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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Plant Site

Workplace and Environmental Monitoring

Environmental Sampling Alpha Analysis Records, 1974, 1977-1986


Inactive: RF-881 Archives, Room 214; DFRC
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; 881 Archives is a security-controlled area.

Volume: 11.7 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: RF-881 Archives: 1) TBF183; DFRC: 2) 434-82-0069; 3) 434-90-0061; 4) 434-92-0057; 5) 434-92-0059; 6) 434-93-0004; 7) 434-93-0024

Condition: Good to Fair

Container Number: 1) TBF183; 2) 964164; 3) 763985, 763993-763994, 763999, 764007; 4) BT2292; 5) 722643, 722645, 722649, 722654-722655, 722657, 722659-722660; 6) 916665-916666; 7) 765219, 765221

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Series contains handwritten forms and computer-generated reports. Duplication: Records in Accession Number TBF183 are to be microfilmed.

Arrangement: Usually first by radionuclide under analysis (e.g., americium, plutonium, and uranium), thereafter chronological; some are first by sample type, thereafter by radionuclide.

Originating Office: General Laboratory (formerly Health and Environment; Health, Safety, and Environment; and Health and Safety laboratories) of Dow Chemical Company and Rockwell International

Finding Aids: 1) Records Storage Receipt; 2-7) NARA Standard Form 135

Disposition Authority: 1) DOE (1988) 1.8f; 2) DOE (1980) C25.6d; 3) DOE (1988) 1.8f; 4) DOE (1988) 1.5d; 5) DOE (1988) 1.8f; 6) DOE (1988) 1.5d; 7) DOE (1988) 1.8f

Series Description: The Environmental Sampling Alpha Analysis Records consist of worksheets and computer-generated reports documenting alpha levels of americium, plutonium, and uranium found in various environmental samples. According to file and box labels, most of the data were generated by an Alpha Spec[trometer]. Data include dates, sample identification numbers, chamber or detector numbers, "geom. factors," spectrum file name, spikes, spike counts, test counts or durations (in seconds), sample volumes (in grams or milliliters), aliquots analyzed, and percentages of chemical recovery. Sample results are given in DPS [disintegrations per second], DPM [disintegrations per minute], pCi/g [picocuries per gram] or pCi/ml [picocuries per milliliter], both with and without reagent blank corrections. Handwritten notations and file labels indicate that sample types included water, lube oil, soil, "kochen liquids," Building 881 process waste, cooling tower water, salts, sludge, and vegetation.

For other alpha analysis sampling records, see Volume VII. Bioassay Records, 1952-1955, 1964-1971, 1978-1989.

Data Elements: 103, 118, 124

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