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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Workplace and Environmental Monitoring

Laser Records, 1977-Current


Active: RF-T452 D; T452 G
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; buildings are in an access-controlled area.

Volume: 0.35 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: None

Condition: Good

Container Number: RF-T452 D: 1) Series folders are interfiled with other file folders in four 5-drawer filing cabinets; RF-T452 G: 2) Records are on top of container 1369.

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable Duplication: A mirror file, arranged by subject, also exists in T452 D.

Arrangement: By building number, thereafter by subject

Originating Office: Industrial Hygiene Organization of Rockwell International and EG&G

Finding Aids: None

Disposition Authority: 1-2) Unscheduled

Series Description: The Laser Records consist of interoffice correspondence, laser registration forms, training attendance records, and laser inventories, all of which document Industrial Hygiene's efforts to monitor onsite laser use. Subjects addressed include laser safety practices and the operating exposure levels of individual lasers. Records in T452 G include the Non-Ionizing Laser Inventory, which lists locations of microwave ovens, radios, and production lasers.

Data Elements: 8, 16, 31, 81, 83, 85, 89, 107

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