Radiation Experiments Associated with the U.S. Department of Energy and
Its Predecessors

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U.S. Department of Energy Assistant
Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health Washington, D.C. 20585 July
The Secretary of Energy
Hazel R. O'Leary
Assistant Secretary for
Environment, Safety, and Health Tara
O'Toole, M.D., M.P.H.
The Office of Human Radiation
Experiments Ellyn Weiss, Special Counsel
and Director
Archives and Research William G. LeFurgy, Deputy Director Elly Melamed, Project Coordinator Roger Anders, Chief Historian Ann Brower Alyson
Burgess Tom Fisher Karoline Gourley David
Harrell Jean Mansavage Prita Pillai Cindy
Shindledecker Michael Yuffee
Outreach and Information
Center Lori Azim, Deputy Director Sheila Allen Kwesi
Amoa Jack Buchanan Joanne Carter Wanda
Davis James Foster Vernetta Gaines Ramona
Gray Tom Hoglund Leslie Maria Philip
Padgett Dianne Palmer Ken Rose Greg
Shaffer Jean-Cyril Walker Bob Zielinski
Office Director's Staff Marisa Caputo, Special Assistant Rose Hampton
Scientific Review Darrell Fisher Shirley
Technical Support Robert Haddad Alec
Oppenhimer Paul Stregevsky Daphne Zweifel
Introduction Criteria for Listing
Experiments Basic Categories of Human Radiation Experiments The Process of Identifying
Experiments Summarizing and Listing Experiments Challenges About This List List of Experiments
of Experiment Titles
N FEBRUARY 1995,the
Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Human Radiation Experiments published
Human Radiation Experiments: The Department of Energy Roadmap to the Story
and the Records ("The DOE Roadmap"). The Roadmap
summarized work undertaken at the direction of Secretary of Energy Hazel R.
O'Leary to find, declassify, and make publicly available DOE records related to
human experimentation. This effort was also a part of Secretary O'Leary's larger
openness initiative, which commited the Department to conduct business as openly
as possible as well as to provide information needed to assess past agency
This volume is a supplement to the Roadmap,
as well as a continuation of the Secretary's openness initiative. Along with
methodological and historical descriptions, topical discussions, and records
series descriptions, the Roadmap included summaries of approximately 150
human radiation experiments associated with DOE and its predecessors. Those
summaries are included here, along with summaries of over 275 additional studies
that have since been identified, documented, and confirmed. Taken together,
these summaries describe a wide range of activities from the early 1940s through
the early 1970s. The intent is to be as inclusive as possible in identifying
human radiation research projects associated with the Department and its
Many people have contributed to this volume,
including those listed on the facing page and a number of the people
acknowledged previously in the Roadmap. Particular credit is due Dr. Darrell
Fisher, Ph.D., for his research skills and to the staff of the Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory Archives and Records Management Office, who provided special research
services. Elly Melamed, Cindy Shindledecker, Alyson Burgess and Daphne Zweifel
provided the outstanding organizational and document management skills that made
this publication possible. It has been a privilege and pleasure to work with
everyone connected with this important project.
Ellyn R. Weiss, Special Counsel
and Director
Office of Human Radiation Experiments U.S. Department of Energy July 1995
CONTAINS a listing, description, and
selected references for documented human radiation experiments sponsored,
supported, or performed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) or its
predecessors, including the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration
(ERDA), the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the Manhattan Engineer District
(MED), and the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). The list
represents work completed by DOE's Office of Human Radiation Experiments (OHRE)
through June 1995.
The experiment list is available on the
Internet via a Home Page on the World Wide Web ( The
Home Page also includes the full text of Human Radiation Experiments: The
Department of Energy Roadmap to the Story and the Records (DOE/EH-0445),
published in February 1995, to which this publication is a supplement .
This list includes experiments released at
Secretary O'Leary's June 1994 press conference, as well as additional studies
identified during the 12 months that followed. Cross-references are provided for
experiments originally released at the press conference; for experiments
released as part of The DOE Roadmap; and for experiments published in
the 1986 congressional report entitled American Nuclear Guinea Pigs: Three
Decades of Radiation Experiments on U.S. Citizens. An appendix of radiation
terms is also provided.
Basic guidance for identifying experiments is
contained in Executive Order 12891, issued January 15, 1994, and in a January
19, 1994 White House memorandum entitled "Retrieval and Inventory of
Records of Human Radiation Experiments." These authorities define human
radiation experiments as:
Experiments on individuals involving
intentional exposure to ionizing radiation. This category does not include
common and routine clinical practices, such as established diagnosis and
treatment methods, involving incidental exposures to ionizing radiation;
Experiments involving intentional environmental
releases of radiation that (A) were designed to test human health effects of
ionizing radiation; or (B) were designed to test the extent of human exposure to
ionizing radiation.
For more information about environmental
releases, please see The DOE Roadmap.
SEVERAL ADDITIONAL CRITERIA were used in compiling the list. First, clear evidence
that an experiment took place was required. Given the fragmented and highly
disparate nature of the documentation, this was often a challenge. Many
documents refer to proposed studies, and in other cases documents provide
inconclusive leads that require further research. The experiments listed below
have been confirmed through research in primary and secondary sources.
Second, the list is limited to experiments
conducted or supported by DOE, its predecessor agencies, or agency contractors.
Starting in the late 1940s, hundreds of hospitals and other institutions did
work with scores of radionuclides and radioactively labeled compounds. Much of
this work involved human radiation experiments. Apart from distributing licenses
and isotopes, DOE and its predecessors had no active role in most of these
experiments. The agency did, however, operate its own cancer hospitals and other
research facilities where human subjects were used in radiation research.
Moreover, the agency contracted with universities and other institutions for
human radiation research. Such experiments are included.
The third consideration for inclusion on the
list was evidence that an experiment involved exposure of human subjects to
radiation. Studies involving only human tissue samples were not included.
Research involving various drugs, hormones, minerals, or other substances also
was not included unless radiation was involved.
In judging whether a procedure was a "common
and routine clinical practice," a human radiation experiment included any
of the following situations where radiation was administered:
- without realistic expectation of a benefit to
the subject;
- to test or determine the potential usefulness
of a treatment for other individuals;
- to healthy human subjects; and
- to an individual to calibrate radiation
detection instruments.
Several types of procedures did not fall within
the scope of human radiation experiments. These included procedures where
- workers occupationally exposed to radiation
were measured for potential internal or external radiation exposure by routine
dosimetry, bioassay, or whole-body counting methods;
- workers were assayed after accidental internal
or external radiation exposures;
- individuals were treated with chelating agents
for removal of accidental or occupational internal contamination;
- patients were measured for internal
radioactivity as part of a legitimate medical, diagnostic or therapeutic
process; and preexisting internal deposition of radionuclides were assessed,
measured, or studied in ody fluids, excreta, blood, cells, or tissue samples.
THERE ARE SEVERAL common and recurring categories of human radiation
Tracer studiesinvolved use of radioisotopes as tools to learn more
about the properties of other biological compounds, transport pathways, and
processes in the body. Tracer studies also involved using isotopes as labeling
agents where a drug was labeled with a radioactive isotope, including studies
conducted to gain knowledge of the effect of radiation upon humans.
All radionuclide metabolism studies in
human subjects were considered as human radiation experiments. These tests
involved the study or analysis of radioisotope uptake, retention, and excretion,
and were done to learn more about the specific behavior of elements in the body.
Biological effects of radiation were often
determined during dose response studies.
Radionuclides were used in diagnostic
studies to research human physiological conditions, or to calibrate
radiation detectors or imaging systems.
Finally, experimental treatments for
disease, cancer perhaps the most prominent, involved the use of various
radiations and radioactive materials. Over time, many of these therapies moved
from the experimental stage to the routine. The point at which they ceased to be
experimental may be difficult to draw with precision. The reviewers have used
their best judgment in listing those treatments that appear to have been
experimental at the time they were administered. Particularly in the case of the
AEC cancer hospitals, the choice has been to be inclusive in listing these
SEVERAL STEPS were involved in locating and reviewing documentary
evidence related to human radiation experiments. To start, OHRE staff and other
personnel searched records with information of potential value. This selective
search covered records in work spaces, offices, Federal Records Centers, the
U.S. National Archives, and other archival repositories.
When documents were found that might contain
information related to human radiation experiments, the documents were copied
and provenanced. Provenancing involves noting the location of the original
document (site, series, box, and folder). The copies were sent to OHRE through a
document processing facility, the Coordination and Information Center (CIC). The
CIC numbered and indexed the documents, optically scanned them, and produced
copies for distribution to DOE public reading rooms and other interested
parties. Copies of the documents were also provided to the Advisory Committee on
Human Radiation Experiments, which President Clinton established in 1994 to
review all human radiation studies sponsored or supported by the Federal
government from 1944 to 1974.
About 218,000 document pages are included in
this collection. In addition to basic document indexes, sophisticated full-text
searching capabilities and full access to the document images are available
through the Internet World Wide Web Home Page noted on page 1.
Many varieties of documents reference
experiments. These include reports from laboratories or contract correspondence
between researchers and agency officials, researcher notes, medical files,
experiment protocols and proposals, and research bibliographies. References
usually contain fragmentary information, and considerable research in primary
and secondary sources is often necessary to verify and describe a specific
experiment. This research involved gathering all documents related to a
particular experiment and comparing the information with published journal
literature. Much of the information on human radiation experiments was published
in the open scientific literature.
THE EXPERIMENT SUMMARIES provide a concise description of what occurred based on
the information that could be found. The focus has been on learning when and
where the experiment took place; type and dosage of radiation used; how
radiation was administered; why the experiment was conducted; numbers and types
of subjects involved; experimental results; and funding sources for the
experiment. Each experiment summary is followed by a reference section which
lists citations to information sources. In addition, case files have been
prepared with information concerning each experiment listed.
IN PREPARING THIS LIST, and in continuing the work to find experiments, a
variety of challenges have been encountered. One issue relates to subject
populations. With some exceptions, little evidence exists about how researchers
chose experimental subjects or what factors went into such decisions. More
details are often available about the composition of subject populations, but
information in this area is hardly complete.
Another obstacle is dating: references to
experiment dates are often incomplete, as some studies were conducted over
several years. In many cases, the date given in the experiment summary is an
estimated date based on available information.
The use of informed consent-or any degree of
consent at all-is also very difficult to document for many experiments dating
before the standard requirements issued by the National Institutes of Health in
1974. Contemporaneous professional literature typically does not provide much
detail about consent issues, nor do contracts, progress reports, or other
information sources.
In addition, it can be difficult to determine
the role of the Federal government in some experiments. Studies occurring at AEC
research hospitals or other agency facilities have an obvious connection to the
Government. Yet experiments done in private hospitals often do not. The AEC
provided grants, contracts, and other forms of direct support for human
radiation experiments, and examples are included in the list. Funding status,
however, is not always clear. To the extent it is available, funding information
is included in the experiment summaries.
and incorporates studies previously
published in The DOE Roadmap. These studies are listed first for each
location and have retained numbers original assigned to them in The DOE
Roadmap. In some cases the descriptions have been revised based on new
information, and this is indicated at the end of the summary. In addition to the
studies previously published in The DOE Roadmap, more than 275
additional studies have been summarized.
The notation indicates where the newly
published summaries begin for each location.
Human radiation experiments took place at a
number of DOE sites and laboratories and at the three AEC cancer research
hospitals. These include Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, Brookhaven
National Laboratory in New York, Hanford sites in Washington State, Idaho sites
in Idaho, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in California, Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, Oak
Ridge sites in Tennessee, and the University of Chicago's Argonne Cancer
Research Hospital in Illinois. The primary focus for the DOE search has been
these sites and closely related facilities, which are listed under separate
headings. For more information about these DOE sites and the history of their
involvement in human radiation experiments, see The DOE Roadmap.
The list also includes some experiments
conducted at universities and private hospitals that were supported by DOE and
its predecessors. These are listed under the heading
Other (OT). Please note that this search has been primarily for
experiments that took place prior to 1974, the year in which broadly applicable
guidelines for the protection of human research subjects were adopted.
In producing this list, a number of summaries
were prepared that did not appear to meet the criteria for final inclusion,
i.e., they did not appear to be funded by DOE or its predecessors, or there was
no definitive documentation indicating that they actually took place. Although
they have not been included in this publication, the documentation and summaries
have been retained by OHRE, provided to the Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments, and are available for review.
Finally, while this list represents our best
effort to identify human subject research performed or sponsored by the
Department and its predecessors up to 1974, the passage of time and the state of
the agency's historical records preclude any claim of absolute completeness. A
wealth of valuable data has been uncovered and is presented here. As indicated
above, the experiment list and all primary source documents are available on the