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Epidemiologic Studies
Records Relating to Cesium at the K-25 Plant |
Evaluation of 1985-1986 Corrective Actions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL] Liquid Waste Disposal Trench 7, April 1991Location: Active:
Originating Office: Environmental Sciences Division Finding Aids: Document center databases Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled Series Description: This report evaluates the efficacy of corrective actions taken at Trench 7 to reduce the discharge of radionuclides, primarily by injecting grout into the soil. The report outlines the history of the trench; problems associated with it prior to corrective actions; the corrective grouting activities and results, including post-injection monitoring results; and conclusions. Monitoring data tables include a sample identification, well number, and results for several parameters, including cesium-137, cobalt-60, strontium-90, and gross alpha and beta activity in becquerels per liter (Bq/l). Appendices include grout specifications and the proposal reports. Photographs illustrate the trench during and after construction and the surrounding area.
Data Elements: 89, 103, 124 |