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DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
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Finding Aids |
APPENDIX C Information Required by the Department of Energy for Epidemiologic and Health Studies Ames Laboratory (Ames, Iowa) originally concentrated on developing methods to produce
uranium metal for the MED. Established in 1943 at Iowa State College, now Iowa State
University, the facility became known as the Ames Laboratory in 1947. Currently, it conducts
basic research in the physical, chemical, materials, mathematical, engineering, and environmental
Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, Illinois) started as a division of the Metallurgical
Laboratory of the University of Chicago. Plans to use the facility for plutonium production were
dismissed because of its close proximity to Chicago. Known as the Argonne National Laboratory
since 1946, it conducts basic and applied nuclear research.
Bethlehem Steel Corporation (Lackawanna, New York) conducted uranium rolling experiments
from 1949 to 1951 for the Atomic Energy Commission. These experiments contributed to the
development of uranium rolling equipment used at the Fernald Plant in Ohio.
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory (West Mifflin, Pennsylvania), originally known as the Bettis
Field Plant, has operated a thermal submarine reactor propulsion plant since 1950. Bettis works
in cooperation with the Naval Reactors Facility of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory to
develop submarine power reactors.
Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, New York) has performed basic and applied research
in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences and participated in science education
programs since 1947. Associated Universities, Inc., has been responsible for operating the
facility since its inception.
Electro Metallurgical Company (Niagara Falls, New York), a subsidiary of Union Carbide, was
the MED's largest ore-to-metal uranium production plant. From 1942 to 1953, the plant
processed uranium tetrafluoride (green salt) into uranium metal. The plant was also called the
Union Carbide and Chemical Electro-Metallurgical Division Works.
Feed Materials Production Center (Fernald, Ohio), established in 1952, operated as a
consolidated uranium processing facility for the AEC and its successor agencies. Administered
by National Lead of Ohio and, later, Westinghouse Environmental Management Company of
Ohio, Fernald produced uranium feed materials for reactors and diffusion plants. Since 1992,
the site has been known as the Fernald Environmental Management Project and has concentrated
on site remediation.
Fermilab/Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia, Illinois) was established in 1968
to conduct research in high-energy physics and participate in science education programs. The lab
operates the Doubler, a high-energy superconducting magnet-particle accelerator. The facility's
principle operating contractor is the Universities Research Association, Inc.
Hanford Site (Richland, Washington) was established in 1943 as the first full-scale production
reactors site in the United States. In addition, Hanford conducted fuel fabrication, plutonium
finishing, and chemical processing. The site also produced tritium and polonium-210.
Harshaw Chemical Company (Cleveland, OH) produced uranium hexafluoride and uranium
tetrafluoride for K-25, the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and fluorinated hydrocarbon
chemical compounds for plants relying on highly corrosive feed materials, from 1942 to 1960.
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (Idaho Falls, Idaho) was established in 1949 primarily
to test nuclear reactor concepts. The INEL site also conducts fuel processing and recovery, waste
management, and decontamination.
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory (Schenectady, New York) was established in 1947 as a
regional development center but subsequently focused on the design and development of naval
nuclear propulsion plants and reactor cores.
Lake Ontario Ordnance Works/Lake Ontario Storage Area (Lewiston, New York) operated
from 1944 to 1953 as a major storage facility for contaminated materials produced by the Linde
Air Products Company Ceramics Plant in Tonawanda, New York.
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (Berkeley, California), founded as the Radiation Laboratory in
1931, pursued physics and biomedical research through the use of the cyclotron. The facility
became a government laboratory in 1943. Currently, it conducts research in the physical and life
sciences; engages in training and education programs; and houses particle accelerators, electron
microscopes, and other advanced instruments.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, California) was established as the
Livermore Radiation Laboratory in 1952 as an energy and defense research facility. Originally
an extension of the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the facility conducts research in basic
chemistry and physics, high-precision manufacturing, waste management, and thermonuclear
Linde Air Products Company Ceramics Plant (Tonananda, NY) converted uranium ore to pure
uranium concentrates from 1942 to 1948. Linde Air also produced barrier materials for the
gaseous diffusion uranium enrichment process.
Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, New Mexico) was originally established in 1943
as a nuclear weapons development and testing site and now conducts a multidisciplinary national
research program. In addition to weapons research, the facility also investigates nuclear power
systems, nuclear fuels, the effects of radiation, high-performance computers, and human
molecular biology.
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works (St. Louis, Missouri) processed uranium ore to uranium metal
from 1942 to 1957. Mallinckrodt refined uranium ore into uranium dioxide (brown oxide), the
fundamental material for uranium tetrafluoride (green salt), the feed material for most uranium
metal processing.
Middlesex Sampling Plant (Middlesex, New Jersey) operated a warehouse for the MED to store,
sample, and assay excess uranium ore imported from the Belgian Congo. The plant also stored
beryllium and monitored the health effects of exposure to radon, uranium dusts, radium, and
Mound Site (Miamisburg, Ohio) has operated as a nuclear weapons production facility since
1946. Activities have included the manufacture of polonium-210 and -238 radioisotopic heat
sources, the recovery of tritium wastes, and the evaluation of components for nuclear weapons.
The site originated as the Dayton Project under the MED in 1943.
Nevada Test Site (Las Vegas, Nevada) has served primarily as a facility for the staging of
underground nuclear tests since 1951. In addition, the site conducted tests involving radioactive
materials and spills of large quantities of nonradioactive hazardous liquified gases.
Pacific Northwest Laboratory (Richland, Washington) was established in 1965 to conduct waste
management and environmental monitoring and restoration. Since 1977, the facility has been
responsible for gathering, integrating, and analyzing exposure data for the Hanford Health and
Mortality Study. PNL maintains strong connections with other federal agencies and regional
education and training facilities.
Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant (Paducah, Kentucky) was originally the site of the Kentucky
Ordnance Works. The AEC acquired the site in 1950 and began operating a gaseous diffusion
facility there in 1954. Paducah supplemented gaseous diffusion operations at Oak Ridge and
currently continues uranium enrichment operations.
Pantex Plant (Amarillo, Texas) was established in 1942 by the Army Ordnance Corps as a bomb
and shell loading facility. Acquired by the AEC in 1951, the site subsequently became a nuclear
weapons assembly facility.
Pinellas Plant (Largo, Florida) was established in 1956 to develop and produce neutron
generators for nuclear weapons. Its mission eventually expanded to the production of thermal
batteries, power capacitors, electromagnetic devices, and lightning arresting connectors.
Rocky Flats (Denver, Colorado) was established in 1952 to produce plutonium triggers and other
metal components for nuclear weapons assembled at the Pantex Plant. Since 1992, the mission
of the plant has been environmental clean-up and restoration.
Substitute Alloy Materials (SAM) Laboratories (New York, NY) was established in 1943 at
Columbia University. The facility conducted primary research for the MED, especially in the
development of the gaseous diffusion process used at the Oak Ridge K-25 facility.
Sandia National Laboratory (Albuquerque, New Mexico) is principally located in Albuquerque.
With facilities in Nevada and Hawaii, the Sandia National Laboratory grew out of the Los Alamos
site. The laboratory develops, engineers, and tests nonnuclear components of nuclear weapons,
studies nuclear weapons systems ordnance and engineering, and investigates technologies for
dealing with hazardous and radioactive wastes.
Savannah River Plant (Aiken, South Carolina) was established in 1953 to produce plutonium and
tritium for nuclear weapons. Five production reactors, chemical separation plants, and support
facilities are located at the site.
Simonds Saw and Steel Company (Lockport, New York) participated in the research and
development of uranium rolling equipment for the Feed Materials Production Center and uranium
rods for other AEC facilities from 1948 to 1956.
Tennessee Eastman Corporation (Oak Ridge, Tennessee), operated the K-25 and Y-12 plants
at the Oak Ridge Reservation from 1943 to 1947.
Weldon Spring Remediation Site (Weldon Spring, Missouri), formerly the site of the
Mallinckrodt Chemical Works plant which, from 1958 to 1966, refined uranium ore into uranium
dioxide (brown oxide), the fundamental material for uranium tetraflouride (green salt), the feed
material for most uranium metal processing.
Beryllium Workers Enhanced Medical Surveillance Program examines current and former
beryllium workers at the Y-12 Plant at Oak Ridge for chronic beryllium disease and evaluates the
efficacy of the lymphocyte proliferation test as a diagnostic test for the disease.
Epidemiology Study of Uranium Workers at Mallinckrodt Chemical Works concerns the
relationship between mortality and uranium exposure among workers, who from 1942-1966 were
exposed to elevated levels of uranium and associated substances.
Epidemiology Study of Workers at the Savannah River Plant evaluates the effects of exposure
to low-level ionizing radiation and other chemical and toxic agents on the health of Savannah
River Plant workers. This study is being conducted jointly by ORAU and LANL.
Five Rem Study focused on workers at all DOE facilities who had been exposed to five or more
rems of radiation for at least one calendar year of employment from 1947 to 1978. The objective
of this study was to identify cancer-related morbidity and mortality and determine the efficacy of
five rems as an occupational exposure standard.
Four-Site Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study examined the relationship between exposure to
uranium dust, smoking habits, and lung cancer in workers at Fernald, Mallinckrodt Chemical
Works, and the Y-12 and K-25 Plants.
Gas Centrifuge Workers Study focused on morbidity and mortality in gas centrifuge workers
at the K-25 facility exposed to uranium and associated compounds and chemicals.
K-25 Nickel Study focused on all white males employed at the K-25 plant, from January 1948
to December 31, 1977, to determine the rate of respiratory cancer in workers exposed to nickel
Morbidity and Mortality Among National Lead of Ohio Uranium Workers focused on
unusually high levels of morbidity and mortality in employees of National Lead of Ohio exposed
to uranium.
Niagara Frontier Site Study focused on workers at six MED sites in the Niagara Frontier region
to determine the relationship between radiation and uranium exposure and cancer-related
Oak Ridge Facilities Brain Cancer Study investigated the occurrence of primary malignant
neoplasms in the brain of workers employed by Tennessee Eastman Corporation at Y-12, K-25,
and ORNL to establish an association between brain cancer and radiation and chemical exposure,
head injures, and socio-economic factors.
Oak Ridge Facilities Combined Mortality Study (ORFCOM) examines the long-term health
effects of low-level ionizing radiation on Oak Ridge facilities workers from several radiation
sources, including plutonium, uranium dust, and other radionuclides, in addition to lead,
beryllium, and chemicals used in research and development laboratories.
Tatum Salt Dome Study examined the effects of the Tatum Salt Dome, a weapons testing site
near Lumberton, Mississippi, upon the health of the community.
Tennessee Eastman Corporation (TEC) Cancer Case-Control Study focuses on white males
employed by TEC at Oak Ridge for three days or more, from 1943 to 1947, to determine an
association between exposure to low levels of uranium dust or uranium compound dust and lung
cancer-associated mortality.
Y-12 Sheet Metal Workers Study examined morbidity and mortality from select causes in sheet
metal workers employed from 1947 to 1985.
Y-12 Elemental Mercury Study examines the possible health effects of chronic exposure to
elemental mercury, particularly the nervous system.
Any type of materials that will help understand the functional organization of the contractor, or to identify individuals who may have had responsibility for operations within a facility. These types of materials are useful when studying a facility because they enable the researcher to identify key personnel who were involved with certain projects and to contact these persons, when necessary, to help understand the nature of the plant operations and potential exposures that occurred in specific areas of the plant. Examples of records that may meet these needs are: 1. DOE/Contractor Organizational Charts 2. Contractor Organizational Histories/Plant Information Packets 3. Mission Statements of the Site and Individual Functional Units 4. Contractor Personnel Directories/Telephone Directories 5. Position Descriptions and Associated Dates 6. Correspondence Files of Directors and Managers
Identification of Individual Epidemiologic studies of workers require the creation of lists of individuals at each facility who will be included in the study. Therefore, all records containing identifying information for employees at a specific facility are of great value. These records will typically be from personnel or payroll departments and may include the following data: 7. Social Security Number 8. Name 9. Maiden Name 10. Other Names 11. Address/Phone Number 12. Spouse Name 13. Spouse Address 16. Employer Identification Numbers (payroll, annuity, badge, etc.)
Demographic Information In order to compare the characteristics of the worker population with other groups, it is desirable to know the following information: 17. Birth Date 18. Place of Birth 20. Sex 21. Race 22. Education (highest degree) 23. Marital Status
Work History Work records indicating the type of jobs performed over specific periods of time are extremely useful. Specific data items are as follows: 24. Hire Date at Facility 25. Termination Date at Facility 26. Reason for Termination 27. Type of Employee (hourly, salaried, etc.) 28. Occupation or Job Title (all job titles held and associated dates) 30. Previous Work History 31. Work Location (building, area) 33. Reassignments and Work Restrictions 34. Job or Task Descriptions and Performance Appraisals
Medical Data Medical records, records of treatment, incident or accident report, and company health insurance records may be useful for epidemiologic studies. Examples of the information that may be used from these records include: 35. Employee Physical Examinations 36. Smoking History 37. Alcohol/Beverage History 44. Drug/Medication Use History 38. Record of Injuries or Accidents Before or During Employment 39. Record of Exposure to Toxic or Carcinogenic Substances 40. Record of Sick and other Health-Related Leaves 41. Return to Work Clearances 42. Pathological Reports and Lab Results 45. Diagnostic X-Rays (dental, chest, other) 43. Family Disease and Mortality History 47. Employee Disease History, Including Predisposing Conditions 48. Record of use of Chelation Agents, including DTPA 51. Workers' Compensation Claims
Mortality Data (any type of information concerning death) Many studies compare death rates in worker populations with rates in other populations. The following data items are useful: 53. Death Certificate 54. Date of Death 55. Cause of Death 56. Place of Death 57. Payment of a Death Benefit and Date 58. Vital Status at Last Known Date
External Radiation External radiation exposure records that pertain to individual workers or to individual areas in a plant must retained. Types of data items contained on these records are: 59. Estimated Whole Body Dose Due to X-Rays & Gamma Rays and Associated Dates 60. Estimated Whole Body Dose Due to Neutrons and Associated Dates 61. Estimated Whole Body Dose Due to Tritium and Associated Dates 62. Estimated Total Whole Body Dose and Associated Dates 63. Individual Dosimeter Types 65. Partial Body or Skin Doses and Associated Dates
Internal Radiation Internal radiation exposure records for workers must be retained. Types of data items contained on these records are: 68. Bioassay Testing (including fecal and urine analysis) for nuclides 69. Estimated internal doses, including nuclides, organ of deposition 71. Whole Body Counts, including nuclides, type of instrument, results, units, and associated
Chemical Exposures Data generated to evaluate occupational exposure levels and to demonstrate compliance with exposure limits should be systematically retained. The types of records of data that should be retained may include: 75. Results of Bioassays (including blood and urine analysis) such as exposure to chemicals, chemical names, results units, and associated dates 77. Monitoring Data Relating to Specific Work Locations or Assignments, including
monitoring instruments, control data, results, units, and associated dates
Physical Agents Data generated to evaluate occupational exposure levels and to demonstrate compliance with exposure limits should be systematically retained. Such data should include: 83. Inventories of Potentially Health Hazardous Physical Agents (noise, laser beam, electromagnetic fields, etc.), including associated dates, building, and locations 85. Survey of Work Areas, including associated dates, kind of monitoring equipment, results,
and units
Area/Site Monitoring Information (by job category, year, building, etc.) Other records that relate to the calibration, sensitivity, type, location of the equipment used for
personnel monitoring, surveying, air sampling, etc., are quite useful, especially if they can be
linked to specific processes, areas, buildings, and personnel. Information describing the general
requirements followed by the facility for the provision of various personnel monitoring
equipment, examinations, or testing is also desirable. Examples of these types of records include
the following:
Physical Plant and Operations Records 88. Chemical or Other Processes, including building locations and associated dates 89. Hiring, Materials Handling & Other Practices 90. Requirements for Employment in Specific Jobs 114. Calibration Requirements 115. Chemical Inventories 117. Blueprints, Floor Plans, and Engineering Drawings of Building 120. Inventory Records of Incoming and Outgoing Material 123. Maintenance Records of Pollution Control Devices such as Dust Collectors, Scrubbers, or
Worker Radiation Monitoring/Protection Programs 81. Monitoring Program Characteristics 91. Requirements for Wearing Dosimeters 93. Dosimeters Type 94. Dosimeter Manufacture 96. Dosimeter Processing Procedures 97. Dosimeter Reading Procedures 98. Frequency of Reading Dosimeters 102. Requirements for Use of Protection Equipment 107. Requirements for Wearing Protection Equipment
Environmental Monitoring 103. Results of Environmental Monitoring, including radionuclide or chemical information, units, and location 116. Information on Product Particle Size and Chemical Form at Potential Release Points 124. Onsite Monitoring or Sampling Locations and Results 118. Offsite Monitoring or Sampling Locations and Results 119. Any Measurements of Effluents from Facility Relief Point, including stack sampler results, water losses, and sump measurements 121. Reports of Losses of Material from stack or filters 122. Reports of Unplanned Releases, Incidents, Spills
Accident and Injury Reports, 1944-1946 163 Administrative Files, 1984-Current 210 Air Monitoring Data, 1961-1968 80 Applied Health Physics Quarterly Reports, 1961-1964 102 Argonne National Laboratory Cohort Records, 1982 174 Argonne National Laboratory External Dosimetry Records, 1952-1984 175 Baneberry Test Records, ca. 1970-1979 92 Blood-Urine Test Records, 1945-1946 123 Brain Cancer Study Data 280 Call Log Sheets, ca. 1978-1994 176 Case-Control Study Records, 1987-1994 188 Center for Epidemiologic Research Document (CERDOCS) Reference Files, 1940-Current 211 Center for Epidemiologic Research Reading Files (CERERF), 1977-Current 212 Chromate Cohort Study Records, 1959-1962 60 Compensation Claim Reports, 1945-1946 124 Computer Graphics Software Documentation, 1984 244 Construction Files, ca. 1950-1956 95 Contract Files, ca. 1956-1968 96 Contractor Data Entry Sheets, ca. 1942-1988 61 Correspondence, 1944-1945 23 Correspondence, ca. 1945-1947 125 Daily Schedules, 1948-1957 31 Data Abstract Forms, ca. 1950s-1980s 152 Data Analysis Records, 1982-1983 32 Data Cards, undated 18 Data Correlation Files 273 Data Files, ca. 1944-1945 194 Data Punch Cards, ca. 1967 81 Data Sheets, 1982 206 Database Index, 1974 103 Database Merge Files, 1983, 1985-1987 245 Death Certificate and Social Security Administration (SSA) Search Records, 1982 231 Death Certificate Data, ca. 1970-1971 232 Death Certificate Retrieval Office Correspondence, 1978-1982 233 Death Certificates and Employee Data Sheets, ca. 1948-Current 234 Death Certificates, ca. 1984-1990 177 Demographic and Mortality Analysis, 1982 235 Demographic Reports, 1977 153 Department Code Reports, ca. 1980 98 Department of Energy (DOE) Health and Mortality Study Protocols, 1982 213 John D. Dingell Database Index, ca. 1978-1992 246 John D. Dingell File Notebooks, ca. 1977-1991 214 Dispensary Records, 1949-1966 33 Dose Data Summary Records, ca. 1944-1946 19 Dosimetry Assessment Group Meeting Minutes, 1975-1982 99 Dosimetry Data Documentation, 1985-1992 247 Dosimetry Records, 1982 154 Du Pont Employee Lists, 1944-1946 20 Dust Concentration Cards, 1943-1952 34 Electronic Data Corrections Documentation, 1983-1993 248 Electronic Records Documentation, 1978-1992 249 Employee Analysis Reports, ca. 1980-1982 82 Employee and Facility Monitoring Records, ca. 1947-1969 63 Employee Cards, ca. 1947-1956 35 Employee Cards, ca. 1980 151 Employee Data, 1984 155 Employee Data Reports, ca. 1983-1989 215 Employee Dose Reports, ca. 1974 104 Employee Health and Mortality Records, ca. 1955-1986 156 Employee Histories, 1963-1984 93 Employee Information Cards, ca. 1939-1965 64 Employee Information Reports, 1978-1979 77 Employee Lists, 1944-1946, 1957-1968 36 Employee Lists, ca. 1943-1960 105 Employee Lists, ca. 1944-1949, 1967 164 Employee Roster, 1974-1976 78 Employee Roster, 1975 100 Employee Roster, 1981 148 Employee Rosters, 1984 21 Employee Rosters, ca. 1940s-1960s 37 Employee Rosters, February 24, 1978, undated 83 Employee Rosters, ca. 1986-1988 170 Employee Urine Sample Cards, ca. 1945-1949 24 Employee X-rays, ca. 1945-1949 25 Employment Records, ca. 1959-1984 157 Exposure Records, 1958-1962 142 External Radiation Dose Summary Worksheets, ca. 1965-1966 106 Facility Correspondence, 1977-Current 216 Facility Status Summary Reports, 1982 84 Fercleve Corporation Accident Reports, ca. 1944-1946 115 Fercleve Corporation Data Control Sheets, 1969 116 Fercleve Corporation Medical Records, ca. 1944-1945 117 Fermi Laboratory Personnel History Records, ca. 1967-1981 178 Fernald Employee Respiratory Disease Study Data 281 Fernald Film Badge Data, 1952-1983 255 Fernald Urinalysis Data, 1952-1983 256 Fernald Workplace Data 282 File SRERR.PRT Reports, 1986 158 Film Badge Records, ca. 1950s-1989 85 Film Badge Reports, ca. 1947-1956 97 Film Badge Reports, ca. 1947-1951 195 Film Badge Reports (Du Pont Employees), ca. 1972 107 Film Badge Reports (ORNL Employees), 1967 108 Film Badge Summary Reports, 1945-1966 38 Film Stability Survey Data, 1967 109 Financial Records, ca. 1943-1947 126 First Aid Census Records, 1945-1946 165 Five Rem Study Contact Data 283 Five Rem Study Employment History Data 284 Five Rem Study General Study Data 285 Five Rem Study Offspring Data 286 Five Rem Study Patient Treatment Data 287 Five Rem Study Questionnaire Response Data 288 Five Rem Study SEACON Participant Data 289 Five Rem Study Smoking Data 290 Five Rem Study Substance Exposure Data 291 General and Hazards Information Study Records, 1948-1956 39 General Badge Number Data 274 General Study Data 275 General Mortality Data 276 General Salary Data 277 General Social Security Data 278 General Vital Status Data 279 Goodyear Atomic Corporation Employee Roster, 1980 79 Guard Identification Study Lists, 1975 40 Harshaw Chemical Employee Information Cards, 1943-1950 196 Hazards Assessment Records, 1962-1966 41 Hazards Assessment Records, 1943-1945 76 Health and Mortality Study Records, 1962-1978 86 Health and Mortality Study Research Files, 1949-1971 42 Health and Safety Procedures Handbooks, 1963-1965 43 Health Hazards Correspondence, 1943-1945 65 Healthy Worker Study Records, ca. 1983-1984 87 History of Clinton Engineer Works, 1944-1947 127 Houdaille-Hershey Corporation First Aid Files, ca. 1944-1945 118 Houdaille-Hershey Corporation Medical Examination and Accident Reports, ca. 1944-1945 119 "Ill-Defined Causes of Death" Study Data 292 Inactive Employee Locator Cards, ca. 1955-1970 66 Industrial Hygiene Monitoring Records, 1975-1985 143 Ingalls Shipyard Dosimetry Reports, 1962-1979 179 Injury Reports, 1944-1945 128 International Nickel Company Cases, 1973 199 Job History Sheets, 1957-1966 44 Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Employee Roster, 1984 180 Linde Air Products Company Mortality Study Exposure Data, 1943-1949 293 Linde Air Products Company Mortality Study Medical Data, 1943-1949 294 Linde Air Products Company Worker Mortality Study Employment Data, 1943-1949 295 Liquid Phase Reactor Pilot Plant Memoranda, ca. 1943-1945 129 List of Epidemiology Records at ORAU, 1979 217 Lost Time Accident Records, ca. 1944-1947 130 Maxon Construction Company Active and Terminated Employee Cards, ca. 1950-1952 120 Medical Abstracting Forms, 1984 192 Medical Advisor Memoranda and Reports, 1944-1947 131 Medical and Personal History Abstract Forms, 1943-1947 26 Medical Case Logs, 1943-1946 132 Medical Data Files, 1945 133 Medical Division Files, ca. 1943-1946 134 Medical Examination Cards, 1957-1958 45 Medical Files, ca. 1949-1966 46 Medical Files, 1943-1946 166 Medical Insurance Claims, 1952-1957 88 Medical Laboratory Examination Records, ca. 1943-1952 67 Medical Program and Electromagnetic Project Worker Histories, ca. 1942-1947, 1969 68 Medical Records, 1945-1947 135 Medical Records, ca. 1944-46 167 Minority Group Work History Grids, ca. 1991 89 Mortality Rates 296 Mortality Records, ca. 1949-1971 69 Mortality Statistics, 1977 236 Mortality Study Data Reports, ca. 1979-1985 27 Oak Ridge Addresses 297 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Administrative Files, 1978-Current 218 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Course Materials, ca. 1954-1980 219 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU)/ORISE Reference and Research Database, 1960-Current 253 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Research Planning Group Meeting Records, 1979-1988 220 Oak Ridge Brain Cancer Study Files, 1982-1985 221 Oak Ridge Facilities Combined Mortality (ORFCOM) Study External Exposure Data 298 Oak Ridge Facilities Combined Mortality (ORFCOM) Study General Data 299 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Air Sampling Data, 1945-1982 257 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Centrifuge Workers Study Data, 1990-1992 300 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Employee Data 301 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Film Badge Data, 1945-1991 258 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Urinalysis Data, 1948-1988 259 Oak Ridge, K-25 Facility, Whole Body Count Data, 1965-1991 260 Oak Ridge Medical Advisor's Office Files, ca. 1942-1947 70 Oak Ridge Operations Office (ORO)/Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) Correspondence, 1964, 1980-1989 222 Oak Ridge Population Select Mortality Report, 1974 237 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Air Sampling Data, 1981-1987 261 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Beryllium Workers Exposure Data, ca. 1988 262 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Exposure Data 302 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Film Badge Data, 1943-1991 263 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Urinalysis Data, 1951-1988 264 Oak Ridge, X-10 Facility, Whole Body Count Data, ca. 1962-1991 265 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Air Sampling Data, 1954-1980 266 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Bioassay Data 303 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Exposure Data 304 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Film Badge Data, 1948-1991 267 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Urinalysis Data, 1950-1988 268 Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, Whole Body Count Data, 1961-1991 269 Oak Ridge Worker Questionnaire Inventory, 1986 181 Payroll Cards, ca. 1942-1966 47 Payroll Records, ca. 1980s 159 Personnel and Environmental Monitoring Records, 1950-1966 48 Personnel Clearance Master Cards, ca. 1950s-1980s 101 Personnel Records, ca. 1943-1966 50 Personnel Records, ca. 1957-1980 90 Personnel Records, ca. 1943-1965 136 Personnel Records Inventory, 1981 144 Personnel Security Questionnaires (PSQs), ca. 1940s-1978 240 Personnel Security Questionnaires (PSQs), Inactive Employees, ca. 1949-1992 241 Phase II Analysis, 1989-1992 202 Project Files, 1942-1970 197 Project Study Files, ca. 1983 28 Puerto Rico Nuclear Center Correspondence and Employee Lists, ca. 1960s 182 Questionnaires and Medical Test Forms, 1994 207 Radiation Accident Files, ca. 1959-1976 223 Radiation Exposure Records, 1945-1948 138 Radiation Monitor Alarm and Operation Reports, 1946-1948 145 Radiation Summary Data, 1945-1946, 1950 51 Radioactive Dust Study Monitoring Records, 1944-1966 52 Radiographic Examination Records, ca. 1948-1966 53 Radium Dial Painters Study Data 305 Radon Project Records, 1944-1957 54 Reference Files, ca. 1965-1981 224 Reference Notebooks, ca. 1943-1983 29 Reference Publications, ca. 1965-1989 225 Reference Records, 1992 150 Reports and Coding Sheets, 1980-1989 183 Research Records, ca. 1965-1974 22 Research Subject Files, ca. 1943-1981 146 Rust Engineering Work History Abstract Forms, ca. 1980s 121 Savannah River Film Badge Data, 1952-1978 270 Savannah River Plant General Data 306 Savannah River Urinalysis Data, 1955-1991 271 Savannah River Whole Body Count Data, 1950-1987 272 Search Records, 1989 189 Security Clearance Investigation Status Reports, 1973-1975 243 Security Reports, 1943-1966 55 Sheetmetal Worker Study Data 307 Simonds Saw and Steel Employee Information Cards, 1949-1950 198 Site Notebooks, 1976-1990 250 Smoking Histories, 1990 190 Smoking Histories, 1979 200 Social Security Administration (SSA) Death Lists, 1974-1988 238 Software Manuals, c. 1977-1990 251 Sources List, 1984 184 Special Order Accounts Register, ca. 1960-1986 226 State Death Certificate Indexes, 1908-1989 239 State Departments of Motor Vehicles Correspondence, 1981-1985 227 Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Employee Roster, 1980 91 Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation Compensation Claim Reports, 1945 122 Study Cards, ca. 1984-1990 185 Study Documentation, ca. 1988-1993 173 Study Questionnaires, ca. 1986 186 Study Records, ca. 1933-1977 71 Study Records, 1985-1986 187 Study Records, ca. 1977-1978 201 Study Records, ca. 1992-Current 205 Study Records, ca. 1947-1994 208 Study Working Papers, ca. 1943-1982 193 Survey Books, ca. 1950-1965 110 Survivor List, 1982 160 System Software Documentation, 1979-1992 252 Tatum Salt Dome Study Mortality Data 308 Taxable Wages Report, 1945 139 Tennessee Eastman Corporation (TEC) External Exposure Data, 1943-1984 309 Terminated Clearances Card Index, ca. 1948-1967 56 Terminated Contractor Employee Cards, 1950-1955 111 Terminated Employee Record Cards, ca. 1952-1989 161 Terminated Employee Records, ca. 1950s-1980s 162 Total Body Irradiation Records, 1961-1964 228 Unique Job Code Reports, 1982 140 United States War Department Engineer Office Files, ca. 1943-1947 72 University of Rochester Bioassay Records, 1943-1946 168 University of Rochester Film Badge Results, ca. 1942-1956 73 University of Wisconsin Dosimetry Research, ca. 1966-1972 74 Urinary Uranium (UU) Program Records, 1958-1964 57 Unusual Activities and Occurrences Reports, ca. 1948-1969 112 Unusual Occurrences Report, 1948-1973 113 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Employment History Data: Tennessee Eastman Corporation, 1943-1982 310 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Exposure Data: General, 1942-1982 311 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Exposure Data: Fernald, 1951-1981 312 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Exposure Data: Mallinckrodt, 1942-1966 313 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Exposure Data: Oak Ridge, Y-12 Facility, 1948-1982 314 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study General Study Data 315 Uranium Dust Lung Cancer Study Smoking Data 316 Uranium Dust Monitoring Records, 1981-1989 191 Uranium Miners Study Data 317 Urinalysis Sample Cards, ca. 1950-1970 147 Urine Sample Cards, 1951-1977 149 Vault Inventory Database, 1990-present 254 Vision Test Reports, 1944-1945 141 Vital Statistics Publications, ca. 1976-1985 229 Vital Statistics Search Files, ca. 1974-1977 202 Vital Status Sources Correspondence, 1972-1992 230 Vitro Manufacturing Company Film Badge Data, 1945-1947 75 Wackenhut Security, Inc. (WSI), Employee List, 1979 94 Weldon Spring Plant Experimental Permits, 1955-1957 58 Welder Study Data 318 Work Assignment Survey Sheets, 1943-1968 114 Work History Abstract Forms, 1986 59 Work History Grids, 1983 30 Workers Enhanced Medical Surveillance Program Examination Forms, 1994 171 Workmen's Compensation Insurance Claims, 1944-1945 169 X-10, K-25, and Y-12 Plants Radiation Exposure Histories, 1991-1992 204 Y-12 Beryllium Worker Enhanced Medical Surveillance Program Phase I and II Questionnaires, 1992 172
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