DOE Shield DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project
Record Series Descriptions
Roadmap to the Project
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Records Series Descriptions
Hanford Site

Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) 
SERIES TITLE Human Subjects Records Search, Retrieval Review and Release Project 
INCLUSIVE DATES 1993 present 
ARRANGEMENT Project Case File 
VOLUME 15 cubic feet 
This series documents the Human Subjects Records Search, Retrieval, Review & 
Release Project. It includes master and redacted copies of documents pertinent to 
human radiation experiments, documentation about record searches, and DOE PNL 
correspondence. It contains documentation on the following human radiation experiments: 
a tritium study, the Walla Walla prisoner study, a promethium study, and 
Hanford intentional releases of radiation. The series consists of notes, drafts, indexes, 
finding aids, reference material, reports, articles, oral histories, letters, and 
memorandums. An electronic finding aid is available. 
RESTRICTIONS This series contains privacy material.  
Pacific Northwest Laboratory 
Richland, WA 99352