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Epidemiologic Studies

Rocky Flats Fire Site

Waste Management

Waste Drum Shipment Logs, 1957-1962


Inactive: RF-881 Archives, Room 214
Access Restrictions: Records are unclassified; 881 Archives is a security- controlled area.

Volume: 1 cu. ft.

Accession or Other ID Number: E362

Condition: Good

Container Number: E362

Medium: Paper

Scanning Suitability: Suitable

Duplication: Microfilm copy is available in the 881 Archives on MF-RF-WO, Reel 8.
Arrangement: Chronological by year

Originating Office: Waste Operations Organization, Dow Chemical Company

Finding Aids: Records Storage Receipt

Disposition Authority:
DOE (1980) C25.10b

Series Description: The Waste Drum Shipment Logs detail waste shipments to Arco, Idaho, from 1957 to 1962. The records include information on date of shipment and type of trailer with its number and seal number provided (e.g., RF-1005). Each log provides a w.d. [waste disposal] number (e.g., 7-5840), drum number (e.g., 44-51683), gross and net weight, and remarks (e.g., 55-gallon drum, box 62"x36"x36", and filters). The files imply that the drum number indicates the building number and the drum sequence. For instance, number 71-6511 may correspond to Building 71 and 6511 may be the drum sequence. The log seems to indicate that on October 7, 1957, Rocky Flats shipped forty-two filters from Building 71 to Arco, Idaho; no filters appear to have been shipped in 1958.

Data Elements: 120

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