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Finding Aids
Epidemiologic Studies
Records Relating to Cesium at the K-25 Plant
"Request for Disposal/Storage of Waste Materials and Equipment" [RFD] Records, 1977-PresentLocation: Active:
Originating Office: Waste Management Division Finding Aids: Document center database Disposition AuthorityDOE/1/9B Series Description: This series consists of request-for-disposal (RFD) forms and any accompanying paperwork, such as analysis forms and shipping manifests since 1977. The forms are completed by various departments whenever a disposition request is made for a collection of waste. The forms include requester name; badge number; plant, division, and department numbers; RFD number; physical state of the waste; container types and ID numbers; weight; indications for polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB], classified, Toxic Substance Control Act [TSCA], Resource Compensation and Recovery Act [RCRA], radioactive, or asbestos waste; primary isotopes of radioactive waste (including quantity, measurement in curies, contamination data [from a Health Physics survey] in disintegrations per minute and millirems per hour (dpm and mRem/h)); shipping name of waste; Department of Energy hazard classification; safety clothing requirements; storage location/final disposition and date; and required signatures.
Forms are differentiated between Verified and Nonverified. Information on a Nonverified form has not been verified as being in the computer database ["KWTARS," the K-25 Waste Tracking and Reporting System]. Once the information is entered in the system, the RFD is put into the Verified files.
Data Elements: 8, 16,89, 120 |