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DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project Oral Histories |
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Oral Histories
Radiologist Earl R. Miller, M.D.
Foreword Wartime Work on Radiation Exposure Remembrances of Joseph Hamilton Relations Between UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco Working for the Manhattan Project and UC Medical Center Process for Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes Human Applications Committee and Informed Consent Textbox: About Consent Forms (April 11, 1995) Work With Soley to Diagnose and Treat Thyroid Disease With Iodine-131 Patient Consent; Contradicting Perceptions Hamilton's Research on Effects of Cyclotron-Produced Radioisotopes Textbox: Dr. Joe Hamilton (April 21, 1995) Research With Patients From Laguna Honda Home Radioactive Iodine Uptake in Schizophrenia Patients Invention of a Baby Holder (1951) Technique to Produce Infinite Laminograms Introduction of Stereoscopy to X-ray Film Making Postwar Preference for Unclassified Research Zirconium and Plutonium Injections Research With Healthy Volunteers Tracing the Records of Patient Consent Textbox: Recollections of Research Activities (April 11, 1995) Tension Between John Lawrence and Stone Textbox: Robert Spencer Stone, M.D., L.L.D. (March 10, 1967)
Use of Tomography to Diagnose Tuberculosis Patients Working in the Radiological Research Laboratory Investigating How Radiologists See Images Establishment of the UCSF Radiation Laboratory Remembrances of University Presidents Sproul and Kerr Work Through the AMA to Improve Radiology Training Rise of Radiology Specialization Study of Pediatric Patients With Congenital Heart Disease Brief History, Earl R. Miller, MD E.R. Miller's Residency and Career at UC Recollections of an Old Crock (March 16, 1978) Activities of Earl R. Miller as Indicated by Published Material (April 22, 1995)
Part I (August 9, 1994) | |
Wartime Work on Radiation Exposure | |
BERGE: | This is an interview with Earl Miller by Anna Berge and Gregg Herken of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Archives and Records Office and of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum,1 [respectively,] on August 9, 1994, at Earl Miller's residence. |
HERKEN: | You were just going to tell us about the relationship between the Division of Medical Physics and UCSF2 and how in fact, you were that contact. |
MILLER: | In 1942, early on, Dr. Stone,3
who was the head of the Radiology Department at UCSF, was recruited, I think by
Dr. [Arthur] Compton,4 to head up the
radiation safety of what became the Manhattan Project.5
At that time it was called the Metallurgical Lab.6
At any rate, that left the [UCSF Radiology] Department without a head, and I got
called for that. That's when I learned I would never never ever [want to] be a
chairman again. One day, my good friend Staff[ord] Warren appeared. He was a professor of Radiology at [the University of] Rochester in [Rochester,] New York. He came then to UCLA7 and became the dean there. He appeared on the scene one day and recruited me to head up the Radiation Safety Division of the Manhattan Project over in Berkeley. |
HERKEN: | This would have been what date? |
MILLER: | I think it was in early '43. |
HERKEN: | You worked in radiation safety? |
MILLER: | Yes, two half-days a week, I directed it. I would leave UCSF at noon, and I would go over to Berkeley. Usually the half-day finished at 10 or 11 or midnight. The work consisted primarily of getting blood counts8 on people, checking out their radiation dosimeters,9 and making the rounds of the various parts of the Berkeley Manhattan District. That got me into seeing the work of the physicists at the cyclotrons10 and the chemists. |
HERKEN: | You knew Stone beforehand? |
MILLER: | He gave me a job as an instructor at UC in the Department of Radiology in 1940. Now we're going to talk about Stone? |
HERKEN: | Yes. |
MILLER: | Okay. He was an excellent radiologist.11 His main work and interest, when I got there, was in radiation therapy, and he was a pioneer in that. When I got there, there was a need for some young buck who had just finished his residency as an instructor in Diagnosis. That's what I did. What else [would you like to know] about Stone? |
HERKEN: | You said he was engaged in teletherapy.12 This would be with total body irradiation [(TBI)] with x rays? |
MILLER: | Not total body irradiation. He treated patients with various kinds of malignancies with modalities that varied from 100 kV13 up to one of the very early million-volt machines. |
HERKEN: | This was the "Sloan machine"? |
MILLER: | Yes. He built the tanks and whatever. |
HERKEN: | Stone indicated in the official history that he wrote for the MED14 project that he was doing TBIs in the period of 1940. |
MILLER: | What's that? |
HERKEN: | Total body irradiation, TBIs, from 1942 to 1946 under contract of the Manhattan Project. |
MILLER: | He wrote that? |
HERKEN: | Yes. It was the case, actually, that there were three hospitals involved. There was San Francisco, New York, and Rochester. |
MILLER: | The last was Staff Warren. |
HERKEN: | That's right. It was a MED project, a Manhattan Project. They were interested in the effects of radiation upon the workers, and this was a way of finding out how it affected people. They were getting terminal patients in this case. I think there were a total of 32 or 36 in this case. |
MILLER: | Oh, yes. Okay. I presume that this total body irradiation was for a real purpose. |
HERKEN: | It wasn't therapeutic? |
MILLER: | Yes, I suppose it was aimed at being therapeutic. That's important. The idea was to see if there could be an effect, let's say, on the blood system or the lymphatic system15 that, influenced by the total body radiation, would do something helpful for the treatment of the cancer. |
HERKEN: | Were you aware, and were the people aware, of that part of the project? That would have been a secret project, it would have been classified at that time [by] the MED, the Manhattan Project. |
MILLER: | They classified everything. The important thing at that time in that war was a race for a bomb. Even the fact that radiologists were recruited to work was secret, because somebody over in Nazi Germany would have said, "Radiologists, they're all doing that? They must be doing something which deals with radiation! A radiation bomb!" It was hidden, yes, only from the bad boys over in Germany and from people who would talk out of turn.16 |
HERKEN: | But pretty much, doctors at UCSF knew about what Stone was doing for the Manhattan Project? |
MILLER: | No, nobody knew what either Dr. Stone or I was doing. I want to go back to that. The secrecy dealt with not giving information to the people we were at war with. |
Remembrances of Joseph Hamilton | |
HERKEN: | Hamilton17 is another figure that we're interested in. Can you tell us a bit about how you met him, when you met him? I assume it's about this time. |
MILLER: | He was running the 60-inch cyclotron in the Crocker Lab.18 He was doing really fantastically
important work checking up with animals on the effect on every organ of every
radioactive isotope. As I say, he did a great great job. Ken Scott was involved
in some of the chemistry parts of it. Ken was quite an inventor, too. Joe had no fear of radiation. He used to lean up against the D's. You know what a D is in the cyclotron? They were very radioactive. I was always going around with a Geiger counter in my hands in those days. I tried to talk to him about the danger. He ultimately died of radiation.19 This was massive doses of radiation that he exposed himself to. |
HERKEN: | I've never quite understood that. Hamilton certainly knew the danger. He knew the physics as well as the medicine behind it. |
MILLER: | When you talk about the danger, the so-called danger of some radiation has
been so overemphasized and so wrongly overemphasized, that this has done a
fantastically bad job on making people understand what radiation does to people.
You get to the point where a person might not ever have a chest film because of
this tremendous [perceived] danger, that they thought was going to kill them,
and of course they die of tuberculosis. Even intelligent people are very very
concerned about these minute amounts of radiation. (speaking facetiously) The reason I died youngI'm 86 years oldis because I have a stack of [x-ray] film that's probably a foot and a half high. I made my living during medical school running a radon plant, where you get that bad stuff. That's why I died young. Of course I smoked a lot and drank a lot. The radiation protected me. [(This is meant as sarcasm.)] |
HERKEN: | But Hamilton's casewe're not talking about minor doses. |
MILLER: | This was massive, and they were total body radiation. |
HERKEN: | Why the disregard for the danger? |
MILLER: | I don't know; he thought he was above it. |
HERKEN: | I have the impression that his concern was in pure science, hence he was not really concerned with his own well-being. |
Neutron Therapy Research | |
MILLER: | Exactly. Another thing interested me about it. The people who were really injured by radiation, all worked around neutrons.20 I don't know whether the gamma rays from the D's were really an important aspect. Whether he was just another one of the neutron guys: Stone, [Bert] Low-Beer,21 Hamilton. |
BERGE: | Could you tell us a little bit about Low-Beer? |
MILLER: | Great guy. He was the head of the [Radiation] Therapy Division [of the Department of Radiology] at UCSF when Stone was away. He was a good radiologist. His research work was primarily surface radiation with phosphorus for skin lesions. He got involved with neutrons later, working with Dr. Stone. |
HERKEN: | Was he involved in the early neutron teletherapy with Stone? |
MILLER: | I don't think he was involved with that, early on.
Stone did magnificent work. When Stone took on a project, his records were accepted as the best in the world. When he took on this neutron stuff and his million-volt radiation, all of these patients were followed up faithfully. The records were great. |
BERGE: | I've got a question about the neutron therapy.22 In the late 1930s John Lawrence was beginning to be discouraged with neutron therapy, and I noticed that there was a revival of it in the later '40s and '50s. What brought about that revival? |
MILLER: | In 1930? |
BERGE: | In the late 1930s, John Lawrence was discouraged with the therapeutic effects of neutrons. |
MILLER: | There were a lot of problems with that. John Lawrence was a physician; he wasn't a radiologist. There were a lot ofI won't say, unpleasantness about itbut a lot of unwillingness to accept the other person's point of view between Stone and John Lawrence. But I didn't know that Lawrence ever got involved. I don't know about the neutron stuff. When Stone took it on, as I remember, there were several people in various parts of the country that were trying to find out what the score was on neutron therapy. I don't know any more than that. |
Relations Between UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco | |
HERKEN: | There was apparently tension between the Division of Medical Physics in Berkeley and physicians at UCSF. Can you talk about that a bit? |
MILLER: | They wanted to start a medical school in Berkeley. I think mainly that was it. |
HERKEN: | I know that Raymond Birge was the Physics chairman at Berkeley. |
MILLER: | Who? |
HERKEN: | Raymond Birge. He was the head of the Physics Department at Berkeley, and he wrote a history of the Physics Department. He talks in his history of the creation of the Division of Medical Physics back as early as 1944. This is when John and Ernest Lawrence went to Sproul23 and proposed the creation of it. Apparently there was some cooing and crowing between physicians at UCSF and John Lawrence in particular. |
MILLER: | I was never involved in that; I can't help you. |
HERKEN: | The upshot of it was that if there were any human subjects to be involved in research, that work would be done at UCSF and not at Berkeley, and yet there was a therapeutic unit, as I understand it, at Donner early on. |
MILLER: | But that was run by Stone. At least, the only people that I know that did anything with neutron therapy with patients was Stone, and later Low-Beer. |
Working for the Manhattan Project and UC Medical Center | |
HERKEN: | Now, you had a joint appointment with the Division of Medical Physics and with UCSF, or not? |
MILLER: | I think my appointment was with the Manhattan [Engineer] District through Staff Warren. |
HERKEN: | Right. But you were on the medical staff of UC Medical Center. |
MILLER: | Exactly. |
HERKEN: | And no part of your salary came from the Division of Medical Physics. |
MILLER: | No, I never got paid for the work. |
HERKEN: | Hamilton and Stone had joint appointments,24 as I understand it? |
MILLER: | I don't know. |
BERGE: | In 1946, it looks like you were head of the Health Physics Division for the Radiation Laboratory. |
MILLER: | I thought it was way before that. That's what Staff Warren got me into. |
BERGE: | But the Manhattan District went on until about 1947 or the end of 1946. |
MILLER: | At the end of the war, that was it for me. |
BERGE: | What did you do when you were the head of that? |
MILLER: | I just told you. Remember? The blood counts and all that? That was the thing I did, going around trying to find out if anybody was unduly overexposed to radiation. |
BERGE: | You mentioned that you didn't ever want to be chairman again after that. |
MILLER: | That's "the chairman of an x-ray department." |
BERGE: | You didn't like it? |
MILLER: | No. I wanted to do my own research. |
BERGE: | What was your own research contribution? |
MILLER: | You can read about it in my bibliography. |
Process for Obtaining Radioactive Isotopes | |
HERKEN: | I have a question about how the isotopes were obtained and how they were used in research that Hamilton was doing. Since he was running the 60-inch [cyclotron], did he introduce his own [method for producing isotopes such as iodine-131]? |
MILLER: | There that's where he got it. That's how Ken Scott got me the radioiodine to work on thyroid disease. |
HERKEN: | How would the mechanism of that work? Would you just call over or see Ken Scott and say, "Make up a batch"? |
MILLER: | I think he finally was bringing a supply over once a week. |
HERKEN: | And Scott would get on the ferry over in Berkeley and bring it over to San Francisco and get it to you at the lab. |
MILLER: | I do not know how he got from Berkeley to San Francisco. The radioiodine was brought to my office, which I [had] turned into a lab. We studied the radioiodine for a long time. |
HERKEN: | Starting when? |
MILLER: | When the radioiodine became available. I think that was after the war; I could look up papers. ([The] first paper on radioiodine that I published was in 1948.) |
HERKEN: | I know that there was an approval process for the isotopes after the war. In order to use isotopes, you had to get permission of the Division of Isotope Distribution out at Oak Ridge.25 Was there anything like that during the war? |
Human Applications Committee and Informed Consent | |
MILLER: | I don't know. It seems to me that later on at UCSF there was a committee set up, probably by Stone, dealing with this matter. When I say "set up by Stone," I think it was set up by a lot of other people with this fantastic fear of radiation. Sometime there was one set up at UCSF. |
HERKEN: | Yes, I think this was something called the Human Applications Committee. |
MILLER: | Yes. You know more about it than I do. |