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Epidemiologic Studies

Rala, Iodine-131 & Cesium-137

Section A:

Health Physics Division

Applied Health Physics Semi-Annual Report, July-December 1956


Inactive: ORNL, Building 4500N, Rm. H205 vault

Access Restrictions: Unclassified; vault is a security classified area

Volume: 0.25 lin. in.

Accession or Other ID Number: CF 57-1-173

Condition: Good

Container Number Open shelves

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Not entirely suitable; contains graphs and tables

Duplication: Unknown

Arrangement: Numerical by Central Files number

Originating Office: Health Physics Division

Finding Aids: Index to Central Files Memoranda 1952-1959

Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled

Series Description: This semi-annual report of the Applied Health Physics Section of the Health Physics Division provides both narrative and quantitative descriptions of area air monitoring activities, fallout activity, rain water analyses, Clinch River and White Oak Creek analyses, background radiation monitoring, and monitoring of the work and protective garments laundry. Measurements for gamma and beta activity are reported in millicuries/cubic centimeter. The report does not provide information on specific radionuclides.

Data Elements: 81, 103, 118, 123-124

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