DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
Finding Aids
Introduction |
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSACF American Car and Foundry IndustriesACO advance change order ADR/REC unknown AEC Atomic Energy Commission AL Albuquerque Operations Office Am241 americium241 amps amperes ANSI American National Standards Institute ARC unknown ASBDBASE Asbestos Hazard Database ATMX atomic materials rail transfer ca. circa cc/sec cubic centimeters per second CD classified document or control document CDH Colorado Department of Health CDPHE Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CER complete engineering release CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CM unknown CND unknown COD chemical oxygen demand COEI composition of ending inventory c/m or cpm counts per minute or cycles per minute cr cold-rolled Cs137 cesium137 CSL Chemistry Standards Laboratory cu. ft. cubic foot or feet D/A unknown DC direct current DCS daily check sources Dev. unknown DFRC Denver Federal Records Center DIPSI unknown DJO development job order DNFSB Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board DOD Department of Defense DOE Department of Energy DOERS DOE Records Schedules DPM disintegrations per minute DPM/m3 or d/m/m3 disintegrations per minute per cubic meter DPS disintegrations per second DTPA diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid ECO engineering change order ECR engineering change request EFF effluents EH-42 Office of Epidemiology and Health Surveillance EIS environmental impact statement ELE-LE unknown EM environmental management EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory EO engineering order EOC Emergency Operations Center EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration ESR external standard ratio FOIA Freedom of Information Act FRD Formerly Restricted Data FSD unknown F.U. unknown GPSS unknown GRS General Records Schedules GTA unknown HAI History Associates Incorporated HPTC high pressure test cell I&A unknown IC ion chromatograph ID inventory difference IDC item description code IMECS Interactive Measurement Evaluation and Control System INEL Idaho National Engineering Laboratory ISO unknown J-Line stainless steel operations Jour unknown LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory LASL Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory LBL Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory LCO limiting conditions for operations LECO unknown Lektriever electronic shelving unit LIS Laser Isotope Separation LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LRL Lawrence Radiation Laboratory L-TOL unknown LTT Lymphocyte Transformation Test MAJ unknown MBA material balance area MC major component MED Manhattan Engineer District MET Metallography Laboratory MF microfilm mmHg millimeters of mercury MONEL unknown MPBB maximum permissible body burden MPER manufacturing process evaluation request mrem/hr. millirem per hour ms unknown MSL Mass Spectrometry Laboratory MUF materials missing or unaccounted for MWO maintenance work order N1 interim records schedule NARA National Archives and Records Administration nCi nanocurie (one-billionth of a curie) NCMR nonconforming material request NCRP National Committee on Radiation Protection NDA nondestructive assay NDT nondestructive testing NER unknown NGS National Geodetic Survey NMC Nuclear Materials Control NMMSS Nuclear Materials Management Safeguards System NMSL nuclear materials safety limit NO3 nitrates NO3 as N nitrate as nitrogen NOL normal operational loss NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRA unknown NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSF National Science Foundation NSI National Security Information NTIS National Technical Information Service NTS Nevada Test Site NTU nephelometric turbidity unit OBS obsolete ONM unknown OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ORPS Occurrence Reporting and Processing System OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OUO Official Use Only OY unknown PBA unknown PC proportional counter or personal computer PCA product/process change authorization PCB polychlorinated biphenyl pCi picocurie (one-trillionith of a curie ) pCi/g picocuries per gram pCi/l picocuries per liter pCi/ml picocuries per milliliter PEC part evaluation cycle pH hydrogen ion concentration PHA preliminary hazard analysis PMO preventive maintenance order PO purchase order or production order POS production operations sheet or process operations sheet ppm parts per million PROVE Plutonium Recovery Option Verification Exercise Project psi pounds per square inch psi/sec pounds per square inch per second psig pounds per square inch gage PSP pit surveillance program PSZ perimeter security zone Pu plutonium QIP quality improvement process QA quality assurance QAR quality assurance record QT unknown R&D research and development R.O. reverse osmosis RCG recommended concentration guide RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RD Restricted Data RF Rocky Flats RF-881 Archives Building 881 Archives RFAO Rocky Flats Area Office RHA records holding area RIS receiving inspection station RMS unknown SA unknown SAAM selective alpha air monitor SAAO South Albuquerque Area Office SACNET Secure Automatic Communications Network SAN Safeguards Accountability Network SAPR stockpile approved product record SCFM standard cubic feet per minute SL&IM unknown SNLL Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore SP special product SS safe and secure or stainless steel SSPR sewage sludge packaging request STAT unknown STD unknown STP sewage treatment plant SXR specification exception release T Trailer TBD to be determined TBF to be filmed T.C. unknown TID unknown TIG unknown TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter TOC total organic carbon Trampac Trupact-II Authorized Methods for Payload Control TRU transuranic Trupact Transuranic Package Transporter TSA technical safety appraisal U235 uranium235 UCNI Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information UK United Kingdom USTUR United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries U-TOL unknown WEMS Waste and Environmental Management System WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant/Project WR War Reserve WSRIC waste stream and residues identification and characterization wt. % weight percent XFMR unknown Sources: The Rocky Flats Dictionary (Second Edition), July 1991; consultation with various experts in the health field. |