DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
Finding Aids
Epidemiologic Studies
Records Relating to Cesium at the K-25 Plant
Radioactive Waste Disposal Reports, 1961-1962Location: Active:
Originating Office: Health Physics Division Finding Aids: Document center database Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled Series Description: This series consists of excerpts from the Health Physics Division 1961 and 1962 Annual Progress Reports; these deal solely with radioactive waste disposal. The documents consist mainly of various division reports describing ongoing activities and experiments. Cesium-contaminated waste was a major concern, and articles within the reports discuss low-level waste water treatment, the White Oak Creek Drainage Basin, the Clinch River, sorption studies, soil column studies, hydrofracture, ion exchange, and cooperative efforts with outside individuals and organizations. Cesium measurement units vary depending on the study or experiment being discussed, but are usually in curies or microcuries (Ci or uCi).
Data Elements: 89, 103, 118, 124 |