DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
Finding Aids
Records Relating to Cesium at the K-25 Plant General |
[Compilation of] Historical Background on Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL] Pits and Trenches: 1. Liquid Waste Disposal at ORNL, [no date]Location: Active:
Originating Office:Unknown Finding Aids: Document center database Disposition AuthorityUnscheduled Series Description: This draft document appears to be a compilation of other documents and excerpts of narratives and data charts which tell the history of liquid waste disposal at ORNL. Each of the pits and trenches is described in detail, with operation dates, volume, gallons of waste, and amount of activity, in curies (Ci), delineated by radiochemical. Diagrams indicate the location of each pit and trench. A representative table indicates the number of gallons of waste sent each month, from October 1962 to April 1966, to each area and the amount of radionuclides present.
Data Elements: 89, 120, 124 |