DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: What's New Finding Aids |
Finding Aids
Electonic Records |
Location: Active: HEHF, 3000 Area, Building 3090, Room 237
Originating Office: Operations Analysis Department, HEHF Disposition Authority: DOE (1988) 1.3 File Description: The files contained in this series comprise the Mortality Study Database (MORT) developed by Hanford Environmental Health Foundation (HEHF). HEHF gathered this data and Pacific Northwest Laboratory has included portions of the data as part of the Hanford Health and Mortality System. The MORT system provides the following types of information: social security numbers, names, sex, race, birth and death dates, causes of death, death certificate sources, occupational histories, and injury codes. This system has been taken off-line and is available from HEHF on 3-1/2 inch disks.
For related records and files, see Hanford Mortality (HMO) File Documentation Records, 1979, 1984-1994; HMOEX98_ASSOC.DAT [aka HMO91]; HMOJUN91.DAT [aka HMO91]; HMOJUN91_SS.SRT [aka HMO91]; Mortality Study Database (MORT) Modification Records, 1991-1993; and Mortality Study Database (MORT) Reports, 1986-1987, 1992-1993.
Data Elements: 7-8, 17, 20-21, 38, 53-55