DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
Finding Aids
Epidemiologic Studies
Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education
Study Questionnaires, ca. 1986Location: Active:
Originating Office: Oak Ridge Associated Universities Finding Aids: Vault Inventory Database Disposition Authority: Unscheduled Series Description: This series includes questionnaires requesting information concerning employee health problems and hospitalization histories. Information includes diagnosis (e.g., cancer); name and location of hospital; length of hospital stay; and employee disease and radiation exposure histories, marital status, children's and spouse's health histories, work history, exposure to hazardous materials, experiences in different industries associated with the site, and smoking and alcohol drinking histories. For related records, see series listed under IV. Analysis Files, Five Rem Study.
Data Elements: 23, 30, 36-37, 39, 47, 83