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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Workplace and Environmental Monitoring

Stack Monitoring Records, 1974-1977, 1980-1984


Inactive: RF-881 Archives, Room 214; DFRC
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; 881 Archives is a security-controlled area.

Volume: Approximately 1.15 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: RF-881 Archives: 1) G131; 2) TBF183; DFRC: 3) 434-92-0056; 4) 434-93-0001; 5) 434-93-0018

Condition: Fair

Container Number: 1) G131; 2) TBF183; 3) 903316; 4) 225217; 5) YB314396

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Series consists of charts, handwritten forms, and computer- generated reports. Duplication: Accession Number G131 is available on microfilm in the 881 Archives under Accession Number MF-RF-Gen Lab, Reels 33, 36, and 37; records in Accession Number TBF183 are to be microfilmed.

Arrangement: Chronological

Originating Office: General Laboratory (formerly Health and Environment; Health, Safety, and Environment; and Health and Safety laboratories) of Dow Chemical and Rockwell International

Finding Aids: 1-2) Records Storage Receipt; 3-5) NARA Standard Form 135

Disposition Authority: 1) Records schedule under revision; 2) DOE (1988) 1.8f; 3-5) DOE (1988) 1.5d

Series Description: The Stack Monitoring Records consist of worksheets and computer-generated reports indicating the levels of radioactivity in stack effluent air samples, mostly collected from Buildings 707, 729, and 782. The worksheets, titled Alpha Activity Concentration Sheets (Air Sampling), provide levels of alpha radiation in pCi/m3 [picocuries per cubic meter] and in DPM [disintegrations per minute]. The computer-generated reports were apparently testing stack air for plutonium and americium contamination. Data on these reports include sample and detector numbers, spectrum file names, sample volumes, aliquots analyzed, and radioactivity (in DPM). A handwritten log details results of beryllium sampling in total milligrams. Accession Number 434-93-0001 has summary tables of stack releases in 1975 listing the specific release points for emissions with high plutonium concentrations and what those concentrations were.

Data Elements: 103, 119, 124

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