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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Facilities and Equipment

Plutonium Recovery Modification Project Reports, 1976-1988


Inactive: RF-DOE Safety and Health Division Library, Building 116; 881 Archives, Room 214
Access Restrictions: Some of the records are designated as UCNI; Building 116 is in an access-controlled area; 881 Archives is a security-controlled area.

Volume: 0.33 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: RF-DOE Safety and Health Division Library: 1) None; RF-881 Archives: 2) A376; 3) E222

Condition: Good

Container Number: 1) None; 2) A376; 3) E222

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Series contains charts and tables.

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: None

Originating Office: Rockwell International

Finding Aids: 1) DOE Records Management maintains a shelf inventory list; 2-3) Records Storage Receipt.

Disposition Authority: 1) Designated for periodic review by DOE Records Management; 2) DOE (1988) 14.1b; 3) Retain until the dismantlement of the facility.

Series Description: This series consists of various reports which document facility upgrades undertaken to enhance plutonium recovery operations. Included are the first two volumes of a Conceptual Design Report (volumes 3 through 6 are not in the library's collection), which contain an executive summary, a statement of the project's scope, and floor charts of the Waste Recovery Building (Building 371); a Plan for Decontaminating Building 371 to Support the Plutonium Recovery Modification Project, which provides descriptions of the plutonium recovery process and facility, a cost estimate, and project schedule; a Basis of Design Document, which was prepared by the Engineering Organization to justify individual components of the modification project; and reports which summarize the results of tests conducted to improve sludge draining procedures.

For related records, see Volume III. Plutonium Recovery and Waste Treatment Facilities Construction Planning Records, 1970-1980.

Data Elements: 2, 88-89, 117

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