and Safety, or the EHSS User Support
This page was last updated on December 13, 2012
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