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Record Series Descriptions
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Records Series Descriptions
Idaho Sites

Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) 
SERIES TITLE Chief Counsel Office Subject Files 
INCLUSIVE DATES 1949 present 
ARRANGEMENT Subject Filing Code 
            Alphabetical by subject (in parts) 
VOLUME 60 cubic feet 
This series documents the full range of legal activities carried out at the Idaho site. 
The records cover a variety of topics including, among others, grazing claims and 
land acquisition files; radiation claims; information on the hazards of low-level 
radiation; contractor proposals; AEC correspondence; and waste disposal. The records 
include memorandums, correspondence, reports, legal documents and exhibits, 
publications, and conference and symposium materials. Three boxes from this series have been 
transferred into the custody of the National Archives Branch in Seattle. 
INEL, Central Facilities Area (CFA) 
Building CFA 674 E 
Idaho Falls, ID 83401 
Federal Records Center and National Archives 
Seattle, WA 98115