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DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project Oral Histories |
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Oral Histories
Radiologist Earl R. Miller, M.D.
Foreword Wartime Work on Radiation Exposure Remembrances of Joseph Hamilton Relations Between UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco Working for the Manhattan Project and UC Medical Center Process for Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes Human Applications Committee and Informed Consent Textbox: About Consent Forms (April 11, 1995) Work With Soley to Diagnose and Treat Thyroid Disease With Iodine-131 Patient Consent; Contradicting Perceptions Hamilton's Research on Effects of Cyclotron-Produced Radioisotopes Textbox: Dr. Joe Hamilton (April 21, 1995) Research With Patients From Laguna Honda Home Radioactive Iodine Uptake in Schizophrenia Patients Invention of a Baby Holder (1951) Technique to Produce Infinite Laminograms Introduction of Stereoscopy to X-ray Film Making Postwar Preference for Unclassified Research Zirconium and Plutonium Injections Research With Healthy Volunteers Tracing the Records of Patient Consent Textbox: Recollections of Research Activities (April 11, 1995) Tension Between John Lawrence and Stone Textbox: Robert Spencer Stone, M.D., L.L.D. (March 10, 1967)
Use of Tomography to Diagnose Tuberculosis Patients Working in the Radiological Research Laboratory Investigating How Radiologists See Images Establishment of the UCSF Radiation Laboratory Remembrances of University Presidents Sproul and Kerr Work Through the AMA to Improve Radiology Training Rise of Radiology Specialization Study of Pediatric Patients With Congenital Heart Disease Brief History, Earl R. Miller, MD E.R. Miller's Residency and Career at UC Recollections of an Old Crock (March 16, 1978) Activities of Earl R. Miller as Indicated by Published Material (April 22, 1995)
ACTIVITIES OF EARL R. MILLER AS INDICATED BY PUBLISHED MATERIALApril 22, 1995 Numbers refer to numbers on the chronological bibliography CLINICAL: 1, 2, 3, 4, 9,12, 25, 27, 39, 40, 46, 50, 66, 68, 75, 92, 110 TECHNIQUE, PHYSICS, FILMS, ETC.: 5, 6, 49, 60, 69, 83, 85, 87, 94, 108, 112,113 ERROR: 8, 11, 37, 38, 45 ANGIOGRAPHY: 10,13, 21, 22, 30, 41, 51, 53, 95 RADIOIODINE I131: 14,18, 19A, 20, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 61, 62, 70,74 BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF RADIATION (ALL WERE CLASSIFIED UCRL REPORTS WHICH CITED PROGRESSION ON LOW BEER'S WORK WITH p32 AND MY WORK WITH I131): 15,16,17,19, 23, 24 BRATT BORED: 47 X RAY MOVIES: 43, 57, 63, 64, 65, 71 , 72, 73, 76, 77, 91 ,107 SPEECH: 79, 81, 88, 98, 101, 104, 106, 114, 126 URINARY TRACT PHYSIOLOGY: 56, 58, 80, 82, 86, 89, 90, 93, 96, 99, 100, 103, 117,118.122,123A, 124,124A, 125,128,129 IMAGE MANIPULATION: 119, 127, 130, 131, 132 MISCELLANEOUS: 59, 67, 78, 84, 102, 105, 109, 111, 115, 116, 120, 123 CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHYEarl R. Miller, M.D.1. Miller ER: Carcinoma of the thymus with marked pulmonary osteoarthropathy. Radiology 32:651 660, June 1939. 2. Boldrey E and Miller ER: Calcified ependymoblastoma of the fourth ventricle in a four-year old girl: Roentgen demonstration. Radiology 38: 495497, April 1942. 3. Benninghoven CD and Miller ER: Coccidiodal infection in bone. Radiology 38:663-666, June 1942. 4. Miller ER and Herrmann WW: Argentaffin tumors of the small bowel: a roentgen sign of malignant change. Radiology 39:214-220, August 1942. 5. Miller ER: A simple foreign body localization device applicable to standard fluoroscopes. Radiology 39:464 466, October 1942. 6. Miller ER: Foreign body localization by X-ray. California and Western Medicine 57:349-351, December 1942. 7. Smyth FS, Soley MH, Lisser H, Goldman L, Miller ER and Lindsay S: Medical Staff conference on parathyroid gland disease. Radiology 39:715-730, December 1942. 8. Miller ER, et al: Reexamination of men rejected for general military service because of the diagnosis of cardiovascular detects: Report of the San Francisco board. American Heart Journal 27:493-501, April 1944. 9. Miller ER: Porencephaly. J Nerv Ment Dis 99:783-785, May 1944. 10. Olney ME and Miller ER: Use of intravenous cardiography in the study of congenital heart disease with cyanosis. Clinics 3 235-244, 1944. 11. Dailey ME, Miller ER: A search for symptomless gastric cancer in 500 apparently healthy men of 45 and over. Gastroenterology 5:1-4, July 1945. 12. Naffziger EC, Boldrey E, Miller ER: Cerebral tumors without pneumographic manifestations. Trans American Neurological Association, pp 70-72, June 1946. 13. Miller ER: Technique and interpretation of lower extremity venograms. California Medicine 65:1-7, July 1946. 14 Soley MH, Miller ER: Treatment of Graves' disease with radioactive iodine. Med Clin N Amer pp 3-17. Jan 1948 15. Low-Beer BVA, Miller ER: Biological effects of radiations from external and internal sources. UCRL-98, Jan-Mar 1948. 16. Low-Beer BVA, Miller. ER: Biological effects of radiations from external and internal sources. UCRL-157 39-43. Apr-June 1948. 17 Low-Beer BVA, Stone RS, Miller ER: Medical and health divisions quarterly report, Part. UCRL-193:32, July-Sept 1958. 18 Miller ER, Soley MH, Dailey ME: Preliminary report on the clinical use of radioactive iodine (l131) American J Roentgen 60:45-50 July 1948 19 Miller ER: Medical and health divisions quarterly report UCRL-270:29. Oct- Dec 1948. 19A. Soley. MH. Miller ER. and Foreman M: Graves' disease treatment with radioiodine. Brookhaven Conference Report BNL-C5 Radioiodine July 28. 1948. p 63 20 Soley MH, Miller ER, Foreman N: Graves' disease: treatment with radioiodine (I131) J Clin Endocr 9 29-35, Jan 1949 21 Bolrey E, Miller ER: Unilateral paralysis of eye muscles associated with intracranial saccular aneurysms. California Med 70:96-98, February 1949. 22. Freeman NE, Miller ER: Retrograde arteriography in the diagnosis of cardiovascular lesions. I. Visualization of aneurysms and peripheral arteries. Ann Int. Med 30:330-342, Feb 1949. 23. Low-Beer BVA, Miller ER: Medical and health divisions quarterly report. UCRL 332:65-69. Jan-Mar 1949. 24. Miller ER: Medical and health divisions quarterly report. UCRL 414:35, Apr- June 1949. 25 Miller ER: Roentgen findings in carcinoma of the lung. Kansas City Med J, May-June 1949. 26. Soley MH, Miller ER, Foreman N: Graves' disease: Treatment with Radioiodine (I131) Mississippi Valley Med J 71:131-134, July 1949. 27 Boldrey E. Miller ER Arteriovenous fistula (Aneurysm) of the great cerebral vein (of Galen) and the Circle of Willis: Arch Neurol Psvchiat, 62:778-783 December 1949 28 Bowman KM. Miller ER. Dailey ME, Simon A, Frankel R. Lowe GW: Thyroid function in mental disease measured with radioactive iodine (I131) American J Psvchiat 106:561-572. February 1950 29 Kreutzer FL. Miller ER. Soley MH, Lindsay S: Histologic localization of absorbed radioactive iodine in some human thyroid diseases. Arch Surg 60:707-720 April 1950 30 Freeman NE. Miller ER, Stephens HB, Olney MB: Retrograde arteriography in the diagnosis of cardiovascular lesions ll. Coarctation of the aorta. Ann Int Med 32:827-841. May 1950. 31 Miller ER: Experience at the University of California with the treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism by I131 UCRL 948:3-36, October 1950. 32 Miller ER: Correlation of the initial rate of I131 uptake in the thyroid with the clinical evaluation of thyroid function. UCRL 949:3-21, October 1950. 33 Bowman KM, Miller ER, Dailey ME, Simon A, Mayer BF: Thyroid function in mental disease: a multiple test survey. J Nerv Ment Dis 112:404-424. November 1950. 34. Miller ER: Isotopes: Radioactive: Radioiodine. Med Physics 2:437-443,1950, Year Book Publishers. 35 Miller ER, Dailey ME. Holmes AV, Alexander GL, Sheline GE: Studies with radioiodine. I. Function and rate of I131 uptake of thyroid. Radiology 57:37-46. July 1951 36. Miller ER, Dailey ME, Soley MH, Foreman N, Holmes AV, Alexander GL, Sheline GE: Studies with radioiodine. Il Treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism by I131. Radiology 57.227-233, August 1951. 37 Yerushalmy J, Garland LH, Harkness JT. Hinshaw HC, Miller ER, Shipman JJ, Zwerling HB: An evaluation of the role of serial chest roentgenograms in estimating the process of disease in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis American Review of Tuberculosis 64:225-248, September 1951. 38. Zwerling HB, Miller ET, Harkness JT, Yerushalmy J: The clinical importance of lesions undetected in a mass radiographic survey of the chest. American Review of Tuberculosis 64:249-255, September 1951. 39. Johansen R, Gardner RE, Galante M, Marchi FF Ledwich TW, Soley MH, Scott KG, Miller ER, McCorkle HJ: An experimental study of thyroid regeneration following subtotal thyroidectomy. Surg Gynec Obstst 93:303-309, September 1951 . 40. Steinbach HL, Lyon RP, Miller ER, Smith DR: Extraperitoneal pneumography: a preliminary report. California Medicine 75:202-206, September 1951. 41. Bierman HR, Miller ER, Byron RL, Jr., Dod KS, Kelly KH, Black DH: Intra-arterial catheterization of viscera in man. American Journal of Roentgenology 66: 555- 568, October 1951. 42. Miller ER, Sheline GE: Studies with radioiodine. Ill. Problem of dosage in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Radiology 57:72728, November 1951. 43. Saunders JBdeCM, Davis C, Miller ER: the mechanism of deglutition (2nd stage) as revealed by cineradiography. 44. Miller ER: Radioactive iodine in medicine. Cyclo of Med (Radiology) 11:971-988, 1951. 45. Garland LH, Miller ER, Zwerling HB, Harkness JT, Hinshaw HC, Shipman SJ, Yenushalmy J: Studies on the value of serial films in estimating the progress of pulmonary disease. Radiology 58:161-175, February 1952 46. Bierman ER, Lanman JT, Dod KS, Kelly KH, Miller ER, Shimkin MB: The ameliorative effect of antibiotics on nonlipoid reticuloendotheliosis (Letterer-Siwa disease) in identical twins. J Pediat 40:269-284, Mar 1952. 47. Miller ER: A device for immobilizing children during radiographic examinations. Radiology 58:421-423, Mar 1952. 48. Miller, ER, Dailey ME, McCorkle HJ: Evaluation of treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioiodine. Arch Surg 65:12-16, July 1952. 49. Newell RR, Saunders W. Miller ER: Multichannel collimators for gamma-ray scanning with scintillation counters. Nucleonics 10:36-40, July 1952. 50. Steinbach, HL, Lyon RP, Smith DR, Miller ER: Extraperitoneal pneumography. Radiology 59:167-176, August 1952. 51. Miller, ER: Use of intravascular opaque material in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal tumors. Rev Mex Radiol 8:65-69, Jan-Feb 1953. 52. Pickering DE, Miller ER: Thyrotropic hormone in infants and children. Amer J. Dis Child 85:135-140, Feb. 1953. 53. Steinbach HL, Bierman HR, Miller ER, Wass WA: Percutaneous transhepatic portal venograph, Radiology 60:368-373, Mar 1953. 54. Dailey ME, Lindsay S., Miller ER: Histologic lesions in the thyroid glands of patients receiving radioiodine for hyperthyroidism. J Clin Endocr 13:1513-1524, Dec 1953- 55. Miller, ER: Hyperthyroidism-Definitive therapy with radioactive iodine. In Endocrinology in Clinical Practice (ed. Gordan and Lisser). Chicago. Year book Publishers. 1953, pp.47-50 56. Hinman, F Jr. Miller GM, Nickel E, Miller ER: Vesical physiology demonstrated by cineradiography and serial roentgenography. Radiology 62: 713-719, May 1954. 57. Miller ER: X-ray movies: Radiology 63:571-572, October 1954. 58. Hinman F Jr., Miller GM, Nickel E. Steinbach HL Miller ER: Normal micturition: Certain details as shown by serial cystograms. Calif Med 82:6-7, Jan 1955. 59. Miller, ER: How much radiology should we teach our medical students? Proc Amer Coll Radiology, pp 7-9, Feb 1955. 60. Lusted LB, Miller ER: A pneumocolon bottle. Radiology 64:42W25, Mar 1955. 61. Miller, ER, Scofield NE: Studies with radioiodine. IV. Collimating cones for crystal counters. Radiology 65:96-107, July 1955. 62. Miller, ER, Lindsay S, Dailey ME: Studies with radioiodine. V. Validity of histologic determination of I131 radiation changes in the thyroid gland. Radiology 65:384-393. 63. Miller ER, Lusted LB, Nickel ED: Cineradiography. IRE Convention Record 9:119-123, 195. 64. Lusted LB, Miller ER: Progress in indirect cineroentgenography. Amer J. Roentgen 75:56-62, Jan 1956. 65. Miller ER: the first stages of swallowing. Clin Sympos 8:371, Feb 1956. 66. Boldrey E, Miller ER, Maass : Role of atlantoid compression in etiology of internal carotid thrombosis. J Neurosurg 13:127-139, Mar 1956. 67. Miller, ER: Why do we join the College? Amer Coll Radiol Newsletter 12:1, May 1956. 68. Silen W, Mawdsley DL, Miller ER, McCorkle HJ: The experimental production of a competent aortic valve. Sur,a 40:78-85, July 1956. 69. Lusted LB, Miller ER: An electronic position timer for the fluoroscope. Radiology 67: 259-262, Aug 1956. 70. Sheline GE, Miller ER: Studies with radioiodine. Vl. Evaluation of radioiodine treatment of carcinoma of the thyroid based on the experience at the University of California from 1938 to 1954. Radiology 69:527-545, Oct 1957. 71. Kerner JA, Miller ER, Palmer A: Still and motion picture hysterosalpingography. Surg Forum 7:51513,1957. 72. Rider JA, Moeller HC, Miller ER: The pathophysiology of achalasia. Clin Res 6:57, Jan 1958. 73. Whitelaw MJ, Miller ER: New water-soluble medium (Sinografin) for hysterosalpingography. Fertil Steril 10:227-239, May-June 1959. 74. Sheline GE, Miller ER: Radioiodine Therapy of hyperthyroidism. Arch Int Med 103:924-9??, June 1959. 75. McCorkle HJ, Jones MD, Harper HA, Miller ER: The results of an experimental approach to the clinical problems of patients requiring gastrectomy. West J Surg Obstet Gynec 67 205-207, July-Aug 1959. 76. Miller ER: Cinefluorography in practice. Radiology 73:560-565, Oct 1959. 77. Miller ER: Roentgenopraphy: Cinematography. Med Physics 3:60611, Year Book Publisher. Chicago, 1960. (ed. O. Glasser) 78. Miller ER: Evaluation of programs of conferences of teachers of radiology. Proc Amer Coll Radiol, Feb 6,1 960, pp 35 43. 79. Blackfield HM, Miller ER, Owsley JQ Jr. Lawson Ll: Comparative evaluation of diagnostic techniques in patients with cleft palate speech. Plast Reconstr Surg 29:153-158, Feb 1962. 80. Hutch JA, Hinman F Jr. Miller ER: Reflux as a cause of hydronephrosis and chronic pyelonephritis. J Urol 88:169-175, Aug 1962. 81. Blackfield HM, Miller ER, Owsley JQ Jr., Lawson Ll: Cinefluorographic evaluation of patients with velopharyngeal dysfunction in the absence of overt cleft palate. Plast Reconstr Surg, 30:441-451, Oct 1962. 82. Hinman F, Jr. Miller ER, Hutch JA, Gainey MD, Cox CE, Goodfriend RB, Marshall S: Low pressure reflux: Relation of vesicoureteral reflux to intravesical pressure. J Urol 88:758-765, Dec 1962. 83. Miller ER: Significance of speed and resolution characteristics of certain cassette-screen-film combinations. Radiology 80:103-113, Jan 1963. 84. Miller ER: Editorial; Ivan J. Miller. Radiology 80:312-314. Feb 1963. 85. Miller ER Kafafian J, Maddison FE: Patient exposure during fluoroscopy. (This contains a definition of a new unit of patient exposure). Radiology 80:477-485, Mar 1963. 86. Hutch JA, Miller ER, Hinman F Jr: Vesicoureteral reflux. Amer J Med 34:338-349, Mar 1963. 87. Miller ER, Nickel ED, Scofield N, Mott C: Radiographic density and contrast versus quantity and quality of radiation. Radiology 80:668-685, Apr 1963. 88. Blackfield HM, Owsley JQ Jr., Miller ER, Lawson Ll; Cinefluorographic analysis of the surgical treatment of cleft palate speech. Plast Reconstr Surg 31:42- 553. June 1963. 89. Hutch, JA, Miller ER, Hinman F Jr. Perpetuation of infection in unobstructed urinary tracts by vesicoureteral reflux. J Urol 90:88:91, July 1963. 90. Hinman F Jr, Miller ER: Mural tension in vesical disorders and ureteral reflux. Trans Amer Asso GU Surg. 1963. 91. Miller ER: Kinescopic recording of fluoroscopic information: Usefulness and limitations. In: The Reduction of Patient Dose by Diagnostic Radiologic Instrumentation. (Ed. Moseley RD Rust JH) CC Thomas, 1964, Springfield ILL 92. Samilson RL, Miller ER: Posterior dislocations of the shoulder. Clin Orthop 32:69-86, Jan-Feb 1964. 93. Enhorning G, Miller ER, Hinman F Jr: Urethral closure studied with cineroentgenography and simultaneous bladder-urethra pressure recording. Surg Gynec Obstet 118:507-516, Mar 1964. 94. Lusted LB, Miller ER: A pneumocolon bottle. In: Special Procedures in Roentgen Diagnosis (Ed. Berenbaum SL, Meyers PH). CC Thomas, 1964, pp 414-415, Springfield, Ill. (Also Radiology 64: 424-435, Mar 1955). 95. Steinbach HL, Bierman HR, Miller ER, Wass WA: Percutaneous transhepatic portal venography. In: Special Procedures in Roentgen Diagnosis (Ed. Berenbaum SL, Meyers PH) CC Thomas, 1964, pp 485 486. (Also, Radiology 60:36373, Mar 1953. 96. Hinman F Jr. Hutch JA, Miller ER: Role of reflux in pathogenesis of chronic pyelonephritis. Excerta Med Internatl Congr Series 78:305-306, 1963. 97. Maddison FE, Miller ER: The efficiency of radiographic tubes. Radiology 84: 347-350, Feb 1965. 98. Lawson Ll, Miller ER, Owsley JQ Jr. Blackfield HM: Evaluation of velopharyngeal dysfunction in individuals with no overt cleft of the palate. J Calif Speech Hear Assn 14:8-13, Nov 1965. 99. Hutch JA, Miller ER: Vesicoureteral reflux: role in pyelonephritis. In: Pyelonephritis (ef. Kass EH). FA Davis, Philadelphia, pp 613-630,1965. 100. Tanagho EA, Miller ER, Meyers FH, Corbett RK: Observations on the dynamics of the bladder neck. Brit J Radiol 38:72-84, Feb 1966. 101. Owsley JQ Jr, Miller ER, Lawson Ll, Blackfield HM: Cleft palate speech in the absence of cleft palate. GP 33:93-98, Feb 1966. 102. Miller, ER: The future educational needs of radiology - The Eleventh Ross Golden Lecture. Bull NY Acad Med 42:241-247, Mar 166. 103. Tanagho EA, Hutch JA, Miller ER: Diagnostic procedures and cinefluoroscopy in vesicoureteral reflux. Brit J Urol 38:435 444, Aug 1966. 104. Owsley JQ Jr, Lawson Ll, Miller ER, et al: Experience with the high attached pharyngeal flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 38:232-242, Sept 1966. 105. Miller ER: Robert Spencer Stone, M.D., LL.D., Bull Calif Radiol Soc 5:1, Mar 10, 1967. 106. Owsley JQ Jr. Chierci G, Miller ER, Lawson Ll, Blackfield HM: Cephalometric evaluation of palatal dysfunction in patients without cleft palate. Plast Reconstr Surg 39:562-568, June 1967. 107. Miller ER: Techniques for simultaneous display of X-ray and physiologic data. In: Neurogenic Bladder (ed. Boyarsky S), Williams and Wilkins Co, Baltimore, 1967, pp 79-85. 108. Miller ER: Equipment for the roentgenologic examination of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Alimentary Tract Roentgenology (ed. Margulis AR, Burhenne HJ). CV Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1:37-52, 1967. 109. Miller, ER (ed.): Status of research in diagnostic radiology. Report, Radiology Training Committee, National Institute of General Medicine, May 1968. 110. Miller, ER: The digestive tract. In: Status of research in Diagnostic Radiology. Radiology Training Committee, National Institute of General Medicine, May 1968, pp 22-32. 111. Miller ER: Teaching and learning in diagnostic radiology. In: Status of research in Diagnostic Radiology. Report, Radiology Training Committee, National Institute of General Medicine, May 1968, pp 106-111. 112. Miller ER, McCurry EM: Immediate hospital-wide access to x-ray film images. Radiology 92:225-230, Feb 1969. 113. Miller ER, McCurry EM, Hruska BB: Immediate remote access to radiologists' reports. Radiology 93:13-16, July 1969. 114. Owsley JQ Jr, Lawson Ll, Miller ER, Harvold EP, Chierici G, Blackfield HM: Speech results from the high attached pharyngeal nap operation. Cleft Palate J 7:306-317, Jan 1970. 115. Holbrooke DR, Shibata HR, Hruska BB, McCurry EM, Miller ER: Diagnostic Holography - A feasibility study. In: Acoustical Holography, 2:251-263, 1970. 116. Miller ER: Color coding of x-ray films for efficient retrieval. Radiology 94:68 686, Mar 1970. 117. Tanagho EA, Miller ER: Initiation of Voiding. Brit J Urol 42:17183, Apr 1970. 118. Miller ER: Combined monitoring for the study of continence and voiding. In: Hinman F Jr: Hydrodynamics of Micturition. CC Thomas, 1970, Springfield, Ill. 119. Miller, ER, McCurry EM, Hruska BB: Anisotropic subtraction and edge-enhancement of roentgenographic images. Radiology 97:27-32, Oct. 1970. 120. Miller, ER: Immediate aims of acoustical imaging in medical practice. In: Acoustical Holography, 3:19-g:, Plenum Press, New York, 1971 (ed. Metherell AF). 121. Miller ER, McCurry EM, Hrusha 4B: An infinite number of laminagrams from finite number of radiographs. Radiology 98:249-256, Feb 1971. 122. Tanagho, Miller, Lyon, Fisher: Spastic Striated external sphincter and rinary tract infection in girls. British Journal of Urology, Vol. XLII, No. 1, Feb 1971. 123a. The Fate of Two Deans: A Fable, The Pharos of AIpha Omega Alpha, July 1971, Vol. 34, pp 104-105; copyright 1971 by AIpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 123. Miller: Physiology of the Lower Urinary Tract: Proc of Post Grad Course, UC Radiology, 1971. 124. Miller: Physiology of the Lower Urinary Tract: Proc of Post Grad Course, UC Radiology, 1971. 125. Tanagho, Miller: Abnormal Voiding and Urinary Tract Infection. International Urology and Nephrology 4 (2), 1972. 126. Miller: Continence and voiding in females. Proc of UC Post Graduate Course in Radiology, Feb 2 March 3,1972. 127. Miller: adder and Urethra: an Overview. Investigative Radiology Vol. 7, No. 4, July-Aug 1972. 128. Lawson, Chierici, Castro, Harvold, Miller, Owsley: Effects of Adenoidectomy of the speech of children with potential velo-pharyngeal dysfunction. Journal of Speech and hearing disorders. Aug 1972, Vol. 37, No. 3. 129. Miller: Photographic anisotropic subtraction and edge enhancement. Radiology Vol. 106, No. 1, Jan 1973. 130. Tanagho, Miller: Functional Considerations of urethral sphincteric dynamics. Journal of Urology. Vol. 109, Feb 1973. 131. Miller: Studies of mechanisms of incontinence, incontinence, and voiding: urodynamics, Upper and lower urinary tract. Editors: Lutzeyer, Melchior, Springer-Verlag, 1973. 132. Miller: A multiple-film technique for contrast enhancement and/or reduction of patient exposure. Radiology. Vol. 110, No. 2, Feb 1973. 133. Miller, McCurry, Hruska: A simplified procedure for viewing multiple films to create an infinite number of laminograms. Radiology. Vol. 110 No. 2. Feb 1973. 134. Miller: Image Manipulation. Proc of UC Post Grad course in Radiology, Mar 1974. 135. Miller ER: The Beginnings. Clinical Urodynamics: Urodynamics Bases of Clinical Urology. Edited by Graham Whiteside and Richard Turner-Worwick. Publisher: W.R. Saunders. Philadelphia. Feb 1979.
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